「裏切りの代価と黄金の代価」 (Uragiri no Daika to Ougon no Daika)
“Price of Betrayal and Price of Gold”

Oh how I like happy endings, especially the variety which is fully deserved. It’s been a long few weeks for Spice and Wolf to get to this point, but we now have resolution, reconciliation, and – most importantly – an understanding which reaches beyond mere words. From here on out the introductions are over, we’re now into the proper material.

Although I’m biased in my love for Spice and Wolf, it was somewhat disappointing seeing how certain scenes were treated this episode. Big one here is Holo’s kowtowing to the rash junior, an act which while easily surmised and understood, didn’t feel the same as how the original series handled it. This was the moment highlighting how Holo lives up to her self-styled Wise Wolf title, and how it juxtaposes with the situation her and Kraft find themselves in. It’s supposed to be uncanny and impactful, a firm indication for how much Kraft now factors into Holo’s various actions. In that sense it was sad we only got a few seconds to illuminate it, even if there was enough to glean the message at the heart of the act. What can I say, I’ve got the nostalgia glasses being worn proudly!

To that end however, what stumbles transpired were quickly made up for with the fallout from Holo’s rescue of Kraft and Norah both. If her deference was the hint the outcome was the affirmation that these two have truly grown close to each other. Holo’s rescue of Norah after all was entirely due to Kraft pushing for it, the denouement with Lemerio occurring because Holo implicitly trusts Kraft to make the right decisions. And the best part? Kraft becoming very comfortable with Holo’s true form. The adaptation of these scenes was very much on point, nicely reinforcing the above and showing how merchant and wolf both are in this until the end. There will still be ups and downs – there’s still a whole second cour to get into! – but considering Kraft now has Holo’s number when it comes to reciprocating playful ribbing and banter in kind you can expect a lot more tangible development for this pair going forward.

After all, no matter what has been seen thus far the journey north for these two has only just begun. Best be sure the challenges faces are only a taste for what waits farther along the trodden path.




  1. Seeing how I never really watched the first iteration of Spice And Wolf, I felt how Kraft dealt with the representative of Remerio Trading and the… other losers was a bit lackluster. I understand Kraft was trying to be sympathetic, but the Remerio Trading was merely looking out for themselves, and I wish Kraft would do the same. If it weren’t for Holo, Kraft would be dead in some flooded trench or worse.

    Can anyone tell me if Noah will be traveling with Kraft and Holo from now on as an integral part of the party? I mean, we don’t need uninvited wolves in the next episode. Noah’s timid personality is a nice touch in Kraft’s group.

      1. Kraft doesn’t want to be known as the merchant who put Remerio Trading out of business. In this world that would probably result in everyone associated with the company and their families being thrown in debtors’ prison. Plus they can still blackmail him with a threat to report the gold smuggling scheme and expose Holo as a wolf. On the other hand, they not only double crossed him on the deal but actually tried to have him killed. It would be more satisfying if he had figured out a way to come out ahead monetarily.


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