Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya Zwei Herz! – 01

「鏡にしてるみたいでイヤなんだけど」 (Kagami ni shi Teru Mitaide Iyana Ndakedo)
“It’s Like Looking in a Mirror, and I Don’t Like It”

Though I’m undoubtedly biased, this was probably the single most funny, laugh-out-loud hilarious episode of any anime I’ve seen all season. Prisma Illya is back, and this season is going to be a blast!

To LOVE-Ru Darkness 2nd – 01

「Unconsciously~頭ふわふわ☆心どきどき~」 (Unconsciously ~ Atama Fuwafuwa ☆ Kokoro Dokidoki ~)
“Unconsciously ~Light Head☆Beating Heart~”

The To LOVE-Ru anime is back, with all the classics: Rito being clumsy, Momo scheming, zany hilarity that doesn’t effect the status quo, and intrusive whiteout censorship. Basically, it’s another season that’s telling us to buy the BDs, though the second half was hilarious.