「ババアとババアが激突じゃんか」 (Babā to Babā ga Gekitotsu jan ka)
“It’s a Granny vs. Granny Clash!”

They say not to pick on someone who’s not your size (the Flatwoods Monster/sumo alien totally disregarded that last week). Turbo Granny met her match in Momo’s Grandma (Mizuki Nana) after the spirit’s below the belt move on Okarun. Grandma comes right in the nick of time and manages to contain Turbo Granny in a barrier without killing Okarun (though without dispelling Turbo Granny either).

If you thought Turbo Granny was insane- Momo’s Grandma is at least equal to that. For one, she’s a super sexy Grandma who looks young enough to be Momo’s mom or older sister (I guess if you got it, flaunt it…). I find it hilarious that in stark contrast to her appearance, Grandma dresses like a slovenly old man at home, constantly dragging on a cigarette while wearing an undershirt and belly warmer. For another thing, Grandma’s got an attitude that could rival any tough thug- we can see where Momo got her disposition from.

As Momo mentioned previously, Grandma works as a spirit medium. She makes TV appearances too, which at first make her look like a total fake when she makes all the “wrong” predictions about an idol. With the modern bias against spirit powers, it’s no surprise that no-one stops to question the validity of the idol interviewee, though if you stop to think about it, if Grandma wasn’t a spiritual medium, it would be seen as normal to give both sides the benefit of the doubt. Curious, the way the human mind works with bias. It doesn’t seem to bother Grandma though, whether because she just couldn’t care less or is just so used to it. In a funny irony, it eventually leaks out that it was the idol who was lying all along.

Momo wakes up, all in a panic over Okarun, to the point where she even dogezas and admits that Grandma’s the real deal. Funnily enough, Grandma, despite working in the field she does, staunchly denies the existence of aliens when Momo tells her about how she awakened her powers, sounding just like a certain somebody. We’ll see how long that disbelief lasts- it took Momo less than 24 hours to change her tune.

While seeing is believing in the case of Okarun and Momo becoming believers in the other’s niche, seeing is not everything, when Grandma tries (and fails) to teach Momo to rely on her other senses to interact with the auras. We learn that Momo’s power is something akin to the Force, seeing and manipulating the auras around her. Something seems to have sealed that aura off, so she has to rely on her eyesight to exert those powers. I’m wondering whether Turbo Granny cursed Momo by sealing her powers or if her abilities can only be fully unlocked under certain situations. Since she awakened under extreme duress, maybe the powers only go full throttle in last resort situations. It’s also possible the aliens have something to do with it.

At any rate, Momo controls Okarun’s curse by seeing and crushing his aura in her fist. Being crushed by a hot girl sounds like something that would excite a teen boy- if it weren’t for the embarrassing caveat that he must be under her watchful gaze at all times- including bathroom trips. I can hardly imagine anything less humiliating for Okarun- getting his schlong stolen, chased to the bathroom by his female classmate and her grandma, then watched by said classmate (now friend) while doing his business. I had to laugh though, at how calmly Grandma and Momo were discussing spiritual powers without a care in the world, while Okarun was about to literally lose his shit.

It’s obvious that going to a prime haunted spot was probably foolish (if you believe in supernatural stuff, which those kids didn’t)- but I certainly never dreamed of how foolish it was until Grandma hits it home. According to her, not even someone with spiritual abilities would go into that tunnel to challenge Turbo Granny. She couldn’t even get close to it. Meanwhile, Okarun just went traipsing in there (and look how that turned out for him). It clearly makes Momo feel even worse for getting him involved, especially with how the situation just keeps getting worse and worse.

And escalate the situation does- while on the squatter, Turbo Granny emerges, threatening to curse Grandma and anyone else in Okarun’s line of sight if Momo and Okarun don’t meet her at the tunnel tonight. Originally, the kids were going to get a traditional training montage under Grandma, then challenge Turbo Granny to a race outside the city limits to eradicate her. They no longer have the luxury of time, and thusly set off ASAP, garbed in traditional spirit armor, which looks cool for about 30 seconds, until it turns out they have to take the train, LOL. I’d have to agree with Momo though- “armor” is whatever you’re comfortable in. If you aren’t comfortable in your skin, no amount of layers can make up for that, especially in a battle that involves tapping into your inner powers. For Momo, that looks like “gyaru” clothes– which look funnily similar to what Grandma wears.

For all her rough attitude, Grandma cares a great deal about Momo from that tender moment at the end. I find it highly entertaining that despite the arguing between the two girls, Momo and Grandma strike me as a whole lot alike- between their attitudes, supernatural abilities, and even clothing style. Okarun’s family situation seems to be quite the opposite- that there appears to be no problem with him up and disappearing for 24 hours, staying overnight at someone’s house says a lot. Though, I suppose considering the situation he’s currently in, curfew and guardians would be the last thing on his or anybody else’s mind.

The whole thing with the location bound spirit brings up some questions. On a surface level, it certainly makes sense that a being’s spirit power is tied to the land god and loses signal when it goes out of range. However, with that being the case, how does Turbo Granny still have such strong powers when outside her tunnel, while in the abode of Grandma and Momo’s land god? Certainly the same could be true, then of Grandma- her spirit powers could surely still have some effect even outside of her home turf. For that matter, if Grandma’s abilities are limited by proximity to the land god, why is Momo able to use her powers anywhere? That said, I don’t think this is a series you’re supposed to think too deeply about. The true charm of it is just to recline and enjoy the experience as it hits your senses. I continue to love how this series embraces that zaniness wholeheartedly.



  1. Finally, we get to see Granny Ayase and not some disrespectful flashbacks of her from Momo’s perspective.

    With Ayase Senior introduced in episode three, I had thought Seiko would be the all-powerful spirit medium. The Anime never said Seiko was a legend; this episode is a clear reminder. Especially when Seiko is only a barrier user. I guess I assumed Seiko was all-powerful…

    … I feel like a fool.


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