「夏が始まる」 (Natsu ga Hajimaru)
“Summer Begins”

Wow — why is my face so damn wet?

General Impressions / Overall Impressions

Seeing how this is a short and I’ve already covered just about everything I wanted to throughout the past eleven posts, let me spend this one talking a little about the episode and a little about how much I love this show.

Starting with the former, I’m not sure how each episode manages to do it, but the amount of feelings this show is able to extract from me is close to absurd. Especially when you take into consideration (thank you comments for making me want even more) that we’re apparently getting a very abridged version of what Tsurezure Children has to offer. That said, this week’s episode was a bit nicer than usual and gave us what we all were asking for — a nice mix of completely new characters appearing and getting to see Chiaki and Kana plus Takano and Sugawara finally advance things in their respective relationships. For me though, the tears started flowing when Chiaki became a man and manned up to his mistakes and essentially asked for Kana’s forgiveness through his actions. Seeing how he royally messed up when Kana was simply looking for him to take her seriously as a girlfriend, it was mind numbingly adorable to see him make things up in spades. That said, I also enjoyed watching Sugawara and Takano make some progress except I was really hoping that they’d be able to get over their darned preconceived notions and at least realize that they had feelings for each other.

Moving onto the latter, if it wasn’t already clear, I freaking love this show. With every single character being just different enough to differentiate themselves from each other, there’s never a dull moment as you watch so many different relationships go on in the same show. If anything, it’s a damn shame that Tsurezure Children wasn’t a full length show since I can only imagine just how much more content we’d have gotten if there was twice as much time to tell the story. Still, I can appreciate what we were given and the only negative situation I can think of is one where this show never existed. Overall, Tsurezure Children was a surprise hit for me that managed to hit every single thing I wanted and didn’t know I needed. From the varying types of relationships to the wildly unique cast of characters, I don’t think there’s anything more I could have asked for (except for more episodes).

A big thanks to everyone who’s kept up with the posts. I’m glad we were able to go on this journey together and maybe in the future we’ll be able to see just how far all these relationships managed to get. In any case, I’ll catch you guys around the bend where there are a bunch of new shows just waiting to be watched. And don’t forget — our Season Preview is coming out soon! Make sure to check it out and find out just what should be on your Fall Anime List!


  1. Ah so the first season is over, when i heard this was coming out i decided to read the manga and it became my second favorite one (right below Jitsu watashi wa) The anime was my favorite anime of this summer season it delivered on a lot of things despite its 12 min runtime.

    One praise I do have is the Voice Actor choice some of them were just perfect for a lot of the characters’ personalities like Motoyama, Love Master, Minagawa, Noro (at the end lol) Patty, SmoothPres, Ryouko and some others.

    w sense now that it’s over like the Childhood Friends and the Astronomy Club characters they only really had one episode to them and never heard from again, When instead they could have done Patty and Keisuke since they are funny and cute together and they are involved in some of the characters dilemmas especially Patty she is one of the best advice givers in her own unique way.

    Because of the ammount of characters and the runtime they could not include many of the chapters focusing on some of the characters interactions, like Smooth Pres being friends with Love Master, more Kamine and Gouda fluff and development (she becomes really bold too xD), the first couple Takase and Kanda have a lot of back and forth and more Motoyama bro moments.

    Still despite those gripes i still enjoyed seeing this all animated and given sounds, though manga was funnier cause you had the page to page reveal joke that just makes ya burst out laughing and cant quite be translated perfectly to animation. I do hope they will have a S2 and continue also add in the other couples that we got brief glimpses of (Takase actually has a stalker childhood friend heh) the Summer arc as i recall has one of the best Kamine/Gouda chapters, development for nearly everyone in some way, i heard a rumor maybe Summer next year I will also check out the dub for this since i heard it’s not too bad.

  2. Yay Takano, you did it. You finally did it. Unlike that wuss boy Sugawara you did it. And I like.

    The class beach trip thing though actually explains how far the Anime has gotten in story content because I recall reading a chapter of the manga recently (a totally random one) that Show Spoiler ▼

    Thanks for the happy endings, Anime. Now to read up on the manga.
    (Stopped at Volume 1 and skipping characters I haven’t seen because I don’t want to spoil it)

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