「お前だったんじゃねーか」 (Omaedattanjyaneeka)
“So It Was You”

And here I thought things couldn’t get any crazier.

Super Fun Episode

Even though I’m a huge Seirin fan, I must admit that the best episodes are the ones where the opposing team manages to catch them off guard. In Rakuzan’s case, I never expected a team-focused Akashi would become such a fearsome opponent. Dropping the focus on his solo play in favor of empowering his team (much like a certain blue haired shadow..), he instead used his skills to unlock a pseudo-zone for his team. Something that sounds ridiculous as an idea but ended up being awesome in execution.

Not wanting to be shown up though, Seirin managed to return the favor twice over with a little help from an enthusiastic crowd. Somehow pulling out more strength from who knows where, Seirin’s counter to a team completely in the zone was something even more impressive — a team even deeper into the zone! Utilizing the bonds of trust that they’ve built up together, the way they utilized it to outmaneuver Akashi’s Emperor Eye while simultaneously scoring was a spectacle in itself. As an added bonus, we got to see Kagami execute some of the slickest drives this series has seen thus far. With a combination of lightning fast passes and fancy footwork, he was weaving in-between everyone without a moment of hesitation.

Full Circle

While I’m willing to bet the show is waiting for the finale before finally showing us that the basketball which Kuroko plays is the truest way to play, it was nice to see a little foreshadowing of what’s to come. The biggest shock was probably watching Aomine shed some tears as he realized just how much he cast away and just how incorrect it was to do so. Realizing that it takes more than one person to truly win a game of basketball and that without your team, it’s impossible to reach an even higher level.

True Akashi and Looking Ahead

Just like I said last week, this would be the time when Akashi would prove whether or not he would be a likeable character — and he passed the test with flying colors. Casting aside that arrogant attitude of his, but not giving up on his beliefs that he is absolute best, it was a blast seeing him in his final form. Hopefully things don’t get too ridiculous next week. But with the last few seconds ticking down, it looks like it’ll be a race to the finish! Everyone’s pulled out all that they’ve got and now it’s just a question of whose style of basketball will reign supreme. Knowing out Seirin boys though, it’s best never to count them out when they’re down since that’s when they’re at their best!

See you next week! Also due to a SNAFU, the end card is the last cap for this week’s episode. ヾ(*´ー`)ノ




  1. God-tier animation this episode. Seirin’s true zone. <3

    So much feels this ep. Even Badass Aomine was in tears. ;_;

    I'm so glad to see Ogiwara back. I was hoping for a reunion w/Kuroko at the end of Teiko arc.

    Kuroko hype \o/ captain
      1. KnB is one of the shows where you can confidently say the adaptation is better than the source material. The Zone 2.0 scenes were great examples of the anime blowing the manga out of the water.

  2. I have always thought about this but this episode has confirmed it…..KnB is the real Basketball RPG! All those skill moves~~~

    And who makes up these skill names???? the moment they used Zone 2, Akashi immediately says “Direct Drive Zone”

  3. How can a show about basketball be this intense?! I thought nothing could top last week’s episode but I was wrong. The feels hit me deep when Aomine was thinking about how he abandoned Kuroko.


    Akashi is not going down without a fight. I can’t believe this is ending next week.


    Aomine the Ace
    1. I think he’s only the gatekeeper for Aomine and Kagami. I’m sure the other GoM have other obstacles to overcome.

      But god damn, I started getting a little teary when Aomine realized the impact of what he did.

  4. This episode was just perfect. The animation was orgasmic, it seriously looked like they were playing basketball in space. I want to give the animators a huge thanks for this ep.

    It was very emotional seeing Kuroko’s old friend at the game. I’m glad Ogiwara was there for Kuroko right when he needed him the most. And OMG when Aomine cried. Damn I never knew he was capable of crying.

  5. Akashi stopped Kagami’s music Aizen style and shit on him.

    Zone Akashi = True Zone Kagami.

    It’s been a consistent pattern this match.

    Regular Akashi can hang with Zone Kagami. Real Akashi can hang with Zone Kagami and Kuroko. Real Akashi in Zone ankle broke True ZONE Kagami.

    And all of that aded with Akashi’s own statement that he forced himself to be better than the other GOM so he could control them and people will still argue Akashi isn’t the best of the GOM.

  6. This production value from Production I.G. simply blows away every other studio even Ufotable and their UBW. Yes. I said it.

    This leave me in total bliss and satisfaction. The author of the manga should be really proud on how the studio adapted this climatic scene of his work.

    I’m already having some goosebumps on how Production I.G. will adapt the season 2 of Haikyuu (which should be their come back arc given that they lost in the season 1) since the next arc of KnB would take a long while for it to be animated.

    Excuse me. Rewatching it to experience being blown away again… Can’t get enough of this.


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