Episode 06

「巴日のむこう」 (Tomoebi no Mukou)
“Beyond Tomoebi”

You have to have SOME swimsuit time with a show that centers around water, right?

Though I’ve heard a lot of criticism toward the melodramatic nature of the last couple of episodes of Nagi, I haven’t felt hugely alienated by any of it myself. That’s probably because I don’t expect much different from a show under Mari Okada’s name; as Enzo-senpai so deftly summarized in this week’s podcast, she’s like a surgeon who goes into the operating room with a chainsaw. There are exceptions of course, and sometimes she controls her overwhelmingly emotional style better than other times, but even though her chainsaw was definitely revving this episode and last, I find it easier, personally, to connect to something overly emotional than not emotionally enough. For all the waterworks and drama we’ve been getting, I still really enjoy Nagi, and I actually find the emotional flood pretty appropriate. Why? Because we’re dealing with a bunch of middle school kids. Middle school kids who also have to deal with real social problems.

If there’s one thing I can remember from being this age, it’s the embarrassing amount of melodrama in everyday life. Relationships with friends, with family, learning to live with the difficulties of puberty and dealing with growing up, everything seemed extra complicated and anything that went wrong could easily feel like the end of the world. I was an especially emotional child (and I’m still overly emotional, I’m afraid), so I can say that even the smallest things could set off my dramatic tendencies. Tears were not in short supply, and so I can kind of see why Manaka, Chisaki, and the others are all so prone to acting like this and tend to overkill. Relationships are always hard. When you’re young, they’re even worse. Chisaki’s pain now that Manaka has heard her secret is something we’ve probably all experienced to some extent, though clearly under different circumstances. She doesn’t want to be selfish and hurt Hikari since he is already in love with Manaka. That’s a common romantic theme in youth, giving up one’s love for the sake of that person’s happiness, though it’s not necessarily a healthy one. It’s also made worse by the fact that Manaka clearly wants to help Chisaki in getting through to Hikari. For Chisaki, it can almost seem like a slap in the face, that the rival she can’t hate continues to show how special she is through her caring naivety.

The fanservice aside, this episode was also another breathtakingly beautiful one, and I think the sea is definitely the perfect setting for a world where so much melancholy and melodrama exist. The tomoebi scenery fit perfectly with all the tears and angst, and even serves to create a mellower atmosphere. I definitely think Okada and the Nagi team are manipulating and wringing all the emotional turmoil from this that they can, but if you sign up for a steak (a salty one streaked with tears), you might as well eat it and enjoy it, I feel.

Episode 07

「おふねひきゆれて」 (Ofunehiki Yurete)
“The Shaking Ofunehiki”

Change is inevitable, as is growing up.

Despite finding the drama of the last few episodes perfectly adequate for the tone and style of the series (and of course, for Okada), this was definitely more effective as far as emotional and dramatic investment go. There is definitely a lot happening this week, and while things seem to have been focusing on the microcosm of the sea and land issues recently through the children and their growth, this time we’ve moved to the bigger picture. It’s no surprise that something more political and prejudiced like the relationship between the adults of each community should be more difficult to deal with than those issues between young people, but it is a rather fitting irony that the adults are acting more immature about their problems than the kids, even if there are a lot more tears on the part of the children.

It’s actually rather fitting that Hikari has matured so much from the incredibly hot-headed youth we first knew him as, and in some ways he’s come to accept some of the things out of his control. He, somewhat like Chisaki, has realized the futility of holding on to something that’s slipping beneath his fingers, and he’s accepted Manaka’s feelings for Tsumugu through his sister’s experience with Miuna’s father. It’s not about getting Manaka to look his way anymore; it’s about doing something to make her happy regardless of the returns in his favor. His determination and hard-headed attitude is now being used more productively and for someone else’s sake, and that shows a lot of progress. Unfortunately, determination isn’t enough to resolutely change anyone or anything but yourself.

The hatred between the sea and land proves to be too difficult to mediate simply because the children wish for it, and Hikari’s father seems particularly stalwart about his position in the matter. There is definitely something more to his resolute refusal to mediate on behalf of his children, and I don’t think it’s because he doesn’t wish them to live happy lives however they see fit. I’m not even sure I would say it’s purely because he hates the land or is too prejudiced to change; Uroko-sama and the sea god definitely seem to have something to do with it, though it seems like it could be some time until we understand why. I’m sure it has everything to do with the sea’s population problem, however, and little to do with the kids following their hearts. As Uroko-sama said in a past episode “we can’t let the land have more people of the sea”, and I don’t doubt this is directly or indirectly tied to the fact that few young people remain.

