Rinne no Lagrange – 04

「鴨川スイマーズ」 (Kamogawa Suimaazu)
“Kamogawa Swimmers”

It feels like I’m just repeating myself every week when it comes to Rinne no Lagrange, as the unassuming and unpretentious robot anime doesn’t miss a beat when it comes to delivering twenty solid minutes of entertainment.

Amagami SS+ plus – 04

「桜井梨穂子 後編 フウリン」 (Sakurai Rihoko Kouhen – Fuurin)
“Sakurai Rihoko, Second Chapter – Wind Chime”

Forget “check my soul”, someone needs to “check my pulse” to see if I’m still alive after this episode. With the way things were progressing, I had all but given up hope that the long-awaited moment would come and save Rihoko from her cruel fate in the first season. As the remaining minutes ticked away…

Aquarion EVOL – 04

「壁~conquer oneself~」 (Kabe)
“Wall ~conquer oneself~”

I’m still slowly working my way through Sousei no Aquarion, but even I could appreciate what an awesome throwback to the original this week’s episode of Aquarion EVOL was. Not only do we see the return of the magician-like high commander in Fudou Zen (Fujiwara Keiji), but we see it in style with the infamous “Infinity Punch” that circles the globe several times over before tearing down the Berlin Wall. “And then he proclaimed, ‘Let there be illicit sexual relationships!'” (Fujun Isei Kouyuu!)

Gundam AGE – 15

「その涙、宇宙に落ちて」 (Sono Namida, Uchuu ni Ochite)
“Those Tears Shed in Space”

Flit’s arc comes to a close with this fifteenth episode and does so in a way that makes the series a welcome addition to the Gundam franchise. I admittedly had my doubts about some of the earlier episodes, such as the introduction of the Euba and Zalam factions and whether they’re really going to have any importance to the story, but everything came together surprisingly well in this “final” episode.