「きらいな野菜とコロコログラタン」 (Kiraina Yasai to Korokoro Guratan)
“Hated Vegetables and Bits in Gratin”
Even an adorable show like Amaama can’t escape the clutches of kids and their eternal disgust with vegetables.
Peppers (more specifically, Bell Peppers)
Boy, can I talk about bell peppers. One of my favorite things to eat now-a-days due to their great taste, ease in preparation, and tons of health benefits (comparatively speaking), I clearly remember despising the things growing up. Especially the green ones since they seemed to be the worst out of the bunch (with yellow and orange being my favorites). While I can’t remember it was because how they tasted or how my brain thought they tasted, I fondly remember pushing the things to the side and happily eating everything else that surrounded them. That and I don’t think I ever had the courage to make my dad eat my vegetables, haha!
Which is why seeing Tsumugi deal with her vegetable problems this week felt like a blast from the past. And even if you take out my personal enjoyment from the whole thing, there’s no denying that getting to see more of the less positive side of growing up was a welcome sight. Something that some slice-of-lifes tend to forget about and in turn slowly leads a great story to turn stale.
Random Kotori Friend?
In a rather interesting turn of events, it looks like Kotori actually has some friends! Something I was afraid would become a topic that Kouhei would have to eventually deal with turned into an introduction to what I hope will be a surprise fan favorite. Literally showing up for less than a few minutes to more-or-less provide Kotori some tips on how to prepare vegetables for a kid, I can’t wait to see more of this Kojika Shinobu. With her strong personality and slightly peculiar attitude, I can’t help but feel that she’ll end up being a great character if the story show’s her a little more love.
Looking Ahead
Another episode, another great looking and tasting meal! Toss in how the show isn’t afraid to tackle topics that aren’t necessarily the happiest (or easiest) and is slowly giving us more characters to work with and it looks like we’re all set with a clear direction to move toward.
Anyways, I’ll catch you guys next week where in the worst case there’ll be a lot of Tsumugi adorableness. Later!
The Children food industry (at least in Europe), does it the easier way…
If they want to make this bitter and sour food fo children to eat up, what do they add to it?
Right. they add a lot of Sugar and sweet stuff, to cover this sour and bitter taste.. But i know parents that give their children sweets, like chocolate or cacao, and only sweets… The kinds need stuff to grown up you know, and only sweets is not the right way. it just wreak their thees very fast
even in the Baby food industry you can see many products with added sugar
My mom got us to eat carrots when we were little by candying them. Simmer the carrots in a frypan and when they get “soft” she would add brown sugar and make a glaze.
i know of Kids that add Sugar in their Yogurt…
Sure, Sugar is the “fuel” for the bodies, but also their Venom
Eat your vegetables, kids! They’re good for your health.
I think we have two great cooking-themed anime this season. While Shokugeki no Soma did cooking intensely and up-to-eleven, Amaama to Inazuma is very down-to-earth and heart-warming.
This episode gave me flashbacks of acting the same way as Tsumugi when faced with food I didn’t like. Although unlike Kouhei trying to find a way to accommodate Tsumugi’s tastes I was just told I wasn’t leaving the table until I ate ten bites >>
Never had the experience of having that kind of reaction towards food, the only thing that comes close is not having enthusiasm of eating it and feeling meh after eating it. Maybe its gotta do with having few choices of food when i was growing until grade 1.
…expressions! XD
The eyes of someone who had seen some shite (green peppers).
I LOL when she saw the green pepper on her hamburger steak.
*trembling in a fetal position* “The green peppers….the green peppers….”
There were so many Tsumugi moments (and reactions) in this episode, but the best one was Tsumugi tricking her dad into eating her bell peppers. And…
These two look so good together that if you didn’t know they were just student and teacher you’d think they were a married couple.
Right? I had the same thought seeing those two together. Especially the little moment where Kotori put her hand on his shoulder to point out how Tsumugi was staring into the oven to watch it cook. It was such a couple moment.
Each episode when there’s so much focus on tsumugi, I cant help but think this kid will or die in some way later. Light and fluffy plus depressing moments often lead to those scenes.
My death flag sensors are tingling seriously. I hope I am completely wrong though
Translated interview with the VAs of Amaama:
Bell peppers is actually the go-to Disgusting Vegetable of Japan for little kids. It’s like us with broccoli. http://i.amz.mshcdn.com/OcbcM8t2WaWCr4LHaN0haCHO2Lo=/fit-in/1200×9600/http%3A%2F%2Fmashable.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2015%2F07%2Finside-out.jpg
Though for some reason, when I was a kid, one of the first vegetables I sampled and gobbled up with gusto was broccoli. The others were cauliflower and carrots.
Nutritional sidenote: Green Bell peppers are just immature colored bell peppers (ie the other colors – yellow, red, orange – are considered fully grown).
Personal sidenote: I still hate the ‘bitter melon’ (yes, that’s a vegetable) more than the green pepper since it has a stronger bitter taste.
I love bitter melon.
If you cook it right, it won’t be too bitter.