「仮面」 (Kamen)

This episode has a message, and it makes sure it gets it across: War is hell.

Slow? No, Deliberate

Through much of this episode, I thought the pacing was slow. Oddly so, since they took out the OP to have more time. They showed what each of the generals, and the Akuruturuka (mask wearers) in particular, could do, but they did it so slowly as to cut out any excitement. Take Munechika—if they had used half the time they spent on her battle, it would have been exciting even as a curbstomp battle. But it wasn’t. It was just brutal. And they kept showing the most devastating attacks three times, to get across just how powerful they were.

It came to me by the end of the episode. I don’t believe this was a mistake. I think the slow pacing was deliberate, and it had a very specific purpose behind it. It wouldn’t have fit into the theme if the fighting was exciting. War, Itsuwari no Kamen seems to be saying, isn’t exciting. It isn’t fun. It isn’t glorious. War is hell. It’s been said a hundred times, but we still like war stories. They’re still exciting, if they’re told the right way. This episode seems designed to disabuse us of that fallacy, and to finally give Haku something to believe in. War is hell, Haku now knows. So why the heck do people do it?

Moral Wars

The other thing this episode does is impress upon the viewer who exactly the good guys are in this conflict: Nobody. There are no heroes here, except perhaps Rurutie for her actions last episode. But as for Yamato and the Uzuurussha, there is no good side and no evil side. There are just sides. Everyone always thinks they’re the heroes, that their cause is just—and here, I believe that Yamato’s cause was just, to shove invaders out of their land. (We don’t really know about the Uzuurussha.) But the way they did it, with Vurai turning into a hammerhead dragon-titan and razing one of their own cities … those aren’t the actions of the good guys, are they? And Oshutoru didn’t offer surrender to a man as loyal as Zeguni. (The Terminator eyes don’t help either.) Yamato’s not the good guys here. They’re just a bunch of guys.

Looking Ahead

It’s fitting that the final scene before the ED ended with silence in the soundtrack, because that’s what’s in my head as I process this episode. It’s not that it’s astounding, and it actually wasn’t all that entertaining. I just feel as if this is a theme I ought to absorb. Next week it looks like we’re back to fun fun times, and for once, they’ll feel somewhat earned. Even if I suspect that Haku won’t be as up for playing as he was in the past.

tl;dr: @StiltsOutLoud – There are no heroes, no villains. There are just two sides. Though Vurai is a monster in more ways than one #utaware s2e15

Random thoughts:

  • How the hell did he have a blade in his arm when he used that arm to hold his sword beforehand? Oh, and it bent like an arm.
  • Yakutowaruto joining the team isn’t as fun when Ougi tries to flagrantly recruit him earlier in the episode. It still wouldn’t be surprising, but c’mon. Let him spring it on us (and Haku).
  • If you look closely, it looks like Oshutoru might have regular human ears. Or at least the type that are closer to a regular human’s, like Mikazuchi’s or Vurai’s. If we hadn’t seen his tail when he was naked (as Ukon), I’d wonder if he wasn’t a regular human after all.
  • The only laugh out loud moment of the episode: “But this is not a retreat! It’s a change of direction!” Way to sound like a middle schooler.
  • Looks like Vurai wants to kill Haku after all. Which is fine, ’cause I’d like to see someone take out Vurai. Dude is dangerous, to understate things massively.

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  1. It’s also important to note that the generals continuously repeated the line, “The emperor has ordered your deaths” before carrying out their massacre.

    The way they did it made it feel like carrying out the emperor’s command was their primary objective and justification, rather than protecting the Yamato people.

    Their loyalties are all at a level of fanaticism, it seems.

    1. True. Though it should be noted that ancient peoples were almost always fanatics by today’s standards. That’s particularly true when it comes to religion, but it’s true in other areas as well. The lack of freely flowing information and much more simplistic justice codes (do what we [the state] says or die, mostly) will do that.

      1. To be fair they are not an ancient society, the setting of Utawarerumono is at least 2 or 3 thousand years in the future, it´s just that Old Humanity is gone and the New Humanity started from zero thanks to Witsarunemitea and that worries me a lot, the Emperor looks like a suvivor of the Old Humanity and 99% of them were scum as Iceman and their maker Witsarunemitea can confirm so makes me wonder if building Yamato and creating those insanely powerful maks is just part of some insane plot. Last time humans play around with the powers of Witsarunemitea it ended very bad for them.