Hikari’s choice to leave with Akari is a little more immature, a run away mechanism to avoid having to deal with his father, but it doesn’t change the siblings’ resolution. They have learned that the sea and the land are not as different as they were brought up to believe, and they’re doing what they can to protect that sentiment. Whether or not that is the right choice is a much more difficult thing to answer.




      1. Not true: the gods only die when there will be no one to worship and remember them. And the sea people who lives on land can still worship the sea god, more so if their primary source of living is related to the sea.

        Gods change form over or gets fused with other gods, such as what we saw when Christianity was raised to power. Same thing happened with the Greek/Roman gods and other religions and mythologies.

      2. Well, as long Peoples are in a different surroundings and so, but remember their God/Gods within their Heart, they are not forgotten.

        In Short, as long there is Faith for the God/Gods, there are Light. or “food” if you want to red it that way.

    1. If you ask me,that Sea God is kind of an asshole for not getting more involved directly instead of putting most of the burden Hikari’s father’s shoulders.Don’t get me wrong here,I’m all for a higher deity letting humans sort out their own issues but if he’s not gonna help then he shouldn’t ask for anything either.

      Let’s not kid ourselves here,Shioshishio’s current situation is pretty bad,so bad that looks like a lost cause to me and I’m surprised that it got this bad in the first place.The Sea god wants to keep Shioshishio alive yet he doesn’t seem to be doing anything to try to keep his people together just demanding.Seeing how the grown men act,I think it’s safe to say that he should’ve personally tried to talk to them more,or use Uroko to do it if can’t manifest himself.

      At this point,the sea people would most likely fare better if they’d all went to the surface.Sure,loosing your culture sucks but the well-being of the people should always come first.

    1. Exchange the “Sea People” with “Peoples living the Old Traditions”, then you get nearly the same. And perhaps the Point of this Anime

      A Fight between, new Life and Old Traditions

      1. Well, i have experience nearly the same, except this Hatred. I just need to recall my own Past, i grown up in a Valley. The Valley today is about to die out, because the youth left their Home to live in the city.The Old ones, dont want to leave their Homes where they stayed their entire Life. But the Young ones, want to go there where there is Work, and welfare for their own Dreams, and not dreams the their “old Parents” hold off.

        See, you can also say it is a Generation problem

        We call it today urbanization/migration into cities. Just look how this can change a culture in a Generation Life, just look to China to understand it. But remember, this Peoples that goes to the Citys, all need Food and other things. So someone must do their Work

      2. in my last case, the “old ones” missed to give the “Young ones” a meaning of life to stay in the Village with Welfare and so. So their Hate here, can also come from their own hopeless way to hold the Young ones in their “World”

        Dont blame the peoples, blame the city’s. Because they suggest the Young ones a better and easier Life for their Children. The Old ones, just missed this Point to realize it

        Okay, enough of Urbanization and their Roots

  1. Uggh you just HAD to take a screenshot of that bleeding toenail. Garr those are painful, and even looking at it (even animated) makes me cringe.

    That aside, Akari deciding to leave the sea wasn’t at all unexpected, but Hikari tagging along too? Of our four ocean protagonists, I suspected him the least to make that sort of step (the thought never actually crossed my mind). Still, it’s great to see our protagonists get some character development (apart from Kaname, who’s too hard to read).

    1. You aren’t the only one. I knew Hikari would eventually accept Akari’s departure, judging by his growth throughout the series so far , but for him to leave too? Never saw that coming , and found that incredibly brave of him. That’s going to be hard on their father though-he’s losing both his children , having already lost his wife. Whatever is up with him will involve a lot of pain.

  2. “I asked mom a long time ago…why she married you. She said, the reason was simple. She married you just because she loved you. When I heard that, I was happy. Because of that, I happened to ask her, what if you were from the surface? And then mom just smiled and said, even then I would still be with your father.”

