We’re now just two weeks away from the new season, so it’s time for another preview! This summer is filled with plenty of new adaptations along with several sequels, including fan favorites Zero no Tsukaima and Higurashi. In fact, I think the only new show this season that is not based on a manga, game, novel, or previous anime is CODE-E. Anyway, before we get started, a few notes. As usual, I’ll watch the first episode of most shows within certain parameters (in other words, not the kiddie shows), and what I list here are the chances of me actually blogging something based on my initial impressions from promotional material. However, even if I list the chances for a show as good or guaranteed, it doesn’t necessarily mean I’ll stick with it for more than a few episodes.

By no means does this list reflect all of the anime that are going to be aired, though I did try to be as comprehensive as I could. Check out MOON PHASE for an entire listing, syoboi’s calendar for specific air-times, and AndrewLB’s Summer 2007 Wiki for who’s tentatively subbing what.

Technical Note: All times are given in a 24-hour, relative-day format where times are extended to show which day they belong to. For instance, Friday morning at 1:30AM would become Thursday at 25:30 to show that the episode aired late Thursday night.

Tetsuko no Tabi
Premieres June 24th, 2007
Airtime in Japan (JST, GMT+9): Sundays at 10:00
Airtime in U.S. (EDT, GMT-4): Saturdays at 21:00
Information Links: ANN Encyclopedia, AnimeNfo, syoboi
If you don’t know the name Yokomi Hirohiko, I don’t blame you. He’s infamous for supposedly being the first man in Japan to have visited every single one of its 9843 train stations. Tetsuko no Tabi is based on his experience and travels with a not-entirely-thrilled manga-ka across various stations. It’s a unique concept, but I don’t know if a show like this will be able to keep my interest.
Odds I’ll Blog This: Poor
Nanatsuiro Drops
Premieres July 2nd, 2007
Airtime in Japan (JST, GMT+9): Mondays at 25:40
Airtime in U.S. (EDT, GMT-4): Mondays at 12:40
Information Links: ANN Encyclopedia, AnimeNfo, syoboi
So there’s this boy who drinks a suspicious juice that turns him into a stuffed animal whenever it gets dark. He has to collect something called Star Drops in order to return himself to normal, and to do it, he needs the help of a special magical girl from his class, but he can’t let her know about his identity or else he’ll be stuck as a stuffed animal forever. The trailer for this on the official site caught my eye, but reports from the special screening of the first episode haven’t exactly been good. It is the only new show premiering on Mondays for the summer though, so that gives it a much better chance in terms of me blogging it.
Odds I’ll Blog This: Good
Premieres July 3rd, 2007
Airtime in Japan (JST, GMT+9): Tuesdays at 24:56
Airtime in U.S. (EDT, GMT-4): Tuesdays at 11:56
Information Links: ANN Encyclopedia
I knew the title of this sounded familiar – it’s already been animated once in 2005. The show is about a boy who joins an interstellar basketball team, and it’s a remake the original with reportedly better animation quality. Even so, I didn’t watch the 2005 series and I have no plans to watch this one.
Odds I’ll Blog This: Poor
Doujin Work
Premieres July 3rd, 2007
Airtime in Japan (JST, GMT+9): Tuesdays at 25:30
Airtime in U.S. (EDT, GMT-4): Tuesdays at 12:30
Information Links: ANN Encyclopedia, AnimeNfo, syoboi
Based on the 4-koma work by Hiroyuki, this show is about a girl getting involved in the process of creating doujinshi. The character designs and art style look appealing, but since this is supposed to be a comedy, I’ll have to see if the first episode is funny and worth the time.
Odds I’ll Blog This: Decent
Kenko Zenrakei Suieibu Umisho
Premieres July 3rd, 2007
Airtime in Japan (JST, GMT+9): Tuesdays at 26:00
Airtime in U.S. (EDT, GMT-4): Tuesdays at 13:00
Information Links: ANN Encyclopedia, AnimeNfo, syoboi
From mangaka Hattori Mitsuru comes a series about a boy who is the manager of a high school swim club, but he doesn’t like water that’s more than knee-deep, stemming from a mermaid encounter in his childhood. The club gets joined by an energetic girl transferring from Okinawa, and since Hattori Mitsuru’s mangas tend to have an ecchi aspect to them, this girl’s quirks include swimming naked and wearing a swimsuit instead of normal underwear. It’s being worked on by Artland though, and I haven’t been a huge fan of the series they’ve animated.
Odds I’ll Blog This: Decent
School Days
Premieres July 3rd, 2007
Airtime in Japan (JST, GMT+9): Tuesdays at 26:15
Airtime in U.S. (EDT, GMT-4): Tuesdays at 13:15
Information Links: ANN Encyclopedia, AnimeNfo, syoboi
School Days is based on a game from a couple of years ago that was popular for its large amount of animated sequences and its many different endings to a plot which involves a love triangle between a boy and two girls. For better or worse, it’s probably known most for the level of blood and violence in a few of those endings (and perhaps for the male lead being “one of the most pathetic adult game protagonists ever”). Now I don’t know how much those bad endings or violence will play into this animated version since I doubt this will get an R-15 rating, but regardless, I’ve heard good things and am really looking forward to seeing it.
Odds I’ll Blog This: Guaranteed
Premieres July 3rd, 2007
Airtime in Japan (JST, GMT+9): Tuesdays at 26:40
Airtime in U.S. (EDT, GMT-4): Tuesdays at 13:40
Information Links: ANN Encyclopedia, AnimeNfo, syoboi
