「差し出そう」 (Sashidasou)
“I will Offer Them”

While I may have harbored some resentment toward Midorima and Takao when we first met them way back when, the two have quickly become my second favorite pair in the entire show.

Shutoku, Shutoku, Shutoku!

Even with last week’s episode foreshadowing all the awesome that happened this week, I can’t believe how amped up I got for this episode. With Midorima finally showing just how much he’s grown by believing in his team and whole heartily putting his faith into them, it surprised me a bit to see the once self-centered green haired jerk turn into someone who could inspire his whole team to rally together in a time of need. Then again, seeing Midorima preemptively enter his shooting position while waiting for Takao to pass him the ball was pretty impressive (and also gave off a rather Haikuu kind of vibe!).

Bow Down to the Emperor

But even with Shutoku managing to claw their way back from the brinks of defeat, it’s scary to think about how quickly Akashi managed to (or I suppose how far in advanced Akashi planned?) bring things back into line. Because if self-scoring on himself wasn’t bad enough, who the heck jokes about gouging their eyes out when it’s their trump card? I guess joking about it would have been okay had it been anyone else but it’s kind of creepy almost knowing that Akashi might have done it if things somehow didn’t end up going his way. That and if Haizaki was supposed to be the definition of a character that made you angry and/or wanted to slap across the face, Akashi is doing a fantastic job at being downright scary. I was almost going to say terrifying but I’ll save that for the moment he’s able to overcome plot armor and defeats Seirin. That is, if Seirin can even make it past Kise and Kaijo.

Looking Ahead

I tend to tell my friends that Kurobasu is the show that fills the void that Haikyuu left (I was never a big on Prince of Tennis or Yowamushi Pedal) after it came to such an abrupt end — and I stand by it! This show may have its ups and downs but you have to give it credit for being able to keep us on the edge of our seats even when our “main” team is on the sidelines. And luckily for us, it looks like Seirin is amped up and ready to play! It’s been a while since we’ve seen our guys in action but I’m sure they’re hankering to play as badly as we want them to.

See you next week!




      1. No, I think Midorima is the weakest, not Kise. Now that I think about Shutoku lost every single game against a team with a member of the Generation of Miracles, or tied.

  1. Akashi:I will gouge out both of my eyeballs, and I will offer them to you.

    We’ve finally figured out how to stop Akasihi. By plucking out his Emperor Eye. We need those scissors. ✄

    Not yet. Don’t give up! Falling down is not an embarassment! True embarassment is not standing up after such a fall!

    Midorima showing us the true meaning of strength.

      1. Me, too. Out of all the skills, the zone is the one I dislike with a passion, because it makes things incredibly convenient and takes away the witty and tactical side of the games, which is what I enjoy the most from Kuroko no Basuke.

  2. I’m loving the adaptation so far. The soundtrack is awesome!

    Then again, seeing Midorima preemptively enter his shooting position while waiting for Takao to pass him the ball was pretty impressive (and also gave off a rather Haikuu kind of vibe!).

    Definitely a Haikyuu’s vibe there…It shows a change in Midorima and that’s a good thing.Now, to the next week’s match!!!
    Kaijou~!!! <3

  3. Overall, I would say this match was well done, even better than the manga with all the beautiful imagery and a brilliant soundtrack. Episode 5 is still my top favourite.

    Akashi may be an over the top, menacing character, but he’s certainly a welcomed contrast to the good-nature characters of this show, not to mention that he’s very well designed.

    Akashi: Sleep, veteran king.
    Me: Akashi, sing me a lullaby. XD

  4. random viewer
  5. I tend to tell my friend that Kurobasu is the show that fills the void that Haikyuu

    Interesting. For me it’s the opposite since I’ve been following the anime since 2012. I watched Haikyuu while waiting for Season 3.

    1. Nothing could fill the void for me when season 2 came to an end and then in September the manga finished, so imagine the months of heartbreak. There are many series I love, but they were different in terms of entertainment value and fulfillment that Kuroko no Basuke had.

  6. Show Spoiler ▼

  7. I’ve enjoyed this series since the first season, but Akashi is bringing it down for me. It’s like he’s stepped out of Naruto or Bleach. I’ve never had a problem with the show being over-the-top, but this is too much. The guy is Aizen with Uchiha eyes. Seriously, it’s absurd. Not to mention how much of a drama queen the guy is, too.


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