「分裂の時間」 (Bunretsu no Jikan)
“Discord Time”

Boy, if this is how the series is going to be from here on out, I’m going to have to invent a time machine to skip to next Thursday.

To Kill or Not To Kill

After last week’s cliffhanger ending, I thought we’d be in for a rather happy and quirky episode. I mean, after a bombshell like Koro-sensei’s past and what happened to Kaede’s sister, the show would normally return to something more upbeat. Amazingly, this wasn’t the case and we leapt straight back into another super tense and super important situation.

So, after nearly a year of building their relationship with Koro-sensei and realizing just how much it meant to them, I thought it was pretty obvious that someone would suggest trying to save their beloved sensei. I mean, just like Okuda said, if science had the power to create this, it should have the power to remove it as well, right!? And seeing how it looked like the class was about to come to a unanimous decision, I never expected that Nakamura would be the one to voice her concern. A concern that the best way to honor their sensei would be to continue down the path he started them on and give him their best shot at assassinating him. Something that I completely disagreed with at first, but once I gave it a little more thought I started to see the merit in it. Because at his core (or what used to be at his core), he’s a tried and true assassin.

In any case, the ensuing mock civil war was super fun to watch. With everyone fighting as if their life was on the line, it was great to see some lesser seen characters showing off just what they can do. That said, my favorite moment is split between two moments. The first being Kaede’s epic knife fight that led to her about to make an epic mid-air snipe and the second most definitely being Nagisa’s epic quadrakill. Both had their own merits about what made them cool but there’s no denying they were great moments.

Nakamura Rio

Even though it was pretty obvious that they were focusing on her character, I don’t think much really came out of it. I guess the story was trying to show us how she’s grown from being someone who tried to be dumb into someone who’s able to actually do things of her own accord? No matter what it ends up being, I do hope the show capitalizes on this opportunity to show us something special about a character they’re trying to make seem is important.

Looking Ahead

With conflict after conflict coming straight at us, I couldn’t be happier. Especially since these conflicts are tackling some of the biggest questions I’ve had since the first season! In any case, I’ll catch you guys next week when Nagisa and Karma duke it out over what the class is going to do.

End Card


  1. Aww poor Kimura. He was forgotten about at the team pose shots. xD

    At the beginning of the episode I already was thinking that a conflict between Nagisa and Karma would probably be one of the most exciting things to see happen. Then their fight happened and already figured that I was right. Then the stage was set to make it even more grander. Pure Assclass right there.

    But man that move of Nagisa at the end. Twas like an angel of vengeance coming down to lay down his punishment. Proofing once again that you don’t need to be strong for assassination. You just need to be able to kill.

  2. Is it coincidence this particular episode arrives around the same time as Captain America: Civil War with pretty much the same concept? I think not. This was totally badass!!

  3. Hey guys, think about it. If Nagisa is Captain America and Karma is Iron Man, that would make Koro-Sensei the Winter Soldier (Bucky), whom Iron Man is after. The similarities are too strong in this one!!!

  4. I’ve been hyped for this all week and it didn’t disappoint at all. I loved seeing this animated, and I’m super excited to see how the rest of the arc will look next week 🙂

  5. For those who don’t know where did Nagisa learn how to do flying triangle hold. Him and a couple of students attend one of Karasuma after school lessons. It basically a self-defense technique in case any assassin use any of the students as hostage.

    I wish the anime include the dialog right where Nagisa quadrakill Nakamura and the three stooges(the funny thing is that they oppose Nagisa’s idea in the first place lol). That dialogue says Akabane Karma witnessed something terrifying. Strategy, offense and defense as if mocking all these concepts. A God of Death, cloaked in camouflage, sent four people to their graves in the blink of the eye.

    Next episode will be duel between two friends. But before duel, there be a flashback how Karma and Nagisa met each other before they became distant to each other. I do hope the anime doesn’t skip where Show Spoiler ▼


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