「仮カノと彼女」 (Kari Kano to Kanojo)
“Provisional Girlfriend and Girlfriend”

Alright, may have spoken too soon. If last week was spicy this one was downright scalding, and oh boy if the implications aren’t already having me chuckle with excitement. It’s been pretty damn clear Kanojo Okarishimasu was going to go for broke in terms of rom(com) tradition, but we’re just over halfway into female free for all and girl number four has yet to even appear. Obviously there won’t be any resolution in time for that season finale (something something buy the mangaTM), yet the ride is definitely going to be wild.

Given Ruka’s “unique” manner of introduction previously many guessed that she was another rental girlfriend at large, and yes, the pint-sized cutie pie indeed has a thing for cash. Or at least Kazuya, because damn did that take a whiplash twist. While I knew what was coming here (source familiarity is bae) it’s still pretty eye popping to see Ruka’s brazenness in action, especially when you consider this is technically the first time she’s actually held a serious conversation with our resident (yet slowly rehabilitating) simp. Mind you, the show is leaving a good deal unstated as to why Ruka is crushing hard for Kazuya, however given the ED sequence it shouldn’t be too hard to guess. Anytime heartbeats and taking one’s breath away make an appearance you can bet your anime coincidence events are down to adrenaline rush, and Ruka is undoubtably no exception. First loves are always a funny thing.

Besides Ruka though, what really caught my eye this week were the Chizuru-Kazuya interactions. While Chizuru is still in “professional” mode—i.e. raking in the money—she is quietly coming around on that front, both openly acknowledging her own stake in Kazuya’s situation and also being forced to realize some underlying feelings. I wouldn’t expect the girl to start falling head over heels for Kazuya, but it’s not unreasonable to imagine some shifting of her outward opinions, particularly after Ruka lay down that crushing gauntlet. Couple this with Kazuya displaying some remarkable willingness to actually take the initiative and nip major problems in the bud (such as with letting Kuri in on his secret) and I wouldn’t be shocked to see Chizuru start easing up restrictions on their relationship. Probably not enough for any meaningful movement of course, but likely just enough to keep her ship firmly above water.

Now whether that carries over into what chaos will result from Mami’s next appearance is anyone’s guess, but hey, one step at a time.


ED Sequence

ED: 「FIRST DROP」by halca



  1. So people are just going to forget out how traumatised his friend is?

    The main dude had the right solution. He was going to be honest with him because his friend was hurt. Now that is all don’t he drain.

    1. I don’t think anyone really is, but personally I got a kick out of how Kazuya and Chizuru never once considered Kuri’s own feelings when discussing matters. It’s all about thinking Ruka and Kuri might reveal their secret, when in actuality Kuri is probably terrified the main duo will reveal he rented Ruka. Both sides ironically have the same reason to keep their traps shut lol.

  2. If I wanted more accidental pervert moments, I’d be rewatching/reading To LOVE-Ru or Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san. (Or even HxEros, if it only aired this week.) Also, jeez, Ruka’s bust size there reminds me of the bust sizes of some of the Azur Lane shipgirls (at least those who aren’t sugoi dekaiutterly huge).

    Love how Chizuru’s panicked expression instantly reminded me of Aqua’s numerous “screaming in panic” faces (whether she’s screaming in a cage in a lake full of crocodiles, or losing Rock-Paper-Scissors to Kazuma).

    Anyway, Ruka suddenly getting clingy with Kazuya just because it increased her heart rate? That’s kinda reminiscent of (second-hand[1]) stories of some Japanese girls “dating” Western guys just so they can be better at speaking English.

    Telling Kuri about Chizuru being a rental girlfriend does have its own risks, especially after the reveal that Ruka’s a rental girlfriend. Not to mention the whole “not what it looks like” scene looked like Kazuya was stealing Ruka from Kuri. Or alternatively, Kuri being shocked that Kazuya found out Ruka’s a rental girlfriend (the concept of “losing face” coming into play). In any case, Kuri might just spill the beans about Chizuru being a rental girlfriend out of jealous spite.

    But now that Kazuya has reluctantly agreed to become Ruka’s boyfriend…well, let’s see how it goes. Not to mention Ruka could use a hug.

    (Note [1]: Mainly heard from Western YouTube vloggers living/based in Japan.
    Cringe Meter fluctuating at 55 to 60%.)

  3. Something to think about, what’s a “little sister” type girlfriend? She’s got quite a good score, but from the ending, it doesn’t seem like she ever gets excited. Described herself as a robot too

    Last weeks date didn’t help much. Besides, was that rock climbing safe for her?


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