「王都侵攻」 (Outo Shinkou)
“Invasion of the Royal Capital”

You hear that? That’s the sound of my chuckling knowing what’s coming next. And I don’t mean the obvious collapse of Re-Estize or the wanton killing off of yet more unfortunate mortals – even though we’re getting plenty of that too! Nawh one cannot forget about a particular princess and her penchant for siding with the enemy. After all, it’s about time we find out just what she’s sold her kingdom out for.

Considering the nigh invincibility of everyone associated with Ainz (at least compared to their enemies), it’s not that shocking this week was more about escaping the oncoming calamity rather than figuring out how to deal with it. Lakyus is the prime example of how this difference was bridged, with her final goodbyes and likely attempt at grandstanding turning into tough love from friends unwilling to see her die. Sure one could make a stand and fight back (as Brain chose to do), but what does it really give you in the end? Outside of claims to honour there’s more to be had for your culture and way of life by continuing to survive, and plenty who have the capability have already decided to go through with it. Or at least while they still could.

All of that though leads to the obvious question in what exactly comes next. For all the fun of making bloody footsteps around city walls and honouring the spirit of a man unwilling to slink off in defeat, the ruins of Re-Estize will have to be ruled in some capacity, and so far there’s little to answer how Ainz plans on doing so. Stick a Floor Guardian on the job similar to Cocytus and his lizard pets? Let a local who’s survived the chaos do like E-Rantel is governed these days? Or, as is more likely, let the ruins serve as a warning to anyone else striving to defy the bony boy? Quite a few options on the table and no immediately clear idea which will win out in the end.

Guess we’ll just have to see what the little princess gets up to once Ainz Ooal Gown comes knocking next week, won’t we?


  1. “Sure one could make a stand and fight back (as Brain chose to do), but what does it really give you in the end?”

    Sometimes, you have to do the right thing, not the smart thing.

  2. At least Brain quickly came to the conclusion that the future generations were likely to attain the necessary martial arts and skills needed to oppose the Sorcerous Kingdom. Also that Ainz and party were in the realm of the gods in levels. In face of certain servitude or free will I can see why Brain decided to gamble it all.

    1. What caught me with Brain’s decision is that he was the one expected to pass on the knowledge, so him choosing to go out like this threw a serious kink in that plan. Future generations will attain the knowledge, but they likely would do so faster if Brain was there to provide the teaching.

  3. it’s really interesting how Cocytus rather take a walk around Brain in effort to show respect of him. Time like this actually make me remember how Overlord is so different with other anime out there.

    1. This is what draws me to this series overall. For lack of a better explanation there’s a good deal of rationality and introspection which other isekai don’t tackle. Key players act as you expect them to due to their history and personalities and no one holds any punches. There’s not a lot of contrivance since many of the actions of Ainz (especially of late) are the sort of thing anyone in actual power would rarely hesitate on doing if necessary.

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