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「天蠍一射」 (Tenkatsu Ichisha)
“Antares Snipe: Scorpion Shot”
I didn’t want that to happen ):
General Impressions
After teasing us with the battle to come last week, I’m glad this week’s episode delivered the goods. Between Astolfo being a complete badass and Chiron somehow being even more awesome than that, there was more than enough to keep your eyes glued to the screen. If anything, I think this battle may topple my current “best” fight when Avicebron unleashed Adam onto the world only to have Chiron, Astolfo, Siegfried, and Mordred literally obliterate it.
Anyways, getting back on topic let’s start off with Astolfo really kicking things up a notch this week. Empowered by the full moon, I thought it was great to see a Servant that was deemed “a failure” show us that he’s more than just his base stats. Soaring through the sky on his majestic Hippogriff, it was a blast watching him tear up the Hanging Garden’s defense. And as if watching Astolfo be a badass wasn’t enough, the story made time to remind us that a temporary powerup doesn’t let you defy your limits. I’m not sure how to describe the emotion I felt as I watched Astolfo slowly fall apart (I’m sure deflecting gigantic blasts of magic takes a lot out of you), but I think the moment where we see him holding his broken lance and is staring straight down the final beam was where I started to feel a little tinge in my chest. God, if there ever was an episode that demonstrated Astolfo was more than just someone to stare at, it was this week’s.
Changing gears, I think in its own right Chiron and Achilles fight was also pretty epic. Seeing how the two share a long history and never lost mutual respect for one another, it was a little bittersweet watching them duke it out to the death. However, that bittersweet feeling didn’t last long since it was quite clear that this fight was about a lot more than just one servant battling another. It was a fight of acknowledgement between Teacher and Student – a fight where Achilles proved to Chiron he was someone worth fighting to death against. And for those of you who may feel as strongly about it as I did, I think the dialogue between the two before their fight started did a great job at showing us what kind of relationship they had. Honestly, if you removed everything that happened prior to this moment, I think you’d still be able to understand just how much Chiron and Achilles cared for one another.
God, can you believe that there were only two major fights that went on this week? We still have Sieg versus Karna, Atalanta versus Jeanne, Mordred versus the whole damn castle, and whatever Shirou has planned once he leaves the Greater Holy Grail. Luckily, it looks like Apocrypha has no qualms about giving each battle the time it deserves so I suppose it’s just a matter of time until we get to see all of this plays out. In any case, I’ll catch you guys next week where we’ll hopefully get to see another fantastic episode. See you then!
So Chiron’s Noble Phantasm is an auto-aim. Why didn’t he use it in the earlier battles? He could have defeated enemies easier.
There’s a thing that Atalanta really needs right now. It is to chill up. She lost herself since the fight with Jack.
Atalanta purrs.
If I rub her ears will she die?
Muh children.
stupid evil cat.
At least she’s shit.
Archer using his NP to fuck over Achilles was cool.
Chiron only use his noble phantasm once despite being a silenced sniper (no need to call name) and satelite cannon wtf
@ Showsni
His noble phantasm isn’t all powerful though, although it can be launched silently and from anywhere it needs to be aimed at an enemy’s weak point.
I want to HEADPAT that STUPID cat.
She’s not stupid
Trying to 1 v 1 Jannu at point blank instead of just shooting down the fucking plane seems stupid to me.
It was being considered to be used during the battle against Adam, but after scanning it, he determined that it would not have been strong enough to completely destroy it to where it wouldn’t regenerate.
why does her face look like lego-lass?
Who even cares at this point. Cute potato tho.
that a girl?
Literally just a cat who likes cute clothes.
Toot gave me some brain problems. Give me a moment
It doesn’t have much power. It only has good aim and can be activated even without saying its name. Also, it has a limitation of one shot a day, meaning he only has 14 shots in a normal 2 week HGW.
Yes, and Jeanne D’Arc is a Child Murdered. Thanks bro.
