「さくらと虹とおじいさん」 (Sakura to Niji to Ojiisan)
“Sakura, Rainbows, and Grandpa”

With the end drawing closer, this week’s episode gave us the tiniest taste of whatever’s about to come.

General Impressions

Boy, was this episode full of twists or what? What started out as a possible date between Syaoran and Sakura quickly turned into something completely different — and I loved it! That said, let’s dive into the lighter side of things first.

So, am I the only one who was a little curious about what Sakura’s Great Grandfather wanted to give her? Seeing how he decided to show up at the most inopportune time, one would assume he had something rather important to give and/or tell to Sakura. Unfortunately it looks like we’ll have to wait until next time to know what the original plan was due to Sakura knocking out while exploring her mom’s old room. However the whole first half wasn’t for naught since we did get to see Sakura’s Great Grandfather acknowledge that Syaoran is a good kid who he wouldn’t mind “taking” Sakura from his family.

Now, to address this week’s huge reveal — holy cow the amount of people involved in what’s going on is insane. In all there’s like seven people who are all independently moving around and it’s kind of crazy to thing that they’ve all managed to keep this a secret from Sakura. If my math is right, there’s currently 3 people who seem to harbor some kind of ill intent toward Sakura (Kaito, Momo, and the Masked Akiho), 3 who are trying to protect Sakura (Kero, Syaoran, and Yue), and last but not least we have Eriol who is always doing insane things that can fall on either side of the line.

Now with all the Players finally revealed and ready to act, all that remains is whether or not Sakura and friends will be able to stop Kaito from completing whatever he’s trying to do with Akiho and that book of hers. Something that I wish the show would stop teasing us with since we’re so close to things coming to a close. With the way things are proceeding though, we’ll probably have our answer sooner rather than later.

Overall, not too bad of a setup to kick off a (hopefully) big payoff for all the waiting we’ve done. Luckily next week’s episode title leads me to believe that we’re going to have some real interesting things thrown at us and I can’t wait to learn just what the heck is actually going on. See you guys then!




  1. Ahhhhh there has been so much set-up for so long with so little payoff that literally ANYTHING they do short of revealing the entire scheme could not satisfy.

    I think next episode is going to be the one though. Anyone else notice the Blue Key in the preview? A key that belonged to Sakura’s mother? That’s funny, Sakura also has a Magic Key…

  2. How many episodes left? What I know is that this will be going for 26. But some says 22. Is the original source still ongoing? Damn. I want to know wtf is happening with sakura.

  3. Looks like Syaoran got the seal of approval from Great-Grandfather. He’s luckier than Fujitaka. On the other hand, he has Toya to deal with. Things can’t be too easy, can they?

  4. random viewer
  5. https://images.randomc.net/Cardcaptor%20Sakura%20Clear%20Card%20Hen/Cardcaptor%20Sakura%20Clear%20Card%20Hen%20-%2020%20-%2033.jpg
    I’m calling it now. The Bad Butler and Bunny are trying to steal Sakura’s magic, or copy it. The magical cards being clear (no personal colors), the attitudes of the cards are different, the cards don’t talk to Sakura like they used to, etc. Sakura’s cards are going to get stolen. Akiho is being used as a puppet or sympathetic clone of Sakura. I had hopes Akiho was sick or needed magical assistance, and that’s why for the subterfuge, but it’s looking like ordinary malice from the Butler now.

  6. There is already a big difference between manga and anime in the next episode. In the manga the sakura grandfather gives a watch that belonged to her mother, in the anime it seems that it will be a key.

    1. Is it me or did that little version of Nadeshiko looked a lot like Akiho? What if Akiho turned out to be the recarnation of Sakura’s mother. That would be interesting. I mean ppl often say that Akiho and Sakura are alike so..

  7. Is it me or did the little version of Nadeshiko looked a lot like Akiho? What if Akiho turned out to be the re-carnation of Nadeshiko (Sakura’s mother). Now that would be interesting. Things are finally heating up. Let’s see what happens.


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