As the title implies, ZOMBIE-LOAN has zombies, though it also has Shinigami. Based on a manga by the popular duo PEACH-PIT, the story here has a special girl who possesses Shinigami Eyes (yes, the same terminology from DEATH NOTE) that allow her to see dark rings that appear around people’s necks before they die. Two of her classmates have these rings but are still alive because they made a deal to hunt zombies in exchange for living through an accident, and of course she gets involved with them. This sounds like it could be an interesting action show, and it has the same director (Nishimori Akira) and production team (XEBEC M2) as Hitohira.
Odds I’ll Blog This: Decent
Premieres July 3rd, 2007
Airtime in Japan (JST, GMT+9): Tuesdays at 26:43
Airtime in U.S. (EDT, GMT-4): Tuesdays at 13:43
Information Links: ANN Encyclopedia, AnimeNfo, syoboi
I saw the word “CODE” and the first thing that popped into my mind was CODE GEASS, but alas, this has nothing to do with that. CODE-E is about a girl who radiates electromagnetic waves when her emotions run high, which of course makes it hard for her to use electronic devices. At her new school, she encounters a boy who wants to study her “TYPE-E” power, and since this is supposed to be a love comedy, I would guess that she starts to like him or something. The promotional video made it look interesting, but it’ll have to stand out among the other potentially good shows coming on Tuesdays (as you can see above).
Odds I’ll Blog This: Decent
Premieres July 5th, 2007
Airtime in Japan (JST, GMT+9): Thursdays at 24:00
Airtime in U.S. (EDT, GMT-4): Thursdays at 11:00
Information Links: ANN Encyclopedia, AnimeNfo, syoboi
In the world that Mushi-Uta takes place in, there are insects known as Mushi that eat a person’s dreams, but in exchange grant that person paranormal powers. These people become known as Mushitsuki, and when their dream gets completely eaten, they die. The story here involves a boy who meets a girl that is a runaway from a secret facility where Mushitsuki are held, and how they get involved in a conflict between a government organization and a resistance organization. The plot sounds like it could be interesting, but past that, nothing much about this show gets me really excited. I’ve never even heard of the studio doing the animation production, BEAT FROG, and the director Sakai Kazuo seems fairly untested in that position so far.
Odds I’ll Blog This: Decent
Sky Girls
Premieres July 5th, 2007
Airtime in Japan (JST, GMT+9): Thursdays at 25:28
Airtime in U.S. (EDT, GMT-4): Thursdays at 12:28
Information Links: ANN Encyclopedia, syoboi
With the apparent success of the OVA that was released last year, Sky Girls is being made into a 26-episode television series being animated by J.C.Staff. For those of you who may be unfamiliar with the story, it takes place in a time when a third of mankind was wiped out by an enemy known as Worms. Mankind had to resort to using weapons of mass destruction to win, but 10 years later, Worms return. The name Sky Girls refers to the special few who pilot large mechanical frames called Sonic Drivers into battle. Anyway, the original OVA got fairly mixed reviews since it basically boiled down to lolis + mecha with some good quality animation. I don’t know how the new series will turn out, but on the plus side, the star-studded cast is returning, including the likes of Kawasumi Ayako, Itou Shizuka, and Horie Yui.
Odds I’ll Blog This: Decent
Premieres July 6th, 2007
Airtime in Japan (JST, GMT+9): Fridays at 25:30
Airtime in U.S. (EDT, GMT-4): Fridays at 12:30
Information Links: ANN Encyclopedia, AnimeNfo, syoboi
Another show based on a 4-koma manga, Potemayo is a mysterious female, uh, living thing that comes out of the main character’s refrigerator and doesn’t speak normally though she can read people’s minds. This is slice of life comedy is about her, her counterpart called Guchuko (who carries the scythe), the main character, and his middle school friends. For me, the main thing this show has going for it is that its being worked on by J.C.Staff, directed by Ikehata Takehashi who also did Genshiken, and has Kawasumi Ayako and Kugimiya Rie in it. Still, those things alone probably aren’t enough to get me to watch it.
Odds I’ll Blog This: Poor
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai
Premieres July 6th, 2007
Airtime in Japan (JST, GMT+9): Fridays at 26:30
Airtime in U.S. (EDT, GMT-4): Fridays at 13:30
Information Links: ANN Encyclopedia, AnimeNfo, syoboi
The sequel to the popular bloody psychological horror from last spring promises more of the same with three more arcs including an anime-original one. There was a lot of criticism of the first series because of the way Studio DEEN handled it, and for better or worse, Studio DEEN and staff is back for this one. I personally haven’t seen the first series and aren’t a fan of any horror type shows, so the chances of me picking this up aren’t great, but maybe Jaalin will.
Odds I’ll Blog This: Decent
Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
Premieres July 7th, 2007
Airtime in Japan (JST, GMT+9): Saturdays at 24:30
Airtime in U.S. (EDT, GMT-4): Saturdays at 11:30
Information Links: ANN Encyclopedia, AnimeNfo, syoboi
The name for this series comes from the Japanese word for despair and how the main character’s name can be interpreted that way if you write it horizontally instead of vertically. Fittingly, that main character is a very negative teacher and the manga opens up with him trying to hang himself before he gets saved by one of his very positive-attitude student who thinks he was trying to get taller. The manga is full of jokes and gags, and I find it rather appropriate that SHAFT and Shinbou Akiyuki will be working on this series (along with a fairly talented cast including Inoue Marina, Gotou Yuuko, and Nonaka Ai). This probably means that those of you who liked Pani Poni Dash!, Hidamari Sketch, and/or Negima!? have a good chance of enjoying this one too.
