「学園祭の時間」 (Gakuensai no Jikan)
“School Festival Time”

I don’t even know where to start with this week’s post. What I know for sure though is that this was one fantastic episode.

A Mother’s Love

After feeling a bit let down with last week’s ending, I absolutely loved the way Lerche wrapped things up between Nagisa and his mom. Because after her terrifying introduction last week and subsequent mellowing down, I never expected us to get more than what we got. Amazingly, the crafty minds at Lerche snuck in a huge bombshell of emotions right at the end of the episode. Seeing Nagisa’s mom calmly approach him, acknowledge his growth, and even apologize for her actions hit me so hard in the chest that I had to pause the episode to gather my composure. Because, unlike a lot of other stressed parent-child relationships, you could tell that Nagisa didn’t want to abandon the mother who had done so much for him. He understood that behind all the crazy was a mom who deeply loved her one and only son to the point that it overtook her — and I think she finally realized it.

Anyways, I hope that last scene gave you as much joy as it did for me because it’s moments like those that make anime (at least for me) worth watching.

Life Lessons

Amidst all the fun that everyone was having, you have to hand it to Koro-sensei for incorporating some really important life lessons into this week’s episode. From something simple like using whatever resources you have to the best of your ability to you to more complicated concepts like maintaining the balance of a local ecosystem, the balance between learning and having fun was perfect. But the biggest lesson of all had to be seeing all the connections the class had developed come and support them in their time of need. A culmination of all the goodwill and good feelings that all the members of Class 3E had given out in the past coming full circle. Sure, it may have been assassins, mercenaries, and spoiled rich kids, but they all played a role in helping!

That and I really enjoyed getting to see some old faces who were all pretty cool in their own right.

Looking Ahead

Man, I feel so satisfied after that ending that the next two episodes could be utter garbage and I’d be okay with it. Luckily, things seem to be keeping up a pretty good pace and Koro-sensei has been getting more time to have some inner dialogues! Which hopefully means that we’ll finally get some information about his past. Like how and why he turned into a freaking giant octopus that can move at Mach 20. Catch you next week!




    1. Doesn’t seem like things should necessarily speed up any more than the pace they’ve already set.

      At the current rate of chapters per episode they’ll manage to squeeze the remainder in with a tiny bit of room to spare.

  1. Nothing I can really say that wasn’t already blogged. Definitely one of the best episodes so far.

    (And always referring to Nagisa as a “she” in the review. Nice one, lol. XD)



    And the teasing was cute too (and Karma getting involved shortly after XD). It does make me ship Nagisa and Rio in my mind at times.


    But not enough Ritsu this season!

  2. Takaii, typo time! It should be like this “Seeing Nagisa’s mom calmly approach HIM, acknowledge HIS growth…”, don’t be like his mother and start treating the boy like a girl. XD

  3. With AssClass the divide between entertainment and education sometimes blurs, and though BokuDake is, in my humble opinion, the most well-made, thrilling show this season, AssClass is without any doubt my favourite.

    There’s just so much to love in this episode – Yuuji’s realisation that he should use his privileges for good, the scenes between Nagisa and his mum, how everyone in 3E chipped in to make the stall a success etc. I like that even the more passive characters like Hazama and Hara played a part; the class effort really shone through, imo.

    I wish they had kept the bit about the all-blinding, awesome matsutake mushroom though…that part was hilarious…but that’s just a minor gripe. Great episode! ~

  4. Besides being a thoroughly entertaining series to watch,
    this series has picked some excellent outro music between
    the two seasons. I can’t wait for the outro theme for this
    season to be released! I’ve searched hi and lo on cdjapan
    and no luck!


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