Chiron’s NP can only be used once every night and it’s just a bit more powerful than a normal arrow shot, as you can see, it’s only useful to snipe weak points like Aquiles’s Heel and Sigfried’s back
YWN have a cute trap give his all for you. Why live?
She’s really good at blowing, if you know what I mean.
no, please explain in more detail.
I mean she’s talented at playing wind instruments, specifically of the brass variety.
She can toot my horn.
What kind of horn is it?
my dick.
i wanna get bullied by astolfo ;-;
Astolfos hair looks like pure shit.
Yeah, they fart.
Muscle is heavier than fat. Weight isn’t always good metric for health.
That’s actually a cool power, to stop time like that. Is that Magecraft? Anyway, from what I have seen with Chiron, the previous episodes, and Achilles now, I guess anyone with Divinity could potentially use some level of Magecraft.
honestly, to not use a Noble Phatasm because you can’t remember the name. Curious, so can’t someone else just remember the name for Astolfo and tell it to him for next time? I do not understand if Astolfo can use his Noble Phantasm even if he is not under a Moonless night.
I don’t suppose a kiss, from Achilles, would turn Archer back to normal.
Notably, for Jeanne to be called a child murderer. Geeeeeee, Gilles would feel so happy.
On the side note, sheesh Shirou is taking his time saying his wish.
how can evil cat go eviler? make her a boar cat.
Cat is doing nothing wrong. This grail should have been able to help the children’s souls/wraiths, but Jeanne doesn’t care since she’s already decided that the grail should go the Sieg. I want to bite her peach.
Every time she appears and screams about the children I want to kill myself, what a shit character.
I would smash that vile kitten.
me too
You gonna pay for tooting in No Toot Zone.
Horn of Gondor > Gay Black Tuba
She isn’t as cute as Astolfo.
Nothing is gayer than LoTR
You know nothing of manly comradeship.
Clerks is better when it’s animated.
If you disregard all of the faults of Atalanta, it becomes something good.
Astolfo remains best girl. Astolfo really love your husband. She’s optimal girlfriend material.
made for bbc
Ancient Random Curiosity proverb: No dick, no fun.
Semi-shit confirmed that Astolfo is girl, stop fighting.
Astolfo is cute.
I was really worried about Astolfo this episode. I hope he does not die and gets to live a happy life with Sieg.
Dont worry, Astolfo survives.
Official relationship chart for Fate/Apocrypha
Sieg ↔ Astolfo “Trust and mutual dependence.”
Sieg ← Astolfo “Willing to help him out whenever he needs” & “Romantic love ♥”
Sieg → Jeanne “Love…?”
Sieg ← Jeanne “Pledge to protect” & “Romantic love ♥.”
Sieg ← Siegfried “Sacrifices itself to save the boy.”
Sieg ↔ Shirou “Enemies.”
Sieg ← Celenike “Jealousy, envy and hatred.”
Sieg ← Avicebron “Wanting to use him as his Golem’s ‘core’.”
Astolfo ← Celenike “Please pardon me.”
Astolfo ← Celenike “Obsessive–compulsive disorder.”
Jeanne → Red and black faction “Supervisor”.
Spartacus → Avicebron “Captured by.”
Atalanta → Achilles “Don’t call me ‘Big Sister’.”
Achilles → Atalanta “Likes to call her Big Sister.”
Achilles ↔ Chiron “Has a connection in their past.”
Siegfried → Gordes “Obeys.”
Gordes → Siegfried = “Distrust.”
Mordred ↔ Kairi “Trust & mutual dependence.”
Mordred → Semiramis “Distrust.”
Kairi → Shirou “Distrust.”
Shakespeare “Forever alone.”
Shirou ↔ Semiramis “Mutual cooperation.”
Karna → Siegfried “wanting/swearing to battle him again.”
Avicebron → Roche “Sees him as a student.”
Roche → Avicebron “Respect.”