Odds I’ll Blog This: Good
Zero no Tsukaima ~Futatsuki no Kishi~
Premieres July 8th, 2007
Airtime in Japan (JST, GMT+9): Sundays at 24:30
Airtime in U.S. (EDT, GMT-4): Sundays at 11:30
Information Links: ANN Encyclopedia, AnimeNfo, syoboi
Also back with a second series is Zero no Tsukaima (with a new director), but unfortunately, only for another 12 episodes. I had really been hoping for it to be 24 episodes, and this short length makes me wonder if the series will be able to adapt the novel’s story well enough. In any case, the new season promises more of Louise and Saito (come to think of it, it’s been a while since I last heard Hino Satoshi in a main role) along with several new characters including Louise’s two older sisters Cattleya and Eleonore, the latter of whom is being voiced by Inoue Kikuko. Needless to say, I’ll definitely be watching this.
Odds I’ll Blog This: Guaranteed
Premieres July 8th, 2007
Airtime in Japan (JST, GMT+9): Sundays at 25:30
Airtime in U.S. (EDT, GMT-4): Sundays at 12:30
Information Links: ANN Encyclopedia, AnimeNfo, syoboi
Moetan was originally an English language study aid aimed at teaching otaku by using game and animated related phrases. It included gems like “When I fell in love with the her, I thought that the girl was my stepsister. I bet if I had known she was my real sister, I would not have fallen in love with her.” and “My friend found the picture I was hiding, so I tricked him by saying I have a sister that is a primary school student” and “All guys who like small breasts have large ones themselves.” Of course, there’s no guarantee that phrases like those are going to make it into the anime, but I think this show has the potential to be hilarious in so many different ways if executed correctly. Popular voice actress Tamura Yukari will be taking the lead role, and I’ve heard her English isn’t that bad, so I’m quite excited to see this.
Odds I’ll Blog This: Guaranteed
Premieres July 12th, 2007
Airtime in Japan (JST, GMT+9): Thursdays at 24:45
Airtime in U.S. (EDT, GMT-4): Thursdays at 11:45
Information Links: ANN Encyclopedia, AnimeNfo, syoboi
The next show in the noitaminA programming block (currently occupied by Nodame Cantabile) is based on the third arc of the Ayakashi~ Japanese Classic Horror anime that aired in the same timeslot last year. Many have said that the third arc – which was about a mysterious medicine seller faced against a cat monster that was murdering people – was the best of the three, and this new series involves the medicine seller’s encounters with five different monsters from Japanese folklore over the course of 12 episodes. The art style is very traditional looking and differs greatly from what you usually see, but that gives it a very unique feel. It’ll be interesting for me to see if Toei can do a good job in making this into a full series.
Odds I’ll Blog This: Decent
Premieres July 19th, 2007
Airtime in Japan (JST, GMT+9): Thursdays at 23:30
Airtime in U.S. (EDT, GMT-4): Thursdays at 10:30
Information Links: ANN Encyclopedia, AnimeNfo
Shigurui is the ultra-violent samurai manga that starts with a tournament in the sixth year of the Kan’ei era (1629) between two swordsmen – one who is blind and one who has only one arm – who have an interconnected past. The ultra-violence probably requires some emphasizing because there are some parts of the manga that are extremely graphic (the very first few pages features a man who pulls out his own intestines), and WOWOW has already taken the step of giving the animated version an R-15 rating. From what I’ve read in the manga, this doesn’t look to be my type of series, so the odds are pretty low that I’ll blog it.
Odds I’ll Blog This: Poor
Premieres July 26th, 2007
Airtime in Japan (JST, GMT+9): Thursdays at 24:30
Airtime in U.S. (EDT, GMT-4): Thursdays at 11:30
Information Links: ANN Encyclopedia, AnimeNfo, syoboi
Baccano! is a show that intrigues me quite a bit because it has such a wide and diverse cast of characters. Although the back-story involves a group of alchemists who received a liquor of immortality from a demon in the 1700s, the main story takes place in America in the 1930s during Prohibition and involves those alchemists along with mobsters, thieves, terrorists, delinquents, murderers, and even a ghost. Having such a large cast probably wouldn’t work so well for a short series, but if this manages to be longer than 13 episodes, I think it could be a lot of fun. The trailer certainly had plenty of energy and music, and interestingly enough, several of the key staff positions (director, character designer, series planner, sound director, and music composer) all worked together in the past on Koi Kaze. In any case, I’m looking forward to this quite a bit.
Odds I’ll Blog This: Good
Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho Tou Dai Ni Maku
Premieres July 27th, 2007
Airtime in Japan (JST, GMT+9): Fridays at 23:00
Airtime in U.S. (EDT, GMT-4): Fridays at 10:00
Information Links: ANN Encyclopedia, AnimeNfo, syoboi
This is the second season of the action show that started this past winter season. Whereas the first season featured the battle with villain Kozonu Tendou, this next one will involve the 12 heavenly generals. Honestly though, I missed the first season, so I doubt I’ll be watching this.
Odds I’ll Blog This: Poor

