Up to Snuff – Fall 2018 FINAL

Happy new year, and welcome to the Fall 2018 wrap-up edition off Up to Snuff*!.
Happy new year, and welcome to the Fall 2018 wrap-up edition off Up to Snuff*!.
Welcome to week 5 of “Up to Snuff*”. It’s pretty much a given that this season’s top places are going to be a two-show battle – when the new one starts in January we should see some serious dynamism to the rankings as the new series establish themselves.
Welcome to week 4 of “Up to Snuff*”. It’s striking just how dominant the top two series are – they jostle with each other for position, but no other show has nearly as broad an appeal with our crack staff.
It’s week 3 of “Up to Snuff*”, and we have a new leader at the top of the rankings – though the same two series continue to dominate the rest of the field.
It’s week 2 of “Up to Snuff*”, and we have a few changes on the leaderboard already.
So I got to thinking – we’ve never really (not since the podcasts anyway, and those were usually only a couple of us) given our readers a sense of how we’re feeling as a group. That’s where “Up to Snuff” comes in.