「伝導アイテム」 (Dendou Aitemu)
“Transmitter Item”

I don’t say it that often, but damn this is a good show.

More General Impressions

I have nothing but praise for this show. It’s characters are great, the subject matter is great, and most importantly the jokes and humor are freaking great. Starting with our beloved SNS-bu and their honorary member, I don’t think I’ve had this much affection for a group of slice-of-life characters since Barakamon. Each girl has their own unique quirk or personality trait and the way they all seem to fit together when they’re interacting feels absolutely perfect. Add in the whole doujin game aspect to that though, and the ways you can use those characters expands exponentially. While I personally haven’t thought of all the scenarios yet, this week had a perfect example of one — the senpai-kouhai dynamic. Fleshing out Shii while simultaneously giving Tama an opportunity to break out of her timid shell, it all came together for a rather surprising “aww” moment right before the halfway point of the episode. Something that came as a great surprise as well as setup the story for the rest of the episode.

All that said, the glue that holds all of this together (or I suppose tides us over) has to be the humor and types of jokes that come out of the SNS-bu. From Kayo nonchalantly getting Tama to read Ayame’s writing out loud to Shii and Yumine going ham on their own respective topics, there’s a wide range of what the girls find funny which in turn provides us multiple opportunities to find a laugh. Something that I think is super important for people who are afraid that they won’t find anything to laugh out throughout an entire episode (unlike myself, I’m sure there are people who don’t appreciate/like Shii’s self-deprecation).

Looking Ahead and My tl;dr

With the SNS-bu making progress on their game and Tama giving it her all as she tries to figure out how to use a tablet, I can’t wait to see how this all plays out. Luckily, it looks like the story is moving rather quickly and isn’t sacrificing anything along the way. In any case, I’ll catch you next week where we’ll get to see more of the best club of the season as well as figure out just how those new characters introduced into the preview are going to play into the making of SNS-bu’s currently unnamed game.

Takaii’s Third Episode tl;dr: WATCH THIS SHOW. It’s great!

P.S. Even though I forgot to touch on it in the post, I actually really like the idea that Ayame came up with. Like, how cool would it be if the time in your doujin games continued to keep moving even when you weren’t playing? That reminds me, I wonder how my town in Animal Crossing is doing…




  1. Oh boy, this reminds me of the times when I started making doujin games with my friends (with incompetence factor dialed up to eleven — these girls are very competent for their age). That nostalgia factor, great chemistry, an actual plot, and a surprisingly good humor makes this capable to fight as one of the best SoL in this season. That says a lot considering there are a lot of heavy punches in this season.

    That and the heartwarming moment before the second half is hnggggggggg

  2. How do you get from jumping off the bed to crashing towards the door into the Grandmother in that situation? Why do they go to a bath house afterwards when it was implied they all (or Ayame at the leasty) already washed? Some things that aren’t making very much sense to me at all.

    1. “Things got messy with tea and all, so we went to a bath house.”

      Explained by narration. She ran into the grandmother who was carrying tea and snacks, causing said things to spill all over everyone, requiring them all to take another bath.


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