Why is Achilles so gay?
Greeks are gay by nature!
Why do Greek heroes suck so bad nowadays?
Most Greek heroes just like the Gods lack any sense of fucking logic in their epics.
Atalanta has no honor! Achilles is retarded!
The greeks are retarded though, even if Chiron did go gay.
No it doesn’t. Atalanta being an autistic hypocrite that screams makes him annoying as hell. At least Chiron isn’t annoying, just boring.
Greek stupidity is gay as fuck.
There’s probably some balance issues since they’re as much a gay as retarded.
I was actually afraid that BEST GIRL was dying along with Hippogriff because of how the light was emanating from both of them. Thankfully that wasn’t the case.
What a way to make an entrance – smashing an entire jet fighter into your face, lol.
So Atalanta is now half Ganon? lol
And who would have thought that one of the best battles would be just an good old, honorable battle of fisticuffs?
I want her to toot my flute.
This is feels really good!
imagine getting tooted between your legs by Astolpho
I know anime girls don’t fart, but do traps?
Yeah, they fart too.
Astolfo is the only reason I masturbate.
You sure were good at annoying my dick during No Nut November
I really don’t like the way Astolfo makes me feel.
I still don’t understand what the fuck is Cat girl’s problem with dumb blonde moebloblob.
Atalanta wants to save every child and that included the children that made up the embodiment of Jack and she got super pissed that Jeanne exorcised them rather than save them.
Weren’t they just imaginary children though?
They were all Adorable aborted fetuses from Victorian Era prostitutes given form.
I really hope this series ends soon.. so much “teenage stuff” from Bots, is this some kind of viral pr?
I was wondering if there was some sort of bot / multiple account invasion myself.
My point about you being way too paranoid still stands, chill.
Originally I didn’t mind when the comment section originally served as a way for people to complain about FGO for whatever reason. It balanced it out.
But now I’m finding it irritating when these Apocrypha episodes are now just being mainly filled with stupid Astolfo stuff or waifu crap. Hate to say it, but it really is becoming a toxic fanbase when all people seem to care about are how to bang their waifu.
Grand Order fags were always hated by all other fan bases of all other Fate and Type-Moon series on both sides of the ocean when it comes to discussions related to the Fate and Type-Moon series. Grand Order fan base is also considered the worst Type-moon fan base and main cancer responsiblefor the destruction and deaths of each topic related to the Fate and Type-Moon series on both sides of the ocean.
Nowadays every time we try to have a topic related to the Fate or Type-Moon series some Grand Order fags will come spamming whatever is happening with his mobage and shitposting about how great the mobage or servants from it are, besides shitting on each Fate and Type-Moon series that is not the mobage and shitposting about how shit all other series and servants from them are. Derailing any conversation that the thread was trying to create.
@SDFGS What the hell did I just read, this can only be a poor joke, you’re criticizing another Fate fanbase while defending cancer like FGO and his fans, aren’t you ashamed of yourself?
What? Everyone except for fgofags calls it the worst Fate Series by far.
Apocrypha’s comment section gets more comments than other anime here, but in a bad way. I keep seeing comments like relationship chart or Astolfo is the best girl.
Being toxic is the ultimate fate of almost all fandoms. The more people it has, the more toxic it is. I don’t say that more people in a fandom is a bad thing, but I have witnessed lots of fandom ruined because of the people.
but it’s still far from achieving Aldnoah.Zero threads. Aldnoah.Zero had an average of 205 posts per episode, whereas Apo has an average of 120 posts per episode.
That’s because FGO is a Mobage designed more for satisfying the needs of the otaku audience’s sense of wish-fulfillment. That’s what happens when the Otaku audience’ existence is taken for granted. When that happens, the needs of the otakau pandering becomes more important than history and development of the characters.
@SDFGS You were the first person to mention mobage’s name in this topic. I havenen’t even mentioned gachashit. I’m just sick of people unironically defending Fate/Grand Order as if it’s better than any other franchise series.
