「教会の教えと父の記憶」 (Kyoukai no Oshie to Chichi no Kioku)
“Church Teachings and Memories of Father”

Well I did promise this arc would get fun in a rush and so far it hasn’t disappointed. And in more than one way too. Sure, a lot of that boils down to cliffhangers working their immortal magic, but I dare say Holo antics easily make up the difference a week’s wait requires. More than makes up.

While harped on before it bears repeating again how the key for this arc isn’t as much the story as it is the character development between Kraft and Holo. The true nature of this was on full display this week, with both of them showing an unnatural bit of awareness and understanding which previously induced moments of drama. Holo of course is the most obvious with how open she’s become and how comfortable she’s growing with revealing moments of vulnerability. Past Holo after all wouldn’t have claimed Kraft’s lap that easily, nor would she step back from an outburst and consider its worth. Kraft likewise is quite prescient regarding Holo’s thoughts and has embraced the need for open communication as best evidenced by one book he recognized could easily contain information which might agonize Holo. Taken together it’s the key unlocking quite a bit of wholesome tenderness between the two and makes for a nice complement to the usual banter and ribbing. Damn do I like how this adaptation is playing out.

As for this arc’s plot that too got a nice bit of elaboration and even some sly merchant obfuscation. Probably not too surprising that the abbey Kraft and Holo were looking for was in fact Elsa’s church, or that the girl and town both were hiding its true nature out of fear for what Kraft could tell outsiders. The subplot here involving Father Franz and the existence of God is not that out of place either; this very question was a key component of pre-Reformation developments, with many missionaries and “frontier” clergy grappling with it given the nature of faith and its revelations. Elsa and Franz show the dichotomy they all fell into best, with the former fearing how Holo disproves His existence, while Franz saw it (through his research) as stronger justification for His presence because is many deities can exist why not one more – or even as a combination?

The question has considerations for Kraft and Holo too because it highlights the strength of faith as an idea which both are slowly realizing. Implicit trust and belief in the other are cornerstones of any proper relationship, whether that be one with a higher power as in Elsa’s case or more earthly confines as with our main duo. It’s something Kraft at least has honed in on, because much as his question about what comes next for Holo after discovering Yoitsu, his faith in her already gave him the answer. No matter what discovery is made about Holo’s hometown they will be sticking together because this journey now isn’t about the physical destination.

Mind you getting there will first need some sleuthing regarding murder by poisoned wheat, but as we’ve learned now Kraft is quite good at figuring his way out of sticky situations. After all, he’s got the Wise Wolf in tow.



One Comment


    Moving on, I am confused with the scene where Kraft finds the torn entry in Father Franz’s logs and the many tales about the Bear God. In the passage, Father Franz writes about how he wonders if the pope knows that Father Franz was able to connect with the Bear God. Next written on the page was about his God being triumphant. This is where my confusion starts, which God is Father Franz referring to as being victorious? The Bear God or the God that the Pope says everyone should be listening to?


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