Shounen Maid – 08
「来年を言えば鬼が笑う」 (Rainen wo Ieba Oni ga Warau)
“The Devil Scoffs When You Talk of Next Year”
I pity anyone who can watch Shounen Maid and feel nothing. You all have cold, dead hearts.
「来年を言えば鬼が笑う」 (Rainen wo Ieba Oni ga Warau)
“The Devil Scoffs When You Talk of Next Year”
I pity anyone who can watch Shounen Maid and feel nothing. You all have cold, dead hearts.
Hisoka’s clock is really ticking here… |
Hisoka’s clock is really ticking here…
「学問は一日にしてならず」 (Gakumon wa Ichinichi ni Shite Narazu)
“Learning Does Not Happen in a Day”
So often, really, it’s the shows hardly anyone talks about that end up being the ones you remember.
Whatever you guys paid for those tickets, it was too much |
Poor Hisoka looks like he could really use a hand…
「袖振り合うも他生の縁」 (Sode Furi Au mo Tashounoen)
“Even a Chance Encounter Is Preordained”
There’s one ED explained for you.
We look more Togashi-like this week… |
In typical Togashi fashion, the epic pitched battle between two of the most beloved badasses in the series is turning instead into an extended game of cat and mouse.
「だんしの一言金鉄の如し」 (Danshi no Hitokoto, Kintetsu no Gotoshi)
“A Man Never Goes Back on His Word”
In emotional terms, Shounen Maid is one of those series that punches way above its weight class.
Which spouse drew me? |
By every perceptible measure, this seems like a one-sided fight – but I don’t think so.
「好きこそ物の上手なれ」 (Suki Koso Mono no Jouzu Nare)
“What One Likes, One Will Do Well”
If there’s one thing I think can be said about Shounen Maid’s genetic makeup, it’s that this is a sentimental series.
Well – aren’t these pleasant young men? |
Things are looking grim for everyone’s favorite pedophile clown magician.