The above list totals the 19 shows that will be premiering in July with Tetsuko no Tabi being the sole exception since it starts in June. As expected, that is significantly less than fall and spring seasons – good for me in terms of time it takes to write a preview, but not so good in terms of number of potentially good shows. The only two July shows I didn’t preview are Happy Happy Clover because it’s very clearly a kids show and Votoms: Pailsen Files because it doesn’t have an airdate yet. CODE GEASS‘s 24th and 25th episodes also are slated air in the summer, but those don’t have a date yet either, and I’ve given those enough coverage already to mention them here again. Looking further ahead, August will bring the next season of Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan and also the new series Miyori no Mori, but unfortunately, I find that I have a very poor track record in picking up new shows mid-season after I’ve already established a blogging schedule. Overall, I personally can probably afford to pick up three or four new series, and several of the above shows have a lot of promise, so maybe Jaalin can be convinced to take up another one too.

Like last season, I’ve uploaded a torrent with the promotional videos and commercials of many of the shows I’ve just talked about. Included in the pack (11 files total) are: Baccano! (PV), CODE-E (PV), Doujin Work (PV), Higurashi (PV), Mushi-Uta (CM), Nanatsuiro Drops (PV and Special), Shigurui (Two PVs), Sky Girls (PV), and Testuko no Tabi (PV).
Torrent Link.

