Random Curiosity

Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de Nikai Kougeki no Okaasan wa Suki Desuka – 12 (END) »« Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de Nikai Kougeki no Okaasan wa Suki Desuka – 10

Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de Nikai Kougeki no Okaasan wa Suki Desuka – 11

「受け止める勇気. 慈しむ心. あと全身鎧. それが母親に必須の……ん? 鎧?」 (Uketomeru Yuuki. Itsukushimu Kokoro. Ato Zenshin Yoroi. Sore ga Hahaoya ni Hissu no……n? Yoroi?)
“The Courage to Accept Things. A Loving Heart. Also, Full-Body Armor. That`s What a Mother Needs… Wait, Armor?”

This latest episode doesn’t aim to reinvent the wheel as it continues to crawl through Mamako’s journey to scale the tower with her party and the town’s mothers. But with the power of motherly love carrying her, she finds herself in a personal battle between her and Amante to help her and her crew regain their love for their mothers.

Amante’s feud with Mamako hasn’t been as prevalent while she’s been scheming from behind the scenes, but this episode gives her more to work with as she faces her head-on. Although she isn’t facing her in physical combat, she takes it upon herself to trigger a competition where she aims to take on chores such as dish-washing or clothes-scrubbing at a faster rate than Mamako. With the power of cheating, Mamako uses her powers to make quick work of the dirty dishes and clothes that surround her.

Again, this episode does fumble around to pass the time until the party gets to the 90th floor. From there, we learn more about the crystal that Amante uses to corrupt her crewmembers who planned a mutiny, turning them into irate beast-men. Because of Mamako’s strength, she grants the mothers armor that makes it easier for them to get closer and make amends with their children. It helps that Pocchi had already had a change-of-heart about his mother and aimed to make things up to her until he was turned into a gorilla. Knowing that Amante has access to such magic, however, gives us a more clear-cut understanding of how she plans to use said abilities to gain influence, try to undermine the group, and end the existence of all mothers. Some previews suggest that Mamako would get corrupted in the process, but next week should reveal how her party handles getting to the top of the tower.

September 21, 2019 at 11:56 am