Seiken Densetsu: Legend of Mana – The Teardrop Crystal – 01
「ラピスラズリ(第1部)」 (Lapis Lazuli)
“Lapis Lazuli”
Lend a hand to the choice of kindness.
「ラピスラズリ(第1部)」 (Lapis Lazuli)
“Lapis Lazuli”
Lend a hand to the choice of kindness.
「ブヒれ! 今日からアキバの新人メイド!」 (Buhire! Kyou kara Akiba no Shinjin Maid!)
“Oink It up! Starting Today, You`re an Akiba Maid!”
Drop everything you’re doing and watch the first episode before opening this page.
「DIYって、どー・いう・やつ?」 (Dī Ai Wai tte, Dō Iu Yatsu?)
“What is DIY?”
Nothing beats the feeling of doing things with your own hands!
「アイデンティティ」 (Identity)
Get rid of all of your preconceived notions. Or else!
「翡翠の耳飾り 前篇」 (Hisui no Mimikazari Zenpen)
“The Jade Earring, Part 1”
Steamed buns are always the way to a woman’s heart
「宇崎ちゃんはやっぱり遊びたい!」 (Uzaki-chan wa Yappari Asobitai!)
“Uzaki-chan Still Wants to Play!”
Japan reacts to CRINGE response to problematic Uzaki-chan bowling strategy!
「猫娘は剣に出会った」 (Nekomusume Wa Ken Ni Deatta)
“The Catgirl Met A Sword”
Sharp and pointy meets cute and fluffy.
Awwwwwright, pawtna. Keep ooooon rollin’ bebe… Youknowwhattimeitis.
「 最近雇ったメイドが怪しい」 (Saikin Yatotta Meido ga Ayashii)
“The Maid I Hired Recently Is Mysterious”
Master of the house, keeper of the zoo.
「1位「ガーディアンヒーローズ」だろぉおおお!」 (Ichii “Gaadian Hiirouzu” Darou!)
“‘Guardian Heroes’ Shoulda Been Number One!”
Wrong! Mr. Bones should’ve been Number One.