    Love is simple. Oh man, when Akari said those words, i was like….*tearing*

    onion warrior
  3. last ep was mostly intriguing.
    it moved on to the big picture, yet maintain focus on the character level.
    yes, Okada is a surgeon, but this time she revealed layer by layer the issues in NnA.
    as always, Hikari is under our microscope. it’s not a coincidience it’s hikari. he fits to it perfectly. I think besides Okada being a surgeon, she also a scientist who takes a sample and analyzing every ‘nano’ of it. Hikari is the sample under a special microscope.
    anyway, in Hikari matter, I like the fact she isn’t telling us directly what driving him so much to do that Ofunehiki. she just show it in actions and observing.
    more than that, I don’t think it’s only Manaka that is the motive force toward his eagerness to make the Ofunehiki, it’s everything, those changes in life, everyone around him did such a hard job, he simply felt something after all they have been through with Miuna, the hard work and so on.
    yes, clearly it was mostly Manaka’s behavior who is responsible for his motive-force, but that’s not all of it IMHO.
    I must say, although Hikari is under our microscope, the other gets their time too. sometimes more, sometimes less. last time it was more, this time less, but we did get a glimpse of interaction between Manaka and Chisaki, Chisaki and Tsumugu, Manaka and tsumugu..and so on. so they aren’t being put out of the loop at all.

    however things aren’t as easy. you can’t always get what you want. especially if it’s involving adults, we all know that. and especially from different societies that bears grudge toward each other. that’s another sensitive encounter for us, viewers, with the problems between societies.

    to be honest, I wouldn’t call what’s going on there racism. more like bad education. how can they have such a terrible fight in front of children eyes..it send the wrong message to them.
    and it seems like Hikari and Akari can’t take it anymore.
    I really understand them. it’s tough to live like that with their father who suddenly does nothing when his children need support. it’s hard to me to see reason in the father’s actions. although we, viewers, know he has some secrets(?), I don’t see it as an excuse. first of all you’re a father, after that – fulfil the tribe’s commitments or whatever it is.

    and like it’s not enough, the supernatural mystery coming at end, turned the table.
    I like that the fantasy element came in like that with the mystery. though it still doesn’t feel 100% right for me, I am OK with that.
    I wonder whether Okada will be able to control so much – characters, story, romance-complex, supernatural and mystery. I hope that won’t bring over-melodrama at climax.

    as a whole, NnA course of events is going on the right path, along with many aspects around it. if put under control..this can be a great work of art. I am really looking forward to see what NnA can pull out

      1. I’m agreeing with you on this one. The vibe I got was that Akari and Miuna’s Mum knew each other from way back, school friends or something. The majority of scenes you see are Akari out with the mother and daughter, clearly friends and with Akari having been established very early as being quite maternal. She loved the perfect family, Miuna’s mother seemed to be a close friend, and I don’t think she would have done anything to break it up. I didn’t see it implied anywhere she was sleeping with him while his wife was alive.

  4. That scene at the end of episode 7 was-jaw dropping. Storytelling-wise, that scene was inspired. The animation reach a level I’ve never seen before. If there’s any doubt as to the quality of Nagi no Asukara – lay it to rest. It is amazing!


  5. Aside from all the epic plot, I’m more into Chisaki’s part.

    I mean, I love her. As the story progress so far, Chisaki seems to be portraying more hidden emotions and trying soooo hard to suck it up…ohh the silent pain!

    and about Tsumugu (as i noticed) he’s rather close to Chisaki personally other than Kaname. The way she interact with him, its like, she can freely express her wagamama side…but then forgive me if im the only one who feel this way 😛

    i dont like Itoru…if only he man-up a little, i wouldnt side with the uminohito so much…=___= still doesnt agree about Akari going for him. sigh…

    onion warrior
  6. Episode 6

    Chisaki = Best girl. (https://randomc.net/image/Nagi%20no%20Asukara/Nagi%20no%20Asukara%20-%2006%20-%20Large%2007.jpg)

    And all the guys in class agree.
    As do the girls as well (https://randomc.net/image/Nagi%20no%20Asukara/Nagi%20no%20Asukara%20-%2006%20-%20Large%2010.jpg)

    It was only a few episodes ago where they were still seeing the Sea People with suspicious looks. While Manaka and Hikari started the “peace process” last episode, Chisaki should be credited for unknowingly yet single-handedly changing the attitudes of the rest of those classmates who were still on the fence regarding the Sea People. 😀