All the Astolfo hate in these comments are freaking adorable.
I bet nobody would be complaining about anything if Astolfo was a waifushit
People who hate it are just retarded FGOfags, dont care much about those fags bro.
@Worldwidedepp and @SDFGS
The fact that you Astolfo haters need to accuse others to validate your opinion is beyond sad and pathetic.
Where did i flame against Alfonso? My target was more against the Comment Bots. But perhaps you only saw my name at the beginning and put me on your autohate list without checking the facts
See, this it how all things start, rushing into things
Most comments are on Astolfo
and? That gives you the right to put all in this thread in the same desk?
Well, do not rush next time into conclusions. because all jump from the same bridge and others must follow
I like pretty much all Fate releases, except Fate Grand Order mobage and that god-awful Grand Order: First Order movie.
There really is no reason to hate any other Fate series.
That is literally the entire modern Fate franchise. It just so happens that the new fanbase only cares about fulfillment fantasies, so they can keep making only that easily marketable shit like FGO.
To be honest, the franchise and the Fate-related topics became pure shit after the release of the Fate/Grand Order mobage in July 30, 2015.
Astolfo remains best girl, she’s optimal girlfriend material.
How strong is Astolfo during the new moon exactly?
Strong enough to tank all those laser beams with his shield.
Well before she could nullify all magic with that book, and now in this episode, it literally pops up a barrier that can’t be sustained after four hits.
Astolfo is a 100% FEMALE.
The vulva isn’t even that puffy. Two of those poses in that image even show off her lack of penis and testicles. I can only assume that this person has never seen male genitalia in their entire life.
and what the hell is Atlanta up to?
Getting herself killed. A shame. She’s shit.
Because Atalanta is an irredeemable pile of shit.
jaaku no neko-san wa kawaii desu ne~
– Calls Astolfo a gay
– Was the first one to attempt to murder Jack
– Calls the kids innocent despite doing horrific murders to their victims
Jack should have killed her for being so stupid.
Atalanta lost all my respect ever since she started this whole child murderer crap, the souls of the children that were part of Jack the Ripper were inncent victims of the cruelty of humans but after dear old Jack was born they stopped being innocent, they killed many, many more that is recorded in history, the Mage Association had to sent a death squad to take them down and it was not easy! And what do they do after they are summoned by the Grail? Pick up exactly where they left 200 years ago! Innocent children my ass! Jeanne should get medal for putting them out of their misery.
Too much horribly butthurt exposition, 90% of the children were evil spirits sitting around and talking.
those eyes tho, spooky.
Such cat, much wow.
Cat is cute. But boy is she also stupid.
– been pro-choice
– get Atalanta as a servant
what a do?
you mean a complete imbecile.
Die at her hands because you didn’t love the children.
So where the fuck did she get a random boar hide that would transform her into a monster?
Some faggot killed it and let her take the glory. The gods didn’t like that.
Broskandar will definitely have a place for you in his Ionioi Hetairoi
I want to ravage Astolfo in those short shorts.
You’re not alone.
The only good part about this was CLANG.
Did Astolfo live to the end? He shouldn’t have made it past 1 fight.
So why does Frankenstein grunt?
It’s more likely that it was a serious medical problem since birth than spontaneous.
Berserkers have trouble speaking properly due to their class ability Mad Enhancement. Spartacus is a special case that makes it a bit confusing.
So let me get this straight. If it weren’t for the cheating Jeanneshit, Jack would have won the war right?
I don’t see how, she can’t do shit to half the cast
Those 10,000+ extra lives help. It’s to a point where she would have eventually killed everyone before all her lives ran out.
There’s only one Servant jack. All the other children are completely ordinary children, described as the lowest class of evil spirit that, in all their power combined, could merely plant a weak suggestion of committing murder in one person’s mind. Not a strong compulsion, just a seed of murderous desire that can be easily suppressed.
