「マンガ家脳野崎くん」 (Manga-ka nou Nozaki-kun)
“The Manga Artist’s Brain, Nozaki-kun”

The romcom elements return as Nozaki-kun and Chiyo go on a date. Pffft, who am I kidding, it’s still all comedy here!

It’s Not a Date, It’s Research

No part of me ever expected Nozaki & Chiyo’s daito to be in the least bit romantic, nor was I phased by the pump fake at the end that led to Chiyo eating Nozaki’s delicious cooking. Comedy is best when it’s toying with and defying expectations (or telling truths, or…well, comedy is complex), and the fact that I’m starting to pick up on Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun’s beat does mean it’s liable to have less punching power. That’s usually what happens when a comedy reaches the middle of the season. Fortunately there’s more going on her than pure comedy – the characters are so lovable I’d watch it for them alone!

Seems Perverted, For Manga Reasons

I say all that, but while I’m picking up and anticipating some jokes, others are still hilarious and out of nowhere. This week we get a new (but entirely reasonable) side of Nozaki-kun – his secret perverted side! Not – what made those gags so great was that Nozaki-kun looked like he was being perverted, but he really wasn’t. It’s like gap moe for the comedic side – the different between how Nozaki-kun’s action appeared and how they actually were was hilarious! Though for my money, the onee-san’s gossiping about how Chiyo and Nozaki-kun are a great couple was the best. Stop toying with me, guuuuh!

Nozaki-kun Knows Naught But Manga

The other new side we got to see of Nozaki-kun (though it’s been hinted at before) is how he has no hobbies outside of manga. Which was funny in its own right, but it made me wonder…will they ever develop this? Nozaki-kun’s lack of other hobbies seems like a joke they’ll keep going with for a while, but it could actually be a nice way to develop him further as a character.

Compared to a differently hilarious show like Hanayamata, Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun appears to be taking the comedy route of having fairly static (though in this case above average in depth) characters and rubbing them together in different combinations for laughs. But I’d like to see them change and grow, and Nozaki-kun’s workaholic tendencies are one place that could be great…and Chiyo could get closer to him. Or just have him really join the art club instead of just taking it over for a lark! Though honestly, I’m probably just wishing this was a slightly different show than it actually is.

Writing Checks Mikorin’s Body Has To Cash

Mikorin continues to be the best in all things. The whole modeling bit, oh man! Shy characters are one of the elements the stories Dogakobo chooses to animate have been doing well lately, first in Mikakunin de Shinkoukei and now this. You don’t get shy or introverted male characters often, or at least not in a role like Mikorin’s. His bluster covering up a lonely, shy, and insecure soul is…it’s…it’s. There’s no two ways about it. It’s MOE! Mikorin best heroine of all anime forever, case closed. And now Nozaki-kun and the art club get to draw Mikorin naked. Mikorin’s life is zetsubou!

Looking Ahead – The Prince (Female) Returns

It’s Kashima tiiiiime! It’s great how the cast is strong and varied enough that, no matter the character(s) an episode appears to center around, I’m excited to watch it. There’s not a main character I don’t like, so more Kashima and Hori-sempai is fine with me, even if I don’t believe for a second the ship teasing they were throwing out. Stop toying with my fragile maiden heart!

tl;dr: @StiltsOutLoud – Nozaki is such a no life workaholic it’s almost perverted! Though Mikorin promising to pose in the nude takes the cake by far #nozakikun 07

Random thoughts:

  • Nozaki sure knows how to flatter his RL Mamiko. He would be a dangerous man to the ladies if he wasn’t so dense.
  • Loved how Mikorin is too comfortable about Chiyo, so he is honest with her and doesn’t go into playboy mode. This is the one situation where sending in someone else works way better. Poor Mikorin!
  • I don’t know why, but hearing Chiyo say that Mikorin is such a pain is the height of hilarity to me. The gender swapped comedy never fails to make me laugh.
  • Nozaki-kun wants to draw Mikorin nude. LET THE SHIPPING BEGI–wait, no! Nozaki x Chiyo 4 life! Don’t make me stray. Damn you Mikorin, daaaamn yoooou!

Check out my blog about storytelling and the novel I’m writing at stiltsoutloud.com. The last four posts: Completely unbiased, You have to sell free, Different answers, and Compromise.




