1. The “Princess Lily” segment may have been in 4:3 but it was still in HD. Oh well, if it was a pre-digital classic then I suppose it might have had a true HD release on BD.

    As for the rest of the episode, CloverWorks surprised me with how close to the manga it got in THAT scene. And yes it was contrived, but you need to take the deadly Japanese cold into account. I mean, Wakana’s gramps was on a life-saving mission there!

    Tropey? Of course it is, but is that really a failing? Do you criticize Mozart for using the same old 12 notes over and over again? 🙂

  2. Does the show have its list of anime tropes. Yup, no doubt. Still, I disagree with labeling it as tropey, and why? Because it is fairly uncommon in its fundamentals: It is exceptionally wholesome. No big drama. No big misunderstandings, only inconsequential minor ones. There are no asshole characters annoying people (you’ll see). On top of all that, we get romance from the “other” perspective. It is the popular and uber-social girl who is struggling.

    What makes this show special to me is that I can watch this perfectly after a stressful day, and it turns my mood around and makes me smile. Now it’s perfectly fine if others may perceive it differently, but I can say for certain that it is a very fresh breath of air in the romcom genre.

    1. I think it is tropey, but quite intentionally so. I mean, it even has tropes that the manga doesn’t, like the “girl falling from the sky” scene in the first episode. It’s still my favorite new show this season, though.

        1. I think the manga plays it straight, so I meant the anime.

          Some things may work fine in a manga if you’re drip-fed no more than two chapters a month, but when you’re rattling through almost three chapters a week, I just wondered if the anime staff decided to go for it and make it self-consciously tropey by throwing some more in for good measure.

    2. wholesomei thi k anime fans have a different definition of that lol its a cool show but still kinda seems like it geared towards virgin men who dont get laid often . i mean lol marin honesy cones off as that maniac picie type girl and gojo is kinda bland i dont get why anime cant have normal non socially awkward men who dont freeze at talking to women they do exist in japan but goddamit it serms like 90% of male anime characters are on the spectrum. its telling anime fans relate to these extremly docially awkward characters.

  3. People who are familiar with the manga, definitely have a leg up on anime-only viewers in terms of expectations.

    It’s like being able to look at a menu, and seeing what dishes consist of, then choosing based on ingredients, and hoping the execution is good. Anime-only viewers are like a patron exclaiming to the chef, “surprise me!” Sometimes the result fits your palate and sometimes it’s not what you were in the mood for or hoped it would be – or the execution is underwhelming.

    All your points are completely valid and it’s definitely tropey as hell. I just knew what was on the menu, thought it sounded good at the moment and ordered it hoping the execution was good – and it’s been a very faithful execution thus far.

  4. Seen too much of BS media *cough Rental Girlfriend manga current direction* lately however this is one of the better ones this season and yes the numbers do not lie. Marine’s the girl of the moment on the internet.

    I realy like Juju however (deleted).

  5. The tropes didn’t wow me nor was I disappointed I just ignored it because it’s so commonly used. It’s like driving the same route every day to work. Also by now I have fully accepted this title is a RomCom especially when seeing Marin looses herself while looking at Gojo. I pray that we get more tidbits of Gojo making costumes, explaining what he did wrong or right, explaining some technique, and getting feed back from Marin.

    This way I can at least see some aspects of Runway de Waratte. Not to mention would it kill to see more of Gojo’s thought process and acquiring knowledge from tailors?

    Also it’s quite odd, I feel like the Manga dives more into the costumes and cosplay than the Anime does. Maybe I am wrong but I feel Ike sine Anime is motion pictures the romcom material draws the viewer’s attention away from the subject of costume creation/fashion

  6. i think anime fans have a different definition of wholesome than most people lol because the fanservice on this show isnt wholesome at all . its a cool show but still kinda seems like it geared towards virgin men who dont get laid often . i mean lol marin honesy cones off as that maniac picie type girl and gojo is kinda bland i dont get why anime cant have normal non socially awkward men who dont freeze at talking to women they do exist in japan but goddamit it serms like 90% of male anime characters are on the spectrum. its telling anime fans relate to these extremly docially awkward characters.

    1. Two words: TARGET MARKET.

      Anime studios working on H and even hiring bunnywalker or antichenus artists target money with the popular but insidious motto : “sex sells”. Anime is downright cult-like so the studios abused it to release nakedness / pornography.

      Loose Ends Tied

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