「旅の道連れと不吉な知らせ」 (Tabi no Michidzure to Fukitsu-na Shirase)
“Fellow Traveller and Foreboding News”

It’s difficult for me to not start throwing spoilers out like mad because if there was ever a calm before the storm moment in Spice and Wolf thus far this episode would be it. We’ve got the tension, we’ve got the intrigue, and if you haven’t already spotted where the problems will arise for Kraft (and Holo) best squint the eyes because darling we’re about to hit some turbulence.

Although Norah is to some degree like Yarei or Zheren – i.e. secondary support character – her presence and role will have a comparatively overbearing effect as some might have latched onto. The shepherd after all is the guardian of the herd: any aggressor, no matter their origin, will be dealt with to keep everyone safe, even on the paths considered most treacherous. Considering Holo is a literal wolf in girl’s clothing it shouldn’t be hard therefore seeing why a good chunk of this episode had her being abrasive around Norah and more than willing to rib Kraft for his interactions with the shepherd. Might seem like inconsequential banter for the moment, but much like last arc with Yarei’s great betrayal there’s a lot more at work under the surface that’s Norah’s presence will reveal. Let’s just say Kraft’s current journey will involve a bit of backtracking.

Speaking of current journey the new city of Ruvenheigen should give some hints for what’s to come for our motley merchant duo. Outside of Holo doing the usual in wanting all the food right at this moment (it shall be a running meme rest assured), there’s the local hesitancy shown when Kraft revealed his armour wares alongside the distinctive lack of military forces whom are supposedly congregating at this time for the annual crusade expedition. While you can probably guess what’s coming when putting two and two together, I won’t spoil it, in part because the solution to the underlying problem makes for an interesting adventure and a further point of significant growth for Kraft’s and Holo’s relationship.

Keeping quiet for another week sucks, but I’m definitely looking forward to seeing how this production adapts what’s coming next down the pipeline.



One Comment

  1. I am having a difficult time trying to pick a side when it comes to Arendt Norah. On one hand, Norah is an unwanted guest since Holo and Kraft are hiding a secret. 

    Conversely, I understand that Norah needs to earn more since her employer (Church) isn’t paying her enough. I can imagine the fear of offending the Church when they are someone’s primary income provider. 

    But we don’t know if Norah will be an ally and keep a secret or be a rat for her employer. Also, the last scene where the father looks at Norah with discontent. 

    We don’t have all the info; maybe there is a reason why the Church isn’t paying Norah competitively.


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