    2. Building off what Stilts said, it’s only fanaticism by our modern standards. Most ancient and medieval elite saw their citizens as a resource, there to be used and (more often than not) abused–if one dies there is always another. The eastern kingdoms (ex. Persia, Egypt, China) especially took this line: at any given rung of the hierarchy a person’s loyalty was to their leader, who in turn was loyal to theirs, up to the king who embodied the state itself. Citizens who were captured and enslaved belonged to their conquerors–to their homeland they were effectively dead men walking. If they end up back under their homeland’s rule all is fine, but if they interfere with their homeland (even unintentionally, like being present in a the midst of a battle) and die then too bad for them.

      By historical standards the generals’ actions are realistic. Have to remember that human rights and the sanctity of life is a modern concept.

    3. There definitely was a “following orders” justification theme. Still, there’s some gray area here if you consider Vurai’s situation and actions vs. Oshutoru and Zeguni. Starting with the latter, Zeguni is a veteran warrior and commander of enemy forces. He’s a soldier on the battlefield and a good/competent one at that. Emperor said enemy has to die, and it’s pretty clear that Zeguni falls into the “enemy” category. It’s also a bit strategic in that you take out a good enemy commander. Pretty clear the Uzuurussha haven’t given up completely.

      Vurai twists things (based upon side commentary). Former Yamato civilians are “betrayers” and thus the “enemy” because they either got captured and/or fought because their family was held hostage. His interpretation of “enemies” is broader, and starkly contrasts with Haku. The Sword Master did fight on the other side – right? Yet now he’s on Team Haku whereas Virai would try to kill him as an unquestionable enemy (probably also a “betrayal” that the Sword Master didn’t accept the emperor’s offer before). What’s a bit interesting is that there’s also a contrast IMO between what Oshutoru might have done in Haku’s situation. I’m not entirely sure that he would have let the Sword Master live (what is that dude’s name?).

      @Stilts @Pancakes: Fair enough on the ancient cultures/realism aspect. However, I have to question the political astuteness (PR if you will) move here. Better to be a hero than a tyrant that thinks your subjects are simply disposable units. Maybe I’m making too much of this, but it’s hard to ignore that “but the emperor wouldn’t want this” comment. Seems to me that a lot of this is geared towards “Vurai’s an ass****” as much as realism in ancient culture. I find it very hard to believe that Vurai and his troops couldn’t have handled the situation in a less WMD way. JMO though.

      1. The sword master’s name is Yakutowaruto.

        I’d just say that PR doesn’t matter as much when you’re the immortal, absolute emperor of a powerful (and by all indications secure) empire, and when you almost certainly do (or can) control the flow of information within, and to a degree outside of, your realm. PR becomes more a matter of fiction than fact manipulation at that point.

      2. As far as Vurai goes, that really is a case of fanaticism. Fanaticism among fanatics. No one told him to go that far, he just did it himself because he knew no one would come out and say he was wrong. He has the power, he uses it, and the Emperor doesn’t care about the “how” as long as it gets results, so the other generals stay quiet. It’s an oversight problem, and since the Emperor doesn’t care, it’ll continue. It’d be nice if they clued us in on why he’s such a fanatic, though.

      3. @Stilts: Thanks for the name. Eh, “PR” might not be the right term I’m looking for. Kind of struggling here to convey my thoughts. Historically, it’s not a great idea to upset the general population. Obviously long ago, rulers had a lot more latitude, but regimes/houses did fall now and then. Dorian S. below raises a good point. The emperor is “immortal”, but I wonder if it’s more “very long lived” rather than in the true sense of the word. He certainly doesn’t seem all powerful himself (he’s wheelchair bound, isn’t he?). Looks like an old guy to me, but perhaps that’s an act.

        As for the “flow of information”, there were survivors so the news is going get out. People will talk, and it’s hard to control word of mouth news. In the end, probably no repercussions. Still, I think it could have been handed better, and as a result, the people think better of the emperor for it. As I mentioned, curious to see what, if anything, the emperor’s response is to Vurai’s actions.

