「最後の王」 (Saigo no Ou)
“The Last King”

Ah yes, now that is what I like to see. Even if more a buildup week than actual action, shouldn’t be too hard seeing just what comes next for Overlord. Enemies will be bested, kingdoms shall be crushed, and Ainz will certainly see the fruits of his labours finally come into existence. Or, you know, the fruits he’s hoping moxie can let him believe were all his alone.

Right out the gate the key tease this time was in regards to Azuth, the mystery man who effortlessly offed two Death Knights previously. Outside of the fun of familial relations and a perfect willingness to never let work interfere with pleasure, Azuth’s reveal (per say) is a good tell that someone from the Floor Guardian crew will be facing off against him shortly. Not like this is even that hard an assumption thanks to the OP spoilers (*looks at Albedo*), but it does mean that we’re set for a half decent battle in the upcoming fight for Re-Estize survival. After all, most battles so far have been utter cakewalks for Ainz and company, it’s about time a little effort was needed in the pursuit of their goals. Even if we know full well victory is the only logical outcome.

In terms of Re-Estize itself, however, well Zanac’s fate pretty much sums up what’s coming for all nearby mortals. While arguably dry for some, moments like Zanac’s and Ainz’s meeting were always the best part of this series for me given just how much they show about the characters involved. Take Ainz for one, that longing for happiness isn’t so much about happiness itself as giving a purpose to his presence and actions. For all his power and abilities Ainz is legitimately lonely, something teaching the Floor Guardians and pursuing that somewhat ambiguous dream of utopia help ameliorate. To give his NPCs-made-real individuals happiness is thus in part find it himself, even if the exact manner of it remains in question.

Likewise Zanac can understand where Ainz is coming from even if he too is lost on the details. Caring for a kingdom and its people often demands taking from others because nothing in the world is ever infinite. Zanac can disagree with Ainz’s approach on this, but he knew full well that he would’ve done similar if thrust into a comparable situation. This led to the respect shown by both sides – and to the outcome of the rebellion against Zanac. Ainz might have his emotions deliberately throttled, but some emotions have a way of making their presence felt as oh so plainly indicated. For the rebels to kill Zanac in such a way and then have the temerity to beg for their lives was a blunt insult to the dead prince, something not even Ainz will put up with.

Ironically you could consider those poor suckers as having got off easy too. Compared to what’s coming next for Re-Estize’s capital at the hands of Floor Guardian command, torture could easily be seen as the preferable outcome. Next week is going to be spicy.


  1. yeah i choose quick and painless death thank you.
    In the novel it was explained that the top brass of eight finger, the notorious criminal group that rule the underground of Re-estize, had developed camaraderie among each other because of their shared experience from Nazarick’s “loyalty instillment course”.
    They, arguably the most evilest humans in the series so far, thought that their torture and execution method was overflowing with human kindness 😀
    So when Ainz say that “Death in Nazarick is mercy” in Arche episode S3, he literally mean it. word by word


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