Rinne no Lagrange – 01

「ようこそ、鴨川へ!」 (Youkoso, Kamogawa e!)
“Welcome to Kamogawa!”

We’re about 80% through the premieres of all the new shows this season, and of all the ones I’ve watched since the pre-airing of Rinne no Lagrange just under two weeks ago, Production I.G and Xebec’s new original series remains one of my favorites.

Mouretsu Pirates – 01

「海賊、罷り通る」 (Kaizoku, Makaritooru)
“Pirates, Coming Through”

There were no real surprises from the premiere of “Bodacious Space Pirates”, but the slightly slower pace indicative of a 26-episode adaptation worked well in establishing the galactic setting and slowly introducing the massive cast of characters.

Senki Zesshou Symphogear – 01

「覚醒の鼓動」 (Kakusei no Kodou)
“Awakening Beat”

It’s too early to call Elements Garden’s original “music” anime a surprise hit, but this impressive first showing already has me thinking it will be. With highly successful pop star Mizuki Nana pairing up with former TWO-MIX vocalist Takayama Minami as the “Zwei Wing” vocal unit, this premiere delivered both a high-tension live performance and fast-paced action.

Amagami SS+ plus – 01

「絢辻詞 前編 ユウワク」 (Ayatsuji Tsukasa Zenpen – Yuuwaku)
“Ayatsuji Tsukasa, First Chapter – Temptation”

Amagami SS is back and just as enjoyable as ever. I may be a bit biased when it comes to the sequel to my favorite romance of 2010, but I really couldn’t wipe the smirk off my face while watching this premiere.

Guilty Crown – Special

「軌跡 reassortment」 (Kiseki)

For a one-hour recap special that added absolutely nothing new — not even from the small amounts of narration — this felt like a pilot episode more than anything else. Viewing it as such, I dare say it was a pretty darn good one too because it cut out all the irksome developments and simply focused on all the stuff that makes Guilty Crown good.

The Best of Anime 2011

Now that 2011 is over, here’s a look back at some of my favorite shows from the past year. Due to the subjective nature of it all and the fact that I’m constrained to what I’ve seen, I’m not trying to pick series that the vast majority finds agreeable. Instead, I’m here to convey my personal favorites for 2011, after which you’re more than welcome to chime in with your respective choices.

Continuing from last year, there are numerous categories in the following areas: Production, Miscellaneous (fun stuff), Genre, and Notable Others. This year, I’ve also added some new genres and divided the seiyuu category into male and female. Included at the end are the final results to the Reader’s Choice Poll.


Please Read: I got a bit of flack last year for some of my choices despite providing more justification than necessary for an opinion, so please keep in mind that “best” is subjective. What’s best for me is not necessarily the best for you. I did manage to finish 72 of the 99 shows included in the poll (complete list here), so before you go knocking one of my choices, please make sure that you’ve at least seen it and know where I’m coming from. Finally, all I ask is that you respect my opinion, just like I respect yours. If you happened to watch more series than me in the past year, I’d love to hear what your favorites were.

Gundam AGE – 12

「反逆者たちの船出」 (Hangyaku-tachi no Funade)
“The Rebels Set Sail”

Leave it up to anime to make goofy characters a lot cooler and more respectable than they originally seem, much like with the chocolate bar-munching Commander Stoller Guavaran here.

Winter 2012 Schedule

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Smile Precure!
08:30 EX (2/5)
Natsume Yuujin-chou Shi
25:30 TX (1/2)
18:00 TX
New Prince of Tennis
25:50 TX (1/4)
Tantei Opera Milky Holmes 2nd Act
23:00 MX (1/5)
High School DxD
11:00 AT-X (1/6)
Area no Kishi
06:00 EX (1/7)
Mobile Suit Gundam AGE
17:00 MBS/TBS (10/9)
Ano Natsu de Matteru
25:30 TVA (1/9)
Papa no Iu Koto wo Kikinasai!
25:30 MX (1/10)
Thermae Romae
24:45 CX (1/12)
Senki Zesshou Symphogear
23:00 MX (1/6)
Zero no Tsukaima F
08:30 AT-X (1/7)
Rinne no Lagrange
22:00 MX (1/8)
25:35 KNB (1/9)
24:59 NTV (10/4)
Black Rock Shooter
24:45 CX (2/2)
Shakugan no Shana III (Final)
25:30 MX (10/7)
24:00 MX (1/7)
Mirai Nikki
23:00 Niconico (10/9)
Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou
26:00 TX (1/9)
Recorder to Randoseru
25:00 TVS (1/5)
Last Exile -Ginyoku no Fam-
26:00 CBC (10/7)
Mouretsu Pirates
24:30 tvk (1/7)
Aquarion EVOL
25:35 TX (1/8)
Kill Me Baby
25:25 TBS (1/5)
26:00 MX (1/7)
Guilty Crown
25:15 CX (10/13)
Persona 4 the ANIMATION
25:30 MBS (10/6)
Amagami SS+ plus
25:55 TBS (1/5)
Inu x Boku SS
26:00 MBS (1/12)
Legend: 4 Divine 1 Prooof 3 Takaii 4 Guardian Enzo 2 Unlisted 3 Verdant 4 Stilts Not covering

With the countdown to the new year happening tonight (or already happened for some parts of the world), here’s a tentative overview of Random Curiosity’s blogging plans for the new season. As usual, everything listed here is subject to change.

…More after the jump, including a poll for reader feedback on blogging format.

Reader’s Choice – Favorite Anime 2011 Poll

With the new year rapidly approaching, it’s time to look back on our favorites of 2011. This is the Sixth Annual Reader’s Choice poll, where it’s your turn to voice your opinion and have it heard!

Continuing the trend from two years ago, there are two polls for your to vote on — one for regularly broadcast TV series and another for OVA/movies. We’re asking for your top 5 picks in both polls to get a better spread of results that aren’t heavily skewed in favor of any unanimously popular shows. This year, you have 99 TV series and 57 OVA/movies to choose from, so have a careful look over the lists before deciding. Also, please respect other people’s choices in the comments and keep in mind that this is purely subjective. People like what they like.

Note: The polls don’t have a fixed close date just yet, but it will be sometime next week when the Winter 2012 season starts.

Update: Polls closed. Thank you for taking the time to vote! Results will be posted soon in the upcoming Best of Anime 2011 post.