        @Aex: That’s the thing though. Again, maybe I’m reading into that one line too much, but I’m not so sure the emperor “doesn’t care” about the “how” when it affects Yamato citizens. You may be right, but I’m not entirely sure at this point. But yeah, as long as the emperor (or the other generals) don’t say anything, Vurai’s got carte blanche for these matters. Perhaps the seeds of discord are now sown. Haku, for one, didn’t seem happy about it, and the emperor does like Haku.

      1. Pffft, the strong countries always seem overpowered—until someone attacks them, and you realize that they’ve been rotting on the inside for decades, and suddenly the whole house of cards comes crashing down. Same is true for companies, by the way.

      2. it happens in real life all the time. Think about it. If ISIS were to challenge America in open warfare like the uruusians did to yamato, they be wiped out about as fast as the barbarians by yamato if not faster. America’s military might and technological advantage is considered pretty OP by the international circle yet third world organization still attack it.

        yamato is not indestructible, its got its share of problems and you know what they say, the more crutches you uses the more it hurts when they are kicked out from under you.

  2. Damn son! I’m pretty sure some people didn’t expect how that Zeguni guy die. It reminds of “that” certain scene in the prequel…
    Also how many “repeated scene in a different POV”(xD) do we got? that death scene and Micheal Bay explosion

  3. I sure wasn’t expexting that when Stilts pointed out Vurai being dangerous two weeks ago…
    Also didn’t expect Munechika’s title as the ultimate wall to be so literal.

    I found it interesting that Kuon apparently made some kind of deal with Yakutowaruto without Haku knowing.

  4. To quote someone on reddit:

    “War isn’t about numbers, it’s about using cheat-like abilities like far sight, and turning into massive monsters that can destroy mountains and cities by themselves and using a massive force field out of nowhere to crush your enemies. Wait, what’s strategy? Psssh! HAH! Strategy, who uses STRATEGY?! LOL!!”

    1. Yes they had the power, but as show in detail they also had strategy and tactics deploying their units to wipe out smaller units, find out where the enemy was, and mop up after all the big 8 could not be everywhere. Heavy Object done real, the objects rolling but fully supported by a Army. As discussed on TV tropes this is what a Army always should try to do, totally curb stomp the enemy. Here both overwhelming power and overwhelming tactics and strategy were used.

      This is civilizations power when at their high points. Except for new technology or fighting style civilizations are normally always more powerful than the barbarians, it’s when civilizations decline or neglect their military side and borders that the barbarians rule. Here like often it civil war that often are the serious fights.

    2. For much of the episode, I was disappointed precisely because they had so many overpowered magics. It was too much. They were too powerful. How was this interesting?

      Until I realized that was more or less the point. As Aex says, this isn’t war. It’s annihilation.

  5. so, the entire Uzurusha invasion just melted when all the REAL generals showed up. Talk about curb-stomp-battle… Use of overkill firepower has its long tradition in wars , though. “We’re gonna liberate this town even if we have to raze it to the ground”- US officer in Vietnam.
    There is a subtle difference, though, between for example Munechika who gives Uzursuhans warning to retreat, or otherwise suffer her destructive powers, and between callous , unfeeling destruction wrought by Vurai.
    Haku and his band of misfits by comparison seem paragons of humanity, aiming to protect innocents and offering surrender to Uzurushans locked inside fortress. It is probably well that enemy refused that offer, because otherwise we would see our young characters even more crushed by vurai slaughtering captives (I am 100% sure he would do that).
    Last but not least, the line about captives not being of Yamato anymore reminded me the WW2 “no surrender” policy of Imperial Japan which led to catastrophic death casualties on the battlefields.

  6. “Slow? No, Deliberate” No question it was deliberate. I mean, those “3-peat” attacks were there for a reason, and the frankly, the primary message I got was “Yamato be hax”, down to terminator archers whose arrows could unfailingly navigate through trees and branches. No question there was the “war is hell” message as well – said it outright. Still, to be honest, for all the “action”, I found this episode kind of a boring. I agree with Stilts is that the pacing was too slow, but “deliberate” doesn’t validate the problem IMO.

    I mean, the generals kicked ass before even turning into giant monsters. 3000 soldiers… each? No problem. Don’t even need to get all monstery. GATE, also has it’s curb-stomps, but it doesn’t belabor the point to such a degree. The “war is hell” part was fine for the most part. The twin messages are simple/easy to understand, and IMO a more succinct presentation would have not only offered better viewing, but just as effective if not more so.