Those are merely the evil spirits that make up Jack’s combined being. It’s not 10,000 Jacks, it’s 10,000 of those spirits create one single Jack. The LN explains that once Jack ‘dies’ and ceases to be a Servant, the released evil spirits that were once Jack are so weak that any Servant can simply digest them all for mana at will, instantly. They’re extremely pathetic by the standards of spirits, and Servants are high tier spirits.
That’s obviously an avatar of poor children killed and abused during capitalist industrial revolution.
Hell no. Jack can’t do shit to servants like Karna and Achilles.
Will eventually murdered their masters.
Shirou would’ve beat her to that
Their master is now Chuuni priest who’s also a servant so she can’t.
Like I said, if it weren’t for the interfering cheating Jeanneshit she would have had this in the bag.
Jack the ripper killed it for me. It wasn’t for being a Loli. That was fine. It was that stupid spin she did with her knife that chopped up the golem. When she did that, I couldn’t take this seriously anymore and I stopped masturbating.
Sorta, fate’s Jack is an amalgamation of spirits of aborted fetsuses and abused children of prostitutes which is why “Jack” murders prostitutes. The idea is nice but her design is obviously fapbait
huh? I thought she is avatar of murdered child prostitute, thats why she wear child stripper outfit.
But once you recognize the secret reason for her exposure, you will feel ashamed of your words & deeds.
Jack will put La Pucelle Tail inside her!
She’s basically a sexualized Caller in Darkness (basically Ghost of The Thing) from D&D.
Why is she called jack the ripper anyways.
Because she rips a big one through that big butt of hers
Die at her hands because you didn’t love the children.
because she makes me jack off too much and i rip the skin off my dick.
Well I learned a few things too like how not to rip the skin by using someone else’s mouth, instead of your own hand.
Well I learned a few things too like how not to rip the skin by using someone else’s mouth, instead of your own hand.
I just wished she didn’t look like a little girl with a huge ass.
I wish everyone looked like little girls with huge asses.
Kill yourself fag.
The thing I don’t understand is why would the director and the entire staff for that matter, go to the trouble of making a girl better than their main heroine in almost every aspect, give her quite a fair bit of development with MC, almost more than main heroine got and then discard that completely so main heroine wins even though there’s a perfectly better girl that they’ve just made and developed right there.
Japanese authors do this shit all the time. It’s like in their blood.
Best girl literally never wins, you should know this by now.
To show that the audience’s view on the matter does not equate the MC’s one. He is not us and we are not him. He can like and get together with whoever he wants regardless of the objective truth the audience tries to force on him.
Note: Not long before, I had posted in the wrong place
This is True Tears all over again, right?
No, Noe was supposed to win and got a confession halfway through, Astolfo didn’t have a chance from the start.
it’s yes. worst girl wins.
i’m starting to be a bit tired of all these mentions, i will watch this in christmas
God stop this already. It’s nothing like True Tears.
Except there is no trap and they are gunning for worst girl, yeah.
Honestly this slow obvious death kinda hurts more than True Tears.
The Japs like twisting the knife don’t they.
-make MC and side girl have good chemistry
-other characters even comment on it
-have countless scenes of them getting along
-main girl will win because she’s main girl, even though her relationship with MC isn’t nearly as developed and mainly consists of the author just telling us they like eachother
What the fuck is wrong with nips? Why do they always do this?
Symptomatic from a society that fails in marring and reproducing.
It’s almost as If main girl is too busy running for no reasonto spend time thinking about love.
It’s pretty much Astolfo’s fault she isn’t cuter, I guess. Oh well, live and learn.
Jeanne is thinking about love, thats the main plot you blind fuck the point here is that Jeanne a spineless coward just like all other main girls in japanese animations.
