Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo – 01

「ねこ・しろ・ましろ」 (Neko. Shiro. Mashiro)
“Cat. White. Mashiro”

Take it slow, don’t rush, establish the characters, establish the mood – that’s how I imagine the production team approached this first episode, and I must say, I am pleased. Every step of the way, from the first sight of cherry blossoms fluttering on the screen to the final roll of credits at the end, served to continually reinforce the mood of a soft, warm, and sweet romantic comedy. There just might be something special going on here.

Magi – 01

「第一夜 アラジンとアリババ」 (Dai ichi-yo Arajin to Aribaba)
“First Night: Aladdin and Ali Baba”

A boy who does not discriminate his breasts–brilliant! Welcome to the land of flying carpets, djinns, slaves, and lots of grape wine, where an epic adventure is just beginning.

Little Busters! – 01

「チーム名は…リトルバスターズだ」 (Chīmu Mei wa…Ritoru Basutāzu da)
“The Team Name is…Little Busters”

I don’t think there can be any question that Little Busters! is one of the most anticipated, debated, pre-judged and agonized over anime adaptations in recent years. Now comes the only question that really matters: It it any good?

Sukitte Ii na yo. – 01

「キスをした」 (Kisu wo Shita)
“I Kissed”

Living an isolated life where no one can betray you is the ideal way of living according to the social outcast Tachibana Mei. Little did she know that an accidental roundhouse kick would put an end to her lonely days. Everyone, meet a genuine love story in Sukitte Ii na yo. – an adaptation of what is currently one of the most popular shoujo manga in Japan.

To LOVE-Ru Darkness – 01

「Continue~コンティニュー~」 (Continue~ Konteinyu~)
“Continue~ Continue~”

So one girl is trying to create a harem for the main character while another is beset by mysterious forces trying to force her into (finally) assassinating said protagonist. Even were To LOVE-Ru not such a well-known series, I can tell you this: they would have my attention!