    With the inclusion of the two dollies, err, I mean lolis Miuna and Sayu each swooning for Hikari and Kaname respectively, and another classmate hitting on Kaname, the love polygon would now look something like this:

    Hikari <— Miuna (https://randomc.net/image/Nagi%20no%20Asukara/Nagi%20no%20Asukara%20-%2006%20-%20Large%2022.jpg KAWAII)
    Chisaki <— All the guys in class (Bar Tsumugu and Hikari)
    Kaname <— Sayu
    Ponytail Classmate (https://randomc.net/image/Nagi%20no%20Asukara/Nagi%20no%20Asukara%20-%2006%20-%20Large%2019.jpg)

  7. Erm, mind unlocking my post above as soon as you guys have the chance? I may have put a little too many screenshot links, which must have triggered your spam filter. But there’s nothing spammish about it, I assure.

    Since we’re at it, how about relaxing your spam filters a bit so that links to your own INTERNAL SCREENSHOT LINKS would not end up being in your spam filter by mistake next time?

  8. Anyone notice how a passer-by quickly picks up a flyer from the lolis, but Hikari gets ignored and has to put an effort into persuasion into order to get things started.

    Kaname OTOH made good use of his IKEMEN skillz on the housewives. LOL (Tsumugu ought to take a leaf out of him. )

    Speaking of Ikemen, it runs in Tsumugu’s family, I tell ya. Seeing Manaka crying in the street, Gramps decided it’s time he “took a walk” and got off Tsumugu’s bike so Manaka could ride on it. 😀

  9. Hikari’s choice to leave with Akari is a little more immature, a run away mechanism to avoid having to deal with his father

    I actually didn’t see it as being immature. It seemed to me as more of acknowledgement that he couldn’t fix the problem if things stayed as they are. A “I need to step away until I can do something” rather then “I’m running away because I”m mad”.

  10. https://randomc.net/image/Nagi%20no%20Asukara/Nagi%20no%20Asukara%20-%2006%20-%20Large%2010.jpg

    …Really, PA Works? You threw this in?! Come on, anime industry! Stop shoving pointless scenes like this in every anime you make nowadays! We’ve had enough! It serves no purpose! Let anime be DECENT for once! Stop shoving these stupid scenes in every remotely interesting anime you throw out! Take a hint, will you?!

    …rant over. God, I hate it when this happens, and I knew it was going to happen at some point! I’m glad I waited, so now I can drop it.

    1. If your looking for something deep and oscar-award winning, seasonal anime isn’t what you are looking for.

      Frankly I see the scene as a reminder that the kids were at that point where they become aware of their sexuality. Boys talk about/get attracted at a girl’s body, while girls becomes aware of their bodies. It’s pretty natural. It also shows that the situation between the land kids and the sea kids is improving to the point of light skinship.

      But since you said you’re dropping it then good riddance: it’s better we have less edgy people seeking that edge-van-jelly anime.

      1. Are we really going this route? Most of the time arguments of this nature involve people pulling out extremes to make a point and that makes you look just as bad as the person making the whiny comments. If you’re so adamant that people wishing for more EVA, then I’d like to point out you’re wrong and that most of us actually want a middle ground. I’m personally asking for more 500 Days of Summer and less soap opera. And you’re right, this isn’t Oscar-worthy, because this is a soap opera.

        Saying anime isn’t capable of producing Oscar-bait only contributes to the perception problem, but that’s a story for another day.

  11. Definitely wasn’t expecting to see Hikari leave Shioshishio ahead of Manaka. Now he’s the one jumping ahead of everybody else. This is why I like his character so much. His impulsiveness makes him do things you wouldn’t quite expect.

    Honestly, can you really blame Hikari for going with Akari to the surface? His mother’s gone and his sister left, leaving only his stubborn father for company in that empty house. Such a lonely, depressing environment would probably drive him nuts if he had decided to stay. (I know it would me.) In my eyes, he did the most sensible thing by trying to get away from it, but then again, I’ve been through a lot like him as well (I’ve even got a bit of a temper too from my experience), which is why it’s so easy for me to empathize with Hikari’s character. Right now, what he really needs is to be somewhere surrounded by warm, kind, loving people so he can heal and recover.


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