How is that an excuse? If Jeanne is too busy to worry about love, why the hell is she going to end up with her love? It’d make more sense if the girl who was more worried about putting effort into her duties as ruler missed out on romance because of it. But instead she’ll win “”””fuck Nasu””””
True love shouldn’t distract you from your responsibilities. Note how Astilfo has started to neglect her club due to her duties as a servant for Sieg. That’s a big no.
My point is we’re not being given any reason to believe those two would end up together. Jeanne has put in literally zero effort towards Sieg. It’s been all tell and no show. We’ll probably get one short scene of them finally confronting each other, like it always goes in these things, and that’ll be it
She just help him.
You don’t get to date someone because you “put effort in”. You’re literally spouting nice guy logic.
Again, Jeanne is a Roller who needs to work, she simply doesn’t have the time.
Caring about peoplr doesn’t imply romance. He would have done it for Astolfo with better results, or even fucking Toolen.
People get together all the time. The only thing needed is mutual attraction. All these Astolfofags are sperging out about why their horse won’t win, but does there need to be a reason beyond the fact that Sieg has someone that he likes more? Does the fact that he’s liked Jeanne for a long time already count for nothing?
You’re not getting the point. One relationship has developed over the course of the actual show. The other, which will be the end relationship, has been nothing but “well they knew each other”. I mean for the first fucking 13 or so episodes she was worrying about the red team. Better fleshing out the relationship that won’t amount to shit makes no sense to me
It’s actually very realistic. There are people like that out there.
Source: Me.;_;
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From complete stranger to friends.
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Selective memory sure is amazing. Together at episode 5, together at Jack’s illusion, the whole episode where she was strolling with him in the city of Trifas. But nope, none
The first two scenes were her brooding about being a robotic Stoic-Emotionless-Kuudere. I’ll give you the Trifas scene
Can you really tell something like this never means shit? It’s kindness out of kindness, and even if you had intentions that were not made any clearer with that kindness, people still regard to it as just kindness.
This is some next level delusion.
How so? Going out of your way for another never means anything.
I’m not running through the forest to find the area where he was, finding him, getting him onto the forest, then having to calm him down on that place packed full of servants and masters, then go over test questions to help him, walk him to the forest to drop him off … out of kindness
You’re delusional.
You don’t? You know, it’s one of those pathetic things in life that makes you think you’re doing shit but in reality no one gives a fuck about. If that’s not called kindness then what is it? Because sure as fuck that never works if you’re doing it for a specific reason.
It’s not like she fell in love because I helped her out. Note she was already getting jealous over Astolfo before that point. The take away from the Trifas scene is that Jeanne was realizing Sieg cares to big deal about her. More than she ever thought.
you’re delusional
I’ve never met someone who cared for something i did for them.
stop projecting, anon
What’s Astolfo really done anyway to further her cause? She’s asked for some of Sieg’s time and made a weird confession. And that’s enough? Up until last episode she’s always been portrayed as an annoyance to Sieg. But muh chemistry.
This episode she called him out, he came running and teased him by just leaving.
Fate/Apocrypha Episode 22 Preview [Reunion and Farewell)
Atalante turned into a beast to take Jeanne d’Arc down and grant her wish. Jeanne d’Arc stands against Atalante in order to fulfill what she must do. Meanwhile, Sieg’s transformation breaks, and he returns to his original form after a fierce battle against Karna. Though using Magic Spell, Sieg tries to turn into Siegfried as soon as possible, Karna stops him and talks to Caules who is in the back.
The big day has finally arrived. https://i.imgur.com/tStE3pG.jpg
To show that the audience’s view on the matter does not equate the MC’s one. He is not us and we are not him. He can like and get together with whoever he wants regardless of the objective truth the audience tries to force on him.
Well… I’ve just realized that I’ve posted in the wrong place;
Wait, did he summon an arrow out of the Sagittarius constellation?
Wait, that was actually an NP? I thought he just shot an arrow way beforehand and it just landed at the battlefield right now.
I don’t understand either, but it a cool Noble Phantasm.