Show Spoiler for Naruto Chapter 473 ▼
…You bring out the swarm. Except in this case, that means his Raikage brother for some gang beats. Seeing as the last chapter left Bee at Kisame’s mercy, I’m a bit surprised how quickly the tides turned. It wasn’t like Raikage and co. hopped in right away either, as Bee managed to get a pencil attack off before hand. In any case, is it safe to assume that Kisame’s dead now? I mean he got decapitated and everything, but I’m still skeptical about any death in Naruto until I see either a funeral or some acknowledgment from comrades. Also, just so that there’s no misunderstanding on the technique Kisame was trying to pull off, it was a “Suiton Daikoudan” 「水遁大鮫弾」, which literally translates to “Water Technique, Huge Shark Bullet”. Judging by its name, it wasn’t any sort of replacement/escape technique.
The rest of the chapter with Ao surviving and Mizukage seeing through Fuu’s ability was fairly run-of-the-mill, but they ended on a decent cliffhanger with Sai approaching Naruto about Sakura’s confession. It’s been suggested to me that what Naruto doesn’t know is that permission to dispose of Sasuke as a missing ninja was given, however I double-checked this because I sort of recall him already knowing. Well it turns out he does, after hearing it from Kiba at the end of chapter 451. As such, the only thing that comes to mind at this point is that Sakura confessed because she’s concerned about Naruto putting himself in more danger for her sake. i.e. That it was a semi-guilt-driven confession. Are there any other possibilities that I’m overlooking?
* Oh right, Naruto’s not aware that Sakura and co. are going to try and take out Sasuke themselves. Somehow, I don’t think they’ll succeed…
yo…kisame ain’t dead
this was kinda confusing part like r they punching him or wat?
i still dont get how both of them can decapitate kisame by punching him or do they hav some crazy chakara
also btw where did kisame’s sword go… i wish bee can weild that bad ass sword
so how did they decapitate him, rnt they just punching him? i see no weapons in their hands too
btw wat happend to kisame’s sword, i wanna see bee weild that bad mofo
I’m just glad that Raikage smacked Bee’s head when he was about to say another rap after killing Kisame.
yeah you are overlooking that sai its certanly going to say to him that sakura and company decided to kill sasuke them selfs… that is what naruto dosnt know, and as for kisame dying? i doubt it, he praiced bee and raikage combo with his head off already, meaning he didnt died the sec after his head was cut off, and i dont think he is dead yet, remember that inmortal guy? his head was cut off and tottaly dismembered and still didnt died… i believe he its still alive in that hole below the earth in that forest, its not strange that in some near future he is going to be found alive and either cataloged as a demon or god
You have to admit, that was a pretty brutal way to die. Clotheslining from both directions. Ouch.
@honeysenpai, they squeezed his neck off with their arms. Like, really quickly. Like how with wire you can decapitate someone.
“Water Technique, Huge Shark Bullet” > His head is the bullet, I’m calling it.
kisame cant be dead……cmon!! a 1 or 2 paged death scene ??…its kisame were talkin about
Well, seeing as how Kisame was still talking even with his head cut off…
Hidan’s got a new playmate. 🙂
(Disclaimer: don’t care if he’s dead or not)
Yeah, you’re overlooking the fact that people actually die in this manga, so Kisame’s death is believable, I guess you’re confusing Naruto with One Piece.
I understand how you all are feeling and I as well am disappointed in this fight but Kisame is dead end of question. His reliable sword Samehada betray him and whenever an Akatsuki is near death their Cloak are off.
Obviously, Raikage can get healed now because of the Samehada.
I don’t read One Piece so I can’t really make that confusion. I’m just hesitant to say Kisame’s dead because he’s a pretty key antagonist in the series. We’ve seen Orochimaru die only to live on in Kabuto, as well as Kakashi die only to be revived by Pain, so I didn’t want to rule out the possibility of Kisame getting some similar treatment. For all we know, Samehada might save him with all that chakra it has stored.
Needs more One Piece.
could it be… that sakura is planning to go off and kill sasuke herself?
goodnight, kisame. say hi to itachi for me.
Man, the fight between Killerbee and Kisame was ended like complete crap.
The shark was about to land the final blow on the bee and his weapon conveniently turned on him. Give me a break!!!
heh, whatever
BOOM! Headshot!