As a side note, I noticed that this site crossed over 10 million hits right as I was publishing this preview. 😀

The important question is of course, what are you going to be watching?
As always, Comments, Questions, and Suggestions are welcome.


  1. I’ll definitely be watching the following: Nanatsuiro Drops, Doujin Work, School Days, Sky Girls, Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai, Zero no Tsukaima ~Futatsuki no Kishi~, and Moetan.

    I’ll at least check out these, for better or worse: Tetsuko no Tabi, Kenko Zenrakei Suieibu Umisho, ZOMBIE-LOAN, CODE-E, Mushi-Uta, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Baccano!, and Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho Tou Dai Ni Maku.

  2. WHOA!!! another graveyard shift at the job made ALOT better thanks too you dude!!! WOW! more Higurashi?!?!?! where the fuck are they gonna go with those charecters now!! ahh but whats this,, YEAH KID!! MO, Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho!!!!!! well thats about all that seems interesting so far, “to me at least” ..some zero “by default”.,,and what the hell is a zombie loan??? they shoulda just called that shit “college loans” trust me..way more scarier

    BROOKLYN otaku
  3. Its hard to say which of this new anime are good or bad. I think you should blog Zero No Tsukaima Moetan and (School Days I saw hentai series).

    Question: When will you blog Claymore?

    There’s new popular anime called Shakugan no Shana Second (TV)it will air on Oct.
    and some unconfirmed new anime You’re Under Arrest New Series still no announced yet.

  4. zombie loan looks like the only semi-interesting one here. need more comedies like seto no hanayome. looks like i got only geass to really look forward to this summer. btw, what’s with the randomblog homepage going to animeblogger.net page?

  5. ShakuShana2 will be aired this Fall, it doesn’t belong in the summer-season.

    I’ll definately watch Higurashi, since I enjoyed the first season. Maybe trying out Zero no Tsukaima (if I get my hands on the first season), School days, Doujin Work and Moetan.

  6. my picks are…

    Nanatsuiro Drops, Doujin Work, School Days, Sky Girls, Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai, Zero no Tsukaima ~Futatsuki no Kishi~, and Moetan.

    ZOMBIE-LOAN, CODE-E, Mushi-Uta, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei and Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho Tou Dai Ni Maku if i think its worthy to continue since i wanna check em out.

  7. I’m extremely excited about Higurashi, because knowing DEEN is handling it again I’m hoping they fix what they did to the first season. But there is always the chance it’ll end up being a mess like the first season, but at least it gives the non-gamers a chance to see what happens.

    That said, I’ll be sort of sad if School Days won’t have an r-15 rating, but maybe TNK can pull something off, considering the amount of endings there are I hope I can see some of them, one way or another.

    Other then those two, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Zero no Tsukaima, and Moetan all look interesting, Zero is a given. I think i just miss Hino Satoshi’s voice.

  8. Shigurui sounds interesting. Beyond Higurashi, Moetan, Natsuiro, Doujin Work, Zero no Tsukaima 2 and others, I hope to see more lesser known anime to indulge into. Spring had its lionshare of that and hopefully I’ll be pleasantly surprised again.

    2007 is probably one of the best years of anime I’ve ever had the pleasure of watching.

