Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun – 01
「トイレの花子さん」 (Jibaku Hanako)
“Toilet Bound Hanako”
Everything that happens in this premiere suggests at something that will happen later, but for now let’s focus on the now.
「トイレの花子さん」 (Jibaku Hanako)
“Toilet Bound Hanako”
Everything that happens in this premiere suggests at something that will happen later, but for now let’s focus on the now.
「スタートライン」 (sutaato rain)
“Starting Line”
I can’t really add anything to that, can I?
「Round 24」
Sometimes, even in a medium as crass and capricious as anime, justice really is served.
「Round 23」
Even in context of the cosmic lightning flash that is a human lifespan, five years isn’t a very long time.
「Round 21」
For all the build-up in Hi Score Girl, it was always going to come down to this moment.
「ROUND 17」
There are times in watching this series when I wonder in all seriousness – is Koharu actually too great a character?