Sai will most likely tell Naruto the truth of disposing Sasuke. Before you make conclusions about what Sakura’s motivations are, you’ve got to realize that in chapter 451, Kiba was referring to Danzou giving permission to take out Sasuke. This has nothing to do with the “truth” that Shikamaru told Sakura that even the rookies were going with Danzou’s decision, that essentially the entire village was against Naruto on this issue.
There’s a difference between Danzou giving permission and the rookies deciding on their own to go against Naruto.
Thank God that annoying shark is dead..
Yeah, I realized as much and have already appended my post. Thanks for the confirmation though.
why didn’t kisame just duck?
Hey, don´t post those images in the main page of the blog! They´re spoilers!
Kisame’s head went squish.
Kisame fell down and can’t get up!
kisame die. huhu~ ya! Sakure and the team wouldn’t succeed. agree!
I have to agree with Mino, since this is a pretty obvious about-to-die scene. However, I read the chapter before I saw this anyway.
Oh well, i sorta liked kisame anyways… especially his smile
Mino, Mark:
The unwritten rule/understanding around here according to Omni is that once something has aired or been released, it’s fair game. We purposely refrain from showing/talking about anything we know might be coming up, which we consider to be real spoilers.
Anyway, your concerns can be said about screencaps for an episode on the front page, but unless you know exactly what’s happening, I don’t think it’s that bad. It’s more of a teaser preview. For manga posts, we already hide the text so you don’t inadvertently read something you don’t want to.
lol samehada save kisame? i dont kno if u noticed but by the end of the chapter that sword was hugging bee on one of the pages haha. i think kisame is dead becuz IMO naruto is on its final arc and i think the author is starting to close loose ends before the final epic battle against the death star….i mean the moon
its only a flesh wound!
but seriously if thats it for kisame then this manga really has becoume stupid man. what a waste of a good character
okay, I know now….
When Pain revived everyone way back when he also revived that old lady from the sand village who revived gaara, and then that old lady went and revived sasori who defected to the back to the akatsuki again and went and sewed kisame’s head back on with his special puppet string…….
Kisame died to quickly! I liked him! I like Raikage and Killer Bee too, but I wanted a longer fight.
But if this means quicker Sasuke/Sakura action. Heh! I’ll take it. LOL I don’t really know what Sakura is thinking at this point, and if she’s seriously going after Sasuke to fight him. (or find out his reasons for joining Akatsuki, since she got a teeny hint that he has a good reason from Naruto before Kakashi cut him off)
The thing Sai is likely to tell Naruto is the rookie’s decision to kill Sasuke?
Sucks Kisame died though the double clothesline was ownage. Kinda wish he did one or two more fights.
Kisame is so not dead. After finding Samehada so lame, I hope he does something to redeem himself. An Akatsuki to said to have the most chakra shouldn’t be taken out with a head chop from those guys. It will be interesting [Maybe] to see what he does. It would be a good way to let their guards down so he can take Bee out. — As far as everything else, Choujiro is the only one out of everyone else that holds my interest, I want to see a swordsman of the Mist with something good, for a change. How I miss Zabuza. — Sakura’s confession was at a horrible time, which is why Yamato was rather angry about it all. I’m very glad Naruto turned her down, since she’s always been horribly stupid, not seeing someone that cared about her all along, and going after the emo loner boy that hates his own life and everyone around him. Naruto deserves Hinata, but since he hasn’t ever had a chance to even talk to her about her confession when fighting Pein, then I doubt he will ever do so, which is a shot in the leg on a prefectly good pairing, in my opinion. — Sasuke will be fine, he can do anything, didn’t you know that?
OMG..Sai is gonna confess his love for Naruto!!!!11
Kisame is back in the next chapter, Tobi revives him.
@tissue lol xD
well i dont believe kisame’s dead
@Tissu3: ZOMG I’m srsly ROFLMAO… especially since that is truly a possible scenario.
i dont kisame is dead either. He finished whatever jutsu he was doing. I bet he did something he learned from Hidan that Immortal that is just a head now. Kisame will bide his time and come back. He deserves an epic finish like Itachi,Pein and the others. Im just glad Naruto didnt show up steal the spotlight. Yes I know the manga is called Naruto. I just like seeing what everyone is capable of doing.
I am with the Guy that said Kisame’s Head is the bullet!
I don’t care about his death or how this guy died. I’m so pissed though about the betrayal of his sword. This is complete BS. Kisame has probably had a lot of battles. How come the damn sword didn’t betray him then? Unbelievable.
I think that kesames Sword is going to end up with one of Sasuke’s minions Suigetsu