  9. Watching for sure: Zero no Tsukaima, Tokyo Majin

    Good odds of following: School Days, Higurashi, Doujin Work, Nanatsuiro Drops, Sky Girls

    I’m intrigued: Baccano, Moetan, CODE-E, Zombie Loan

    Everything else: Might watch first ep if there’s time.

    random passerby
  10. Let’s see, besides the three sequels that I am going to watch (Tokyo Majin, Zero no Tsukaima and Higurashi), Zombie-loan and Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei look interesting. Nanatsuiro drops has Noiji Ito character design and we all know how well her other work has turned out (Haruhi Suzumiya & Shakugan no Shana), so I am at least going to check it out.

  11. So its finally this time of the year again eh? I’ll most probably be watching….

    -Nanatsuiro Drops
    -School Days
    -Sky Girls
    -Zero no Tsukaima ~Futatsuki no Kishi~
    -Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho Tou Dai Ni Maku

  12. Zero no Tsukaima and Code Geass is A MUST, as I can’t really find anymore summer anime better than those two or maybe atleast for now since all the other trailer aren’t that impressive. Others are maybe Mushi-Uta, School Days(both are quite high quality animation), Nanatsuiro Drops(maybe cause the original character design is Noizi Ito) and Moetan.
    Although Sky Girl, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, and Higurashi(people say for this season the story will finally have a solution/conclusion to the tragedy) looks good too but it all depends on the 1st and/or 2nd episode.

  13. i’m sure i’ll watch this one >> Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei and zero no tsukima and majin and Baccano .. this is what i’ll watch .. and i’ll look to other if they r good to watch or not .. XD

  14. “the others look plain and not attractive.”

    riiiight. I think we’ll see their quality once they’re animated. If Sky Girls at least has its quality from its OVA retained, I think it could look pretty attractive.

    And Code Geass has no reason not to look great after all that time they spent making the new eps.

  15. Tokyo Majin Gakuen etc. etc. etc. = total badassery. I’m looking forward to the second season.

    Shigurui, definitely. I’d read a volume of the manga that a friend had, and it was… intense.

    Buzzer Beater = NO. It’s Space Jam, for Christ’s sakes. XD

    Moetan–the name says it all. I had no idea it was about English sorta-translation, so I’ll definitely watch it.

    Baccano looks solid as well, and a new Zero no Tsukaima and Dokuro-chan can’t hurt anybody. I’m more looking forward to the fall season with Gundam 00 and Genshiken 2.

  16. What? Miyori no Mori is a tv-series? I thought that it was scheduled to become a movie?

    Also, it pains me to see that in all the 23 comments, nobody mentioned Mononoke. I can’t believe how little people are looking forward to it, because if it’s going to be anything like the third story of Ayakashi ~ Japanese Classic Horror it’ll become amazing.

  17. For me the visual novel related stuff is @ 1st place of course:
    Zero no Tsukaima (ok, based on a novel, but the game is also nice), School Days, Higurashi no naku koro ni (07th Expansion is well known, however I haven’t watched the 1st series yet, will take a look since it’s really psycho and I don’t know if I like stuff like that).
    Nanatsuiro Drops sounds average to me, will give it a try as well.

    All in all shows that I’ll watch for sure are: Sky Girls (the ova rocks), Zero no Tsukaima second season and Moetan (since it sounds very funny and I like good comedy shows).

  18. ZOMBIE-LOAN I’m definitely watching as I’ve read some of the manga and enjoyed it thoroughly. Mushi Uta, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Baccano! are other series I’m looking forward to however School Days and Nanatsuiro Drops, though the premise isn’t that interesting, it’s good enough that I’ll watch the first few episodes before deciding. As for Zero no Tsukaima ~Futatsuki no Kishi~ I’ll make up my mind after I get my hands on the first series.

  19. Probably watch:

    1. Nanatsuiro Drops
    2. Kenko Zenrakei Suieibu Umisho
    4. Mushi-Uta
    5. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai
    6. Moetan
    7. Baccano!
    8. Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho Tou Dai Ni Maku

    Definitly a Must:
    1. School Days ( wonder how they gonna go with the story since the game does have tons of endings).
    2. CODE-E ( The girl looks adorable, Always had a thing with girls that wear glasses and long hair XD).
    3. Sky Girls ( What theme song they gonna use? hmmm The OVA theme is nice and upbeat).
    4. Zero no Tsukaima ~Futatsuki no Kishi~ ( This probably gonna leave us hanging again I bet, I can see it just now).

