Random Musings – Two Year Anniversary Edition

Today, the Fourth of July, happens to not only be a national holiday in the US, but it also marks the two-year anniversary of this site. I actually started writing on this blog a little earlier than that, but it wasn’t until I moved here to AnimeBlogger in July of 2005 that I consider the site to have really started. Since then, the site has accumulated 1,646 posts and 45,172 comments, and it’s gotten almost ten and a half million hits. As always, I want to thank all the readers and everyone who’s helped out with the site, and hopefully we’ll have more years of blogging to come.
Now, on to some miscellaneous newsworthy notes:

  • As you can see in the image above, the cast for the live action Mahou Sensei Negima! drama has been decided. The official site has profiles for each of the girls, and I was kind of surprised by some of the choices, stemming mostly from how the ages of the actresses range from 12 to 24 years old (for easier comparison if you don’t know their names, refer to the Wikipedia pages that list the characters in the same order). Although Asuna and Nodoka’s actresses look about right for their characters, who the heck decided that Kaede should be played by a 13 year old? Anyway, the drama starts in the fall of this year, and you can find some magazine scans of the actresses here.
  • For the guy who specially requested it, here’s the download link (mirror) for the new ED to D.Gray-man, Antoinette Blue by Kitade Nana. However, I still don’t have any plans to blog show again despite the story seeming to pick up.
  • There’s been a bunch of rumors flying about in the recent week about a one-hour CODE GEASS special that’s supposed to be airing on the night of July 28th. Although nothing about it has been confirmed, speculation is that it’s either the highly-anticipated episodes 24 and 25 or it’s a recap special. Given that that’s a week after the premiere screenings, the possibility is certainly there, but I wouldn’t get my hopes quite just yet until there’s been an official announcement. On a related note, ANIMAX’s schedules now state that they will be airing those final two episodes on August 30th and 31st. Whether or not the other channels will get broadcasts before then remains to be seen.
  • Kenko Zenrakei Suieibu Umisho – 01

    Ah, summer. Beach, mizugi, boobs – the “natsu triumvirate.” Umisho is about a guy who can’t swim, and yet helps out with the swim club. Why? Because every anime chick has a rockin’ body. Can’t fault the guy for being a loser – not his fault he’s the male lead, but mad props for choosing a good place to live it out.

    Doujin Work – 01

    “Hey, did you get enough sleep? You look really out of it.”
    “Nope, all-nighter.”
    “Doing what, ecchi stuff? Hehe.”
    “Yeah, actually.”
    “I never heard you found someone…”
    “No, it was by myself.”
    “Staying up all night doing that w-with y-yourself?”
    “If you’re so interested, want to help me next time?”