Tenki no Ko: Weathering With You
「天気の子」 (Tenki no Ko)
“Weathering With You”
Opinions differ, but in Weathering With You, I think that Shinkai is asking us to reflect on our place in nature – not resign from it.
「天気の子」 (Tenki no Ko)
“Weathering With You”
Opinions differ, but in Weathering With You, I think that Shinkai is asking us to reflect on our place in nature – not resign from it.
「ポジション分け」 (Pojishon wake)
“Position Selection”
After a couple of action-driven episodes this was very much a quiet week in Lake Woebegon.
How to catch up on anime and the world while respecting social distancing? Why, a podcast of course!
「王冠の行方」 (Ookan no yukue)
“Whereabouts of the Crown”
Power is everything in the world of Kami no Tou.
「緑の四月」 (Midori no shigatsu)
“Green April”
You know how viewers and readers complain when a series has an overpowered character?
「正解の扉」 (Seikai no tobira)
“The Correct Door”
Pretty much everyone in Tower of God has a dodgy past that trails behind them like the train of a wedding gown.
「来た、見た、買った」 (Kita, mita, katta)
“I Came, I Saw, I Bought”
That was certainly an odd piece of work.
「400分の3」 (400-bun no 3)
At this point of the story Kami no Tou is insanely good fun, and to my relief I thought this episode really captured that.
「弟子入り志願」 (Deshiiri shigan)
“I Want to be an Apprentice”
The hope of this anime season lies in the spate of seinen manga adaptations on the schedule.
「噂の新入部員」 (Uwasa no shin’nyū buin)
“Rumored New Members”
Major directed by Watanabe Ayumu. If a foolproof formula ever existed in anime, that’s the one.