  20. None of the new shows seem appealing to me for now. I guess I’ll just wait to read the reviews on the first few episodes before I decide if I want to pick any of these new series up…

    I’m just VERY, VERY eagerly anticipating to watch Code Geass now! ;p

  21. well, buzzer beater doesnt seems to be a remake of the 2005 release.. since if im not mistaken, that the 2005 release doesnt even cover all the story in the buzzer beater manga. so maybe this is the sequel and not remake…

    some of the anime looks promising from the looks of the art work, definitely gonna pick mononoke, it just screams for the final arc of the 1st season to continue (bakemono, demoncat arc..), Higurashi is also on the list.. might also look at Shigurui too..

  22. OMG theres nothing to watch ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH School Days
    is probably the only one i might watch arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooo gona be soooo bored arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  23. OMG, i can’t believe they’re actually making school days. There was a school days episode 1 released about two years ago that came along with the game and I thought it was great. Looks like theyre actually gonna make it now

  24. i think Shigurui will be the best of season because of mad house
    i will watch it and Zero no Tsukaima Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho Tou Dai Ni Maku

    and i will try BUZZER BEATER School and Days CODE-E

  25. Krazy : “None of the new shows seem appealing to me for now. I guess I’ll just wait to read the reviews on the first few episodes before I decide if I want to pick any of these new series up…”

    That’s where the fun of watching new shows is. You don’t expect it, then BAM. Some of them become one of your favorite shows of the season.

  26. OH… ZOMBIE-LOAN !!!! I read the manga (well, what’s been scanlated in english so far, to be more specific) and I simply cannot wait anymore for it to air ! XD *jumps around in excitement* Especially since ‘sexy-as-hell-voice’ Takahiro Sakurai (Cloud in FF7, Kanda in D.Gray-man, Kire in Bleach, Jin in Innocent Venus and Robespierre in Le Chevalier d’Eon to name a few) is Shito’s seiyuu ! Other than that, the most interesting ones seem Mononoke, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei and Shigurui (the last one because I have a thing for history-related bloody and gory anime XD).

  27. The characters from that Votoms link look very similar to characters from Berserk. In particular the main character looks a hell of a lot like Guts. I never watched the original Armed Trooper Votoms though, so I’m not sure what to make of it.

  28. Let’s see… out of all these series, the only one I am really, really looking forward to is Mononoke.

    I’ll also be watching for sure:
    – Tokyo Majin Gakuen s2
    – Baccano!
    – Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
    – Mushi-Uta

    …and I might end up taking a look at Potemayo, Zero no Tsukaima s2 and Doujin Work if I end up having too much free time (which will most likely be the case).

  29. I’ll watch anything with ZOMBIES in it so this is gonna be great 😀
    I liked Zero no Tsukaima, not as good as Shana of course but it was fun to watch and i’ll definitly watch the second season, I’ll also give everything that you classify as good or guaranteed a chance, in my opinion you have a great taste when it comes down to anime.
    But Shigurui is the show i want to see the most, because of Madhouse ^^ definitly the best animation studio.

  30. well i am intereasted in all of them. after watching first ep i will decide which should i watch
    higurashi , zero and tokyo majin – i’ll watch them without hesitation ^^

  31. moetron seems very interesting
    More Harry Potter from zero no tsukaima
    School Days know this one before should be good
    Doujin Work could be interesting as well
    I may also watch nymphet if thats any good

  32. Nanatsuiro Drops, Doujin Work, School Days, Mushi-Uta, Sky Girls, Higurashi S2, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, ZnT S2, Moetan, Baccano!