  1. http://images.randomc.net/Gekkan%20Shoujo%20Nozaki-kun/Gekkan%20Shoujo%20Nozaki-kun%20-%2007%20-%20Large%2023.jpg


    So Chiyo’s art club has its share of weird characters too. The girls are pretty though, and it’s funny seeing them creeped out by the girl who requested the “A guy having a fifth affair is found out, and is told by his girlfriend that she’ll break up with him this time. So he gets on his knees, and desperately begs him not to abandom him” pose. You also got to give credit to Mikoshiba for successfully doing the requested poses.

  2. Gotta love how casual the people in the manga drawing section were, grabbing items within seconds before acting as though nothing happened. XD
    What, no ChiyoxMikorin love? (Then again, she just needs to vent all the teasing she gets on someone who’s more helpless. :3)

    Serious Business
    1. I was wondering about that scene too. At first glance you’d think they were shoplifters, but I guess it just showed these people(and Nozaki) already know what supplies they’re gonna get and how fast they are.

      1. Perhaps weeks, months, or even years of struggling to meet deadlines has made it second nature for manga artists to instantly spot what papers and pens they need, so they don’t waste any time finishing manuscripts.

  3. Although I’ve read this in manga before, the anime still has me bowling over with laughter. Was not expecting the adaptation to have that much power~must be the seiyuus and seeing the characters I love come alive. Esp. Chiyo’s seiyuu! She makes the character 100x more adorable than I imagined.

    Ah..Mikorin, when you are in tears I am in tears too (albeit for a different reason).

    1. Voice acting, comedic timing and tone changes definitely help here. For example, Mikorin reading out the pose descriptions in fitting tone and then saying “pose of” completely deadpan was hilarious.

  4. I’m glad anime companies realize that male characters can be just as MOE as female characters. As always this show never fails to disappoint. Mikorin true heroine status. But I have to say, as much as I love Nozaki x Chiyo and Nozaki x Mikorin (XD) I think my OTP of this series is definitely Kashima x Hori-Sempai. Briefs Desu~

    1. What I like about Mikorin is that, unlike the Free boys, who are blatantly moe blob K-ON girls with muscles, Mikorin is uniquely moe. It’s not just transplanting a female personality onto a male character and saying “moe!”, it’s the interplay between the traditionally (anime) female traits and Mikorin’s male personality, traits, and his pretty boy looks that make it all work. It’s not a transparent cash grab, he’s a real character.

  5. HalfDemonInuyasha
    1. I thought Mikorin was always the heroine?

      All jokes aside, its always nice to see how Mikorin is not a bad guy per se, but he can easily get led astray when he’s talking to the opposite gender, especially when just now with the art club fiasco.

  6. Dammit Chiyo, you should’ve taken the opportunity and posed for Nozaki in that sailor uniform. No man could resist its allure!

    …n-not that I want to see Chiyo in a sailor fuku or anything. N-no, no. No sirreee!

    Though it’s hilarious to think of Mikorin posing in that outfit. Imagine walking in on thát. That’d give me Danshi Koukousei No Nichijou flashbacks, hahaha.

  7. In the manga, there aren’t male students’ appeareance aside from Mikorin and Nozaki in the art club chapter.

    Guess the anime has to go out its way to make sure of Mikorin’s best girl status. Even the boys have teh hots for him goddunnit…

    (And how do you quote images again?)

    1. I like that. The tendency to act like only a few male characters exist in anime is too pervasive. It’s not unreasonable that an art club would be entirely female, but heavily female (7 of 9) is far more realistic, and it helps sell the setting. Little things like that help.

      1. And the funny part is that (like what Enzo said in his post) even those 2 boys have excited reactions like the girls when Mikoshiba promises to pose for the art club again, sans clothes.

        If Kashima’s the School prince than Mikorin is a princess to the people in-universe (main characters aside, to them he’s pretty much Mamikoshiba, no objections), alright…

    1. I take exception to that! I would never wear a sailor uniform that didn’t fit.


      Also, that video was awesome! Highly suggested all. And no, it doesn’t involve dudes in sailor uniforms. Awesome Nozaki-kun OP + the bike skit IRL, hah!

  8. This is so hilarious, I was laughing from start to end. Sakura’s VA is doing incredibly well for a newbie. Her voice acting has a certain charm to it that makes me want to hear more of her voice.

    The Story You Don't Know
  9. paul

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