Luck and Logic – 12 (END)
「運と 論理と/」 (Un to ronri to)
“Luck and Logic”
A nonsensical ending for a nonsensical series.
「運と 論理と/」 (Un to ronri to)
“Luck and Logic”
A nonsensical ending for a nonsensical series.
「絶望か 破滅か/」 (Zetsuboo ka hametsu ka)
“Despair or Destruction”
It’s never been more apparent than this week that Luck and Logic is adapted from a trading card game.
「天国か 地獄か/」 (Tengoku ka jigoku ka)
“Heaven or Hell”
What the hell is a logigraph?
「敵か 味方か/」 (Teki ka mikata ka)
“Friend or Foe”
The show finally jumps into a larger story arc with this promising entry.
「有罪か 無罪か/」 (uuzai ka muzai ka)
“Guilt or Innocence”
The show’s most action-packed episode thus far somehow manages to be its least interesting.
「人か 神か/」 (Hito ka kami ka)
“Human or God”
The plot finally starts to gain momentum.
「対決か 降伏か/」 (Taiketsu ka kōfuku ka)
“Battle or Surrender”
The strongest individual character development yet.
「昨日か 明日か/」 (Kinoo ka ashita ka)
“Yesterday or Tomorrow”
Some more individual character development in the vein of the past two episodes, with just the same level of effectiveness.
「自由か 束縛か/」 (Jiyū ka sokubaku ka)
“Freedom or Restraint”
Just like last week, the focus on developing the main cast is much appreciated, but still leaves a lot to be desired.
「理想か 現実か/」 (Risō ka genjitsu ka)
“Dream or Reality”
Luck and Logic wisely decides to develop its characters before diving into a larger plot, to mixed results.