    Wow…Dunno if I’ll manage to watch them ALL, but it’ll be fun trying to :3

  33. You Must Blog:

    Doujin Work (Comic Party Rip-off but what ever!)
    School Days
    Sky Girls
    Zero no Tsukaima ~Futatsuki no Kishi~ (Because Satio and Siesta are supposed to hook up in this one)
    and Kenko Zenrakei Suieibu Umisho

    DO NOT Blog:

    BUZZER BEATER (Just another LAME Yaoi)
    Nanatsuiro Drops (The LAST thing we need is some Nanoha rip-off)
    Mononoke (There’s nothing worse than poorly animated Samurai Animes)
    Shigurui (Same as Mononoke)
    and Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho Tou Dai Ni Maku (I’ve seen some of the 1st series, you’re not missing much)

    Maybe to be blogged:

    ZOMBIE-LOAN (Sounds familiar)
    CODE-E (If the Main girl character didn’t have glasses then this one would be cool)
    Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei (Shaft REALLY dropped on my list when they came out wiht Negima!? so this one is iffy)
    Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai (Horror anime flicks never really bothered me all that much)

  34. oh well…yet another “empty” season without shows worth to watch. Maybe Will give a try to Mononoke, since i really loved the Ayakashi ~japanese classic horror series(especially last part)…seems it will be really boring season with all these comedy/school life/loli shows… :E this really contrasts with Spring season, which had many good shows :E

    so for now:
    Mononoke(damn i LOVED that arc from ayakashi~jap classic horror. Style is very unique, animation was quality was very good on that arc and i really loved the battle scene and protagonist)
    Shigurui(i smell, that it will be a REALLLY good stuff)

    Maybe(50/50 possibility):
    Boccano!(will decide after first eps, for now seems promissing)
    Zombie Loan (looks decent enough, to keep me entertained)
    Mushiuta (may be fun, but will decide after few first eps)

    Only First eps(if first ep is not good, i drop it):
    Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei(plot seems interesting, if it turns out into something more serious, then its good)
    Tetsuko no Tabi(lol lol lol)

    Nanatsuiro Drops(from the looks of it – the rip off of cardcaptor sakura :E)
    Moetan(uhh..not my stuff)
    Schooldays(ENOUGH of that schoollife stuff already…i would understand if it was fantasy anime with settings in school, but oh well… pure schoolife animes always suck :E)

  35. i’ll be watching:
    Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (first season was great)
    School Days (looks good maybe a lil futakoi)
    Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho (i thought the first season was good)
    Zero no Tsukaima (liked the first season)
    ZOMBIE-LOAN (i guess i played too much resident evil in my life)

    Ez Mac of 07!
  36. Zero no tsukaima and higurashi is going to be in my list.
    Nanatsuiro Drops and moetan seems to be moe enough for me to watch. may try for few episodes.
    Baccano hm… maybe gonna try that too

  37. Hey Omni, whether you generally like “horror” anime or not, Higurashi is definitely worth checking out, since it’s more of a ‘suspense’ type of thing and is structured really well in that it leaves you to figure a lot of stuff out before it tells you what really happened (unless you already know from the VN or something). There were definitely some minor problems I had with the first season, but overall they handled it pretty well and the anime stayed true to the actual story as well.

  38. Higurashi – though it’s horror, the moe and the characters make this alive. i hope you blog this. it’s great.
    School Days – blood and violence and love! they go together! woo hoo!
    Potemayo – everybody, see the poster of potemayo characters! they’re cute..much cuter than the chibi girl above.
    Moetan – reminds me of OS-tans..hehehe.
    Zombie Loan – looks cool.
    Sayounara Zetsubou sensei – i’ll give this a try.
    Sky girls – how could i forget this? mecha + girls + cuteness = win!

  39. zero no tsukaima and school days r two of the most anticipated series that ppl have been looking for.

    zombie loan interest me a lot cus by the title itself it makes me wander already

    natsuiro drops looks interesting story cus the boy turns into a doll at night after drinking some sort of a drink probably “sticky”.c’mon now what else r they going to make boys turning into a half machine and also becomes a shinigami at the same time

  40. Kikuko Inoue + Onee-sama = Automatic WIN

    I was questionable about ZnT2 before, but that settled it. I’ll probably catch that and Higurashi2, and whatever else gets a good first couple episode reviews from the various blogs.

  41. They are making a second season of Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan? Sweet! Also, higurashi and
    zero no tsukaima should be good, and hopefully some series on this list will end up being awesome.

  42. Mononoke (There’s nothing worse than poorly animated Samurai Animes)

    Sure, the main character has a ‘sword’, but it’s NOT a samurai anime. