「ふがいないや」 (Fugainaiya) is YUKI’s newest song/PV, the opening theme for Honey and Clover II. As soon as I saw the little dancing girl with a giant ribbon for a hat I knew this PV would be unique. But unique doesn’t quite cover it….I think it’s more like an awesomely bad PV. But awesomely bad in a very funny way, just because of the pure randomness. At least the unicorn/lion/poodle/bird statue from the OP is still in this. YUKI’s chair costume was as over the top as everyone else’s, and I laughed when she started banging the cat on it with her hands. As for the song, I liked the tv-size version of it, but the full version makes me cringe a little, mainly in the middle parts. The Fugainaiya single is due out August 9th in Japan.

Watch it on Youtube!


  1. I LOVE YUKI! She is so awesome, and I love her randomness ^^/ She’s a good singer and I love her songs =D When I first saw the video, I thought it was Alice in Wonderland but mostly.. now I’m just thinking it’s when the items come alive and the maid has go get them all… 😛


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