    Vurai’s “screw collateral damage” policy was not a surprise given his character, though the “reason” of “lack of loyalty” was eye-rolling. Yeah, those damn, “unloyal” non-combatant women and children. How dare they surrender to armed soldiers! *sigh* Part of that scene was probably intended to add to the “war is hell” message, but if so, killing your own countryman without a second thought again belabors the point. Not like you had a barbarian invasion killing people and taking hostages or something. >_> Anyway, right or wrong, I took that scene more towards making a statement about Vurai character. I suspect that Oshutoru would have handled the situation differently. Wonder if the emperor has any thoughts on Vurai’s “strategy” or not.

    Potentially the most interesting part of this episode is what effect, if any, Haku’s experience will have. Is it a water-shed moment for him – potentially leading up to some conflict with Vurai? Haku’s been quite the reluctant protagonist so far – being dragged into pretty much everything not involving a meal or a bath. However, this experience might be the spark which makes him more proactive going forward.


    @Stilts: “The only laugh out loud moment of the episode: “But this is not a retreat! It’s a change of direction!” Way to sound like a middle schooler.”

    Agree, that was a “LOLWAT!?” moment for sure. Also agree about the “sword arm”. HowTF does that work given how he used that arm in a completely normal fashion before? O.o

    “Looks like Vurai wants to kill Haku after all. Which is fine, ’cause I’d like to see someone take out Vurai. Dude is dangerous, to understate things massively.”

    As I noted above, I had a similar thought, but given how hax/OP Vurai was presented, thinking that this won’t be a one-on-one situation. Wasn’t there a quick flashback that showed Oshutoru defeating Vurai before (and Virai wasn’t happy about it)? I’m guessing that’s a little foreshadowing. If someone is going to take down Vurai, it’s most likely another Akuruturuka (and note that this Ep. expressly pointed (unnecessarily) Oshutoru is one). If it’s just Haku defeating Vurai, even with the help of the kawaii wonder-twins, that’s going to require some suspension of disbelief.

    1. I agree with everything you said, though I think the episode not being all that entertaining was part of the point, to better convey the message. Or perhaps I’m giving them too much credit. But it reminds me of Gakkou Gurashi in a way, where I dread starting up and episode (I still haven’t finished it), every episode is NOT fun … but there’s something worthwhile in watching it. Not all fiction is supposed to be entertaining. Sometimes, it’s supposed to say more.

      Though like I said, maybe I’m giving them too much credit.

      1. If the show had started this way, I’d be super inclined to agree that it was all intentional… or if this had been the first series… but it’s really hard to believe the same production company that has literally squandered an entire first cour put that much forethought into this episode… Bits of it? Yes… But I don’t buy the intentionally not entertaining part.

        I want to love this series so badly, the first season was so good… So far the second cour is shaping up but I just can’t help feel disappointed. For example, for an entire season dedicated almost exclusively to character introductions, I still don’t feel like I know most of the cast. I don’t get their motivations. Their story ‘arcs’ were mostly just throwing their personality quirks at us.

      2. @Stilts: I understand what you’re saying, but IMO the presentation/execution wasn’t quite up to par. Personally, I think you can have both – entertaining and a “message”. For one, if it’s entertaining, I’m more likely to pay closer attention to the story and said “message”. You can have both, and I think better fiction and frankly non-fiction does both. I’ve read a number of non-fiction WWII books and watched documentaries which illustrate that “war is hell” just fine. The better “oral history” books and even fiction based off (to some degree or another) real events (e.g. Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers, etc.) I would say are all entertaining, and convey the “message” that war is hell. True, the drier “text book” type books can also convey the message (e.g. stats on conditions and trench foot casualties during the Battle of the Bulge), but I wouldn’t say necessarily better.

        Perhaps I’m being a bit overly critical, but I just think they dropped the ball a bit here. The “message” part was OK, but the other stuff got in the way too much. Lastly, perhaps your right, but yeah, I think you’re giving the show too much credit.

      3. I do agree that ya can do message and entertainment in the same breath. Sometimes doing it that way emphasizes the message more. Sometimes doing it without the entertainment is the better bath to emphasize the message.

