「なによりとびきり好きだから」 (Naniyori Tobikiri Sukidakara)
“Because I Love You More Than Anything”

Coming back to where everything started, I suppose it’s rather fitting that our final episode would be mostly in England. Not going out of its way to do anything spectacular, the season finale felt more like a polite good bye rather than an overwhelming send off. So without further ado, let’s jump straight into the final impressions shall we?

Final Impressions

For its second season, I think Kiniro Mosaic had a pretty strong showing. Bringing back everything that made it such a fun show to watch and adding a couple unique pieces to the mix, we dove deeper into the friendships between all of our friends while discovering some of the hidden feelings that are hiding amongst them.

Something that I thought was really nice to see more of this season was Aya trying to deal with her feelings for Youko. Part admiration and part lovey-dovey, I couldn’t get over just how cute she was every time the tsundere came out. Normally the most calm and stable person of the group, watching her get caught up in her imagination and then completely blaming it on Youko will never get old. That said, I wouldn’t have mind seeing her try to be a bit more honest about it all. Everyone besides Youko can clearly see what’s going on and I’d love to see how Youko would handle such a situation. In any case, I’m glad that Aya finally got some well deserved screen time!

Then you have Alice and Shino who managed to take their friendship to a whole new level. Going into super cuddle mode at a moment’s notice, it was fun to see the two really show us just how important they are to one another. Sure, it might have gotten a bit out of hand at times, there’s no denying which two characters could be considered this show’s “main” characters.

Which leads us into Karen and her new partner in crime Honoka. Getting introduced rather late, Honoka was a breath of fresh air that managed to keep things from going stale. Falling somewhere in-between Youko and Shino in terms of personality, I loved everything about her. While I’ll never truly understand why her unique skill has to be the ability to balance on any round object, there’s always more room for the blonde hair brigade! And when it comes to Karen, she was just as devilish as I remembered her. Never giving up any opportunity to unleash some sort of joke, she always knew how to keep us giggling.

And let’s not forget our two favorite teachers! Karasuma-sensei took more of a backseat role this season but still managed to unleash her cute but awkward personality on us. I don’t think I’ll ever forget her insane decision to don a full-sized rabbit costume in the scorching summer heat! On the other hand we were also introduced to the amazing Kuzehashi-sensei. A true softy on the inside, it was fun watching her try to break out of her shell as she grew closer with our entire cast. That and I’m glad there was finally someone who managed to scold Karen here and there.

All in all, I think this second season managed to bring back all the charm we wanted while spicing things up in just the right places. With the introduction of some new characters and the focus shifting to people beside Shino and Alice, there was rarely a dull moment to be found. If I were to complain about one thing, I would have wanted to see a bit more Asami (Spoiler: I love Asami.). I guess I can’t really complain too much since we did get a whole episode dedicated to her.

So yeah, two thumbs up from me! Thanks for coming along for the ride and I hope you enjoyed the posts!


  1. I thought it was cute to bring back the “Hello” and “Konichiwa” conversation, just like their first meeting 3 years ago.

    The new characters of Honoka and Kuzehashi-sensei are great for rounding out the main cast, especially the fan-favorite Karen.

    Overall, this is a great second season and a great series in general. Highly recommended to anybody looking for a cute fluffy show to pass the time.


  2. http://images.randomc.net/Kiniro%20Mosaic/Hello%20Kiniro%20Mosaic%20-%2012%20-%20Large%2001.jpg
    My initial reaction: What happened to her eyes? Didn’t realize who that was until she pulled off the wig, I had assumed Alice had begun hallucinating from Shino Deficiency Syndrome.

    I wanna watch the rest of this video!

    Protip: Look at her elbow, Kusshi-sensei!

    Loved how Karen just hung up after finishing her discussion, without even checking with Alice.

    Completely forgot that Shino wants to be an interpreter since she’s so bad with English.

    I was kinda confused about whether they were speaking in Japanese even in England, since there were times when Alice’s mother was speaking Japanese when she would have no reason to. Not sure if they didn’t want to put in too much English, but at least they’ve been decent with pronunciation in both seasons.

    Hope we get more Kinmosa! Thanks for your coverage, Takaii!

    1. If you watched the first season, you know that the mom can speak Japanese fluently. I think she’s just trying to accommodate her daughter and Karen who spoke Japanese the whole time. The dad, however, can’t speak Japanese, so she tried to speak English during dinner.

      Man, I’m so gonna miss this series. And Karen of course. Can’t wait for season 3! Thanks for covering the series Takaii.

  3. definitely hoping for a third season. and i want to see the whole gang in UK. that would be a fitting ending to the series as a whole. they started with shino coming to UK, they should end it with EVERYONE in UK. and more HONOKA!!!!!

    — tons of good anime are ending this week (not to mention that expected heart wrecking plastic memories final episode) and it would be awhile before we get the summer batch of anime. SADNESS AND BOREDOM…

    The Last Idiot
  4. Just seeing the first few seconds of the episode and already I’m wishing for a 3rd Season. Everyone will be missed but I’m especially particular with Kusshi-sensei. Also anyone else thought the English speaking improved a bit? Not to mention the seiyuus tried adding a bit of British accents in there.


    This has got to be my most favorite scene in the episode, probably even in the whole series. Even if she’s all excited to see Shino again, Alice never forgot there’s someone just as precious that she’s gonna leave behind in England. It’s so touching Manly Tears were almost shed!

    Falling somewhere in-between Youko and Shino in terms of personality, I loved everything about her.

    I actually thought there’s a bit of Aya in there too. Whenever Honoka gets all nervous and clumsy when she’s around Karen, it’s like seeing another Ayaya.

    1. The show isn’t about Shino and her mom, but that one moment right there showed why Alice wanted to go home so bad. She NEVER gets to her her own mother!! And even when she visits again, it’s only for a few short days and then it’s over. And in a cycle we repeat. ;___; It’s never easy living in a new country.

    2. After I rewatched the scene, it looked to me Alice’s mom was also holding back crying. She really wanted to see Alice off with a smile as much as she can. Awesome mom!

  5. Thanks for covering this, Takaii. I know Hello! Kiniro Mosaic doesn’t get as much love as the other, more popular series this season, but what’s important is that I enjoyed it for what it is–a light, fluffy, WAFF-y and sometimes funny show with really likeable characters–and then some.

    Hope to see you cover Wakaba Girl this summer. Though from what I read about the series, I can’t help but be reminded of Super GALS! since the main character of Wakaba Girl is a fan of the gyaru subculture.

  6. Thank God there should be an OVA coming up, because I don’t think I can take my anime fix without these girls. On the surface, this anime didn’t do anything new that other slice of life anime didn’t do before, but they know it’s all about how well developed the characters are, and this season in particular really made us fall in love with them!

  7. Personally, I think this show was even better than the first season, a part of that thanks to the addition of the new cast; especially Kuzehashi-sensei. Her interactions with Karen were always a lot of fun. And the comedy this season worked much better, IMO, too.

    Gonna miss this one. Shino’s love for blonde girls is always amusing. Here’s hoping for a 3rd season. It was a very cute and funny show.

    Thanks for blogging it, Takaii.

  8. This made me smile each week ! It never got stale ! i would like to see all the girls go to England!

    The nicest moment Alice hugged her mom / she eally loves her!

    And thanks for covering I made me feel waching this is good !

  9. I’m going to predict that Alice’s family decides to move to Japan in season 3. Her mother seemed like she was really taking note of Alice’s attachment to Japan and Shino. Which means season 3 for Fall 2015? I’ll be super happy?! Please!!!

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