Happy new year, and welcome to week 8 of “Up to Snuff*”. We wrap up the season as we began it – with Gridman and Golden Kamuy dominating the series rankings. Since both those series are complete (for now) the deck is going to be forcefully scrambled – which Winter series will seize our crack(ed) staff by the scruff of the neck and say “Vote for me!”? Or will a holdover like Tensura fight for the honor of Fall?
Given that the O-shogatsu period is largely an anime lull here in Japan, Up to Snuff will be taking a week off and returning to kick off Winter in two weeks. We may tweak the format a bit – new questions, new categories – but the feature has been a big hit and we appreciate your support. I look forward to seeing how writer opinion forms and shifts from the beginning of a season. See you in two weeks!
Without further ado, here are Fall’s final results:
* Name subject to change
Weekly Staff Poll
SSSS.Gridman – 17 (1 first-place vote)
Golden Kamuy – 14 points (2)
Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai – 14 (1)
Zombieland Saga – 5 (1)
Release the Spyce – 5 (1)
A very special RC Hidden Gem: Xumbra
I wanted to close this season by talking about someone who really was a hidden gem – Xumbra. He’s been the power behind-the-scenes of Random Curiosity for years – handling the myriad back-end issues that demand attention in keeping the site alive – and he’s moving on to new challenges. He was also the producer of our much-mourned RC podcasts (and even an occasional participant, if you listened closely enough). Like the site itself those would have been impossible without Xum’s hard work. He’s been a great colleague and a great friend, and despite his love of cages he’ll be sorely missed by everyone here at RC. Thanks for everything, Xumbra – and welcome to the team, Pictor!
Xumbra’s been here for a long time, hasn’t he? Thank you for all the good work!
So, will we have the comment preview button back?
Slime is not even top 5? i can’t tell if you guys are intentionally ignoring Aots shows or just have terrible taste, but alright whatever floats your boat.
Because Slime is still ongoing whereas everything on the list finished this season.
No, Slime was eligible and did make the top 5 a few times – this isn’t limited to seasonally-ending series.
Just remember – “terrible taste” = whatever is different from yours.
Remember that taste is subjective.
Good job Xumbra, thanks for all your hard work and good luck on your future endeavors. I guess Pictor has some pretty big boots to fill lol.