        I could be giving them too much credit, but it more or less worked for me. then again, I’m already honor-bound to watch the episode, so it might just not matter as much for me, haha

  7. What. The. Hell.

    What the hell is all this super powered monster madness in this supposed strategic warfare story?? And there’s EIGHT of them!! This really ups the ante from the previous Utawarerumono with just barely one monster in Hakuoro.

    I lost it when Vurai started using Spirit Bombs/Terra Force…..

      1. Haku also having or getting monster powers would be expected, though a bit boring.
        Hope it’s some other hax power if at all.
        What he DOES need to do though, is get more active instead of being dragged around.

      2. I think Haku is normal, but the wonder twins would be his power. Vurai and Dokoponpo called them “Chains”, so I think they are like controllers that can forcefully deactivate the Monster-modes like when they blocked Vurai’s punch.

      3. Now that we know those masks aren’t just for show, the show’s subtitle makes a little more sense. I don’t quite like how they translated it as “The False Faces”, because 仮面 means “mask”, not “face”. So “The False Masks”…that certainly sounds familiar…

    1. I had the same problem with “Kingdom” (which was even worse because it was supposedly inspired by real history) where the generals stop being military leaders and level up to super powered demigods that can take out whole armies single handed. Why do they even bother to bring along regular troops?

      1. We covered this in the Flaw to the Heavy Object anime where supper size weapon tanks rule the battlefield and nothing other than another object can fight them directly (until our hero’s that is). In Heavy Object there is a sever lack of non object troops. You need troops to keep the enemy from sending forces though areas your mega fighters are not in to attack your supplies and rear areas, you need troops to scout and find the enemy, your troops can sneak by enemy heavy hitters and hit their rear and key targets and you need troops to keep clever surprise tricks from being used on your heavy hitters.

  8. If you look closely, it looks like Oshutoru might have regular human ears. Or at least the type that are closer to a regular human’s, like Mikazuchi’s or Vurai’s. If we hadn’t seen his tail when he was naked (as Ukon), I’d wonder if he wasn’t a regular human after all.

    it is all an Illusion of this Mask. We all known how he look when he put this Mask off. Looks like some of them comes with an Face Illusion spell. But… you know surly the original Owner of this face.. come on..

    Stilts edit: Fixed the blockquote for you.

    1. also Vurai will be the “weak point” of the Generals. Why you ask? we saw an scene when our General of the right defeated him right in front of the Emperor eyes. Vurai’s pride is broken, he surly want to “restore” his Honour, and perhaps he plan an revenge against the General of the right, and perhaps on his way he sells out his country or the Emperor (perhaps if he found out that Emperor and Haku are the same race)

      this is only speculation, guys

      1. In fact it was already confirmed by Nekone in this episode that Oshutoru has a similar power.
        What remains to be seen is if his power is even stronger, considering his higher rank.

  9. Having the masked ones as trump cards is quite the escalation from the Show Spoiler ▼

    that a certain country deployed. Having a brilliant strategist is all well and good, but nothing makes his life easier than the ability to deploy such broken powers across multiple fronts.

    As far as Vurai’s actions go, I’d think that if his mindset was well-known among the populace of Yamato, they would be more willing to fight to the death against foreigners. If you’re captured or forced to fight because of hostages and Vurai shows up, you might as well have continued fighting since you’re gonna be dead anyway. I guess you could take your chances and pray that one of the others shows up (and that they aren’t as ruthless), but I’d imagine the “spear” is often the vanguard so you’re probably screwed.

    Couple random thoughts:
    If anyone’s played Age of Mythology, Vurai reminded me of someone cranking out a Titan, except even more OP with some speed and ranged attacks.

    This “sword” reminds me of the weapon that a certain someone wielded in Utawarerumono.

  10. Missed last week but yes Barbarians and almost everyone even in the depths of the Dark Ages use formations to move troops from one place to the other, it’s hard to get anywhere in a mob. Even barely trained serf levies would move in a formation. But like in the movie Brave Heart, other stories and here when the formations meet the organization falls apart and you get disorganized fighting, this often more true with barbarians where personal fighting ability was a focus. It’s the staying in formation in combat every man staying in their assigned place and doing what they are ordered to do without thought to personal safety or glory that allows the power of the train formation to rule. And normally it the professional army that only civilizations could normally form that masters this. After 5 years of training the Roman formations would stay totally silent to allow signals, hard to do in battle. The romans would block with shield and only attack to signals like stab left and every one would stab left opponent instead of the one in front of them. Everyone stays in place going forward only to fill in loses. The front line gets tired fast so at signal the Romans would do the almost impossible in battle and have the front rank step once to side the next rank come forward and the from line go t the rear while everyone stayed in formation. The Romans actually learned a lot of this from Carthage as the Carthage army at first was the only professional force the Romans using for war only militia for the most part.

    Against larger Roman formations of course you often only survivors would reach the roman lines as the Romans massive artillery arm would mow them down before they got close.

    You see this with formation fighting maybe not quite as good in many civilizations forces, the Spartans used a early form of this with front rank blocking and second rank stabing though with spear. The Spartans staying in formation.

    This episode reminded me of the times the barbarians attacked Rome when Rome had it’s act together it always ended with barbarian curb stomping.

    The Romans deployed wall both at the fronts and to protect road networks and provide a second line of walls to the rear basically making fortified cells so that any penetration could be contained. The Romans did not expect the frontier walls to hold, just delay the invaders long enough for the Army to mobilize to deal with the penetration.

    Last episode I’m sure Haku was totally worn out from sewage clean out by day and worn out by the chains at night 😉

    The chains really impressed in the fights.

  11. I was originally going to reply this earlier, but now I’m going place it here:

    Actually the Emperor does care about the situation, that’s why he’s getting Haku involved so as to probably reign in a situation in which he really only has control via loyalties at this point.

    Even if he’s immortal (I’m starting to doubt that), the Emperor has no real power. The power is in the Generals and hence why Vurei can do what he can and the Emperor will acknowledge it as being “correct”. It isn’t that, but it has to happen so as not to cause trouble. He’s basically playing a large game of Jenga and I’m afraid it is going to come crashing down soon.

    Really, I think the Emperor is probably preparing Haku as the next Emperor now that I think about it. He’s given him the Priestesses, the importance of being someone he can casually talk to, etc. These seem to be important steps to having him take over for him. I’m thinking the Emperor realizes that he’s basically the problem with this country. Everyone’s too loyal to him, to loyal in their beliefs, and too unbending in situations.

    In fact I don’t really blame Vurei for being the way he is. I mean, I blame him for the things he’s done, but the country literally seems to push this idealism of itself and how its citizens should be. It amazes me there hasn’t been someone like Vurei before and I mean for the trouble he’s likely going to cause down the road.

    And also remember how that the Emperor was placed on that “sun”, but Haku was the only person in his “galaxy”? That’s what I assumed originally, but I think those lines actually represent his pull towards himself. The gravitational pull that is. I’m sure the Emperor somehow got information about Haku and decided on him becoming the next one. Though, I’m also admitting that there’s probably another reason for Haku, but this is my speculation of what I’ve watched so far.


    I’d like to add that I’m also of the opinion that the entire show is taking a slow pace to make it seem more “real”. Things never happen in a fast manner. They only happen in a fast manner to make things look awesome or special. This is a natural pacing of real life. Sure, we might move ahead in the story and those instances are fast, but the actual stuff we need to see happens in normal life speed so that we can see how life is in this world.

    Just my thoughts on that.

    Dorian S.
    1. The Emperor preparing Haku as a successor is actually an interesting prospect. We now know that the seven generals are extremely loyal and respectful of him, but that doesn’t necessarily apply to his heir. For example, Munechika seems to show more loyalty than respect towards Anju. We also don’t know who exactly “summoned” Haku. Considering how he seems to know Haku, I think he’s on top of the suspect list.

      1. They look like two halves of the same mask, but there seems to be subtle differences in details that suggest that they are merely similar looking. Of course, they could have simply come from an asymmetrical mask, but from appearance, they might not be halves of the same mask.

        On that topic, Oshutoru and Munechika’s masks can be the upper and lower halves of the same mask.

        Incest Emblem
  12. The Akuruturuka seem to be related with Witsarunemitea somehow and that´s really bad, if I remember the fiirst game/anime correctly the Old Humans were beyond insane playing around with the power that created them in the first place and we all know how that story ended, I just hope the New Humanity doesn´t end up commiting the sane mistakes as their predecesors.


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