Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon – 01

「史上最強のメイド、トール!(まあドラゴンですから)」 (Shijou Saikyou no Medi, Tooru! (Maa Doragon Desukara))
“The Strongest Maid in History, Tooru! (Well, She Is a Dragon)”

As much as I loved this first episode, there’s no denying that I had a few complaints about Kobyashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon’s adaptation to anime.

3-gatsu no Lion – 12

「Chapter.24 対岸にあるもの / Chapter.25 黒い河①」 (Chapter.24 Taigan ni Arumono / Chapter.25 Kuroi Kawa 1)
“Chapter.24 What Lies on the Opposite Shore / Chapter.25 The Black River 1”

I won’t lie, I was going to put the excerpt as “Their house is like a kotatsu” until I started tearing up multiple times throughout this episode. Wanna fight? FITE ME.

Fuuka – 01, 02

「EP1 風夏! / EP2 はばたけ!」 (EP1 Fuuka! / EP2 Habatake!)
“EP1 Fuuka! / EP2 Take Flight!”

I’m still not 100% sure how I feel about Fuuka. It has parts that I really enjoy but at the same time it also has a few things that give me a dreadful feeling about what’s to come. Overall though, I really liked what we got (makes me nervous for all the negativity I saw in the preview).

Stella no Mahou – 12 (END)

「もう一度スタート地点」 (Mouichido Sutaato Chiten)
“Back To The Starting Line”

It may not happen a lot in this genre, but sometimes there are shows that manage to do a great job at wrapping things up while leaving just enough in the air to keep your imagination going. Stella no Mahou‘s ending this week did just that and more.

3-gatsu no Lion – 10

「Chapter.20 贈られたもの1 / Chapter.21 贈られたもの2」 (Chapter.20 Okuraretamono 1 / Chapter.21 Okuraretamono 2)
“Chapters.20 Things Given 1 / Chapter.21 Things Given 2”

While the lack of my favorite three sisters still bothers me, this week’s episode finally gave me exactly what I wanted from Rei.

3-gatsu no Lion – 09

「Chapter.18 遠雷2 / Chapter.19 遠雷3」 (Chapter.18 Enrai 2 / Chapter.19 Enrai 3)
“Chapter.18 Distant Thunder 2 / Chapter.19 Distant Thunder 3”

I wasn’t sure how I felt about Mr. Matsunaga, especially after his loss, but he managed to sway my opinion of him right at the end.