18if – 01
「電影の魔女」 (Den kage no majo)
“The Witch of Thunder”
Open the Red Doors. Find the Blue Doors.
「電影の魔女」 (Den kage no majo)
“The Witch of Thunder”
Open the Red Doors. Find the Blue Doors.
「なんだかんだで、みんな、キスって大好きだよね. マラソンって人生の縮図だって、知ってた?」 (Nandakanda de, Minna, Kisu tte Daisuki da yo ne. Marason tte Jinsei no Shukuzu datte, Shitteta?)
“When All Is Said And Done, Everyone Loves Kisses. Did You Know That a Marathon Is a Microcosm of Life?”
I guess I’ll just try and make you understand that I’m more horse than a girl. Or am I more girl than a horse?
「犬鷲の将軍」 (Inuwashi no Shougun)
“The Golden Eagle General”
Turkish to Japanese to English must be a translator’s nightmare.
「小笠原ダンススタジオへようこそ」 (Ogasawara Dansu Sutajio e Youkoso)
“Welcome to Ogasawara Dance Studio”
To be honest, my initial take on Ballroom e Youkoso was “Dance Haikyuu with Necks”.
「卯月」 (Uzuki)
Did I just watch a man running for 2 whole minutes at the beginning?
「主の支えによりて我は目覚める」 (Omo no sasae ni yorite ga wa mezameru)
“Through God’s Succor, My Eyes Are Opened”
The devil is in the details.
「告白」 (Kokuhaku)
I don’t use this phrase a lot, but I think this show has the potential to by my personal AOTY.
「キミもクイズ王にならないか?」 (Kimi mo Kuizuou ni Naranai ka?)
“Don’t You Want to Become a Quiz King?”
I didn’t have a lot of sleeper picks going into this season, but Nana Maru San Batsu was definitely one of them.
「バルベルデ地獄変」 (Baruberude Jigokuhen)
“Val Verde Hell Screen”
Just when you thought they couldn’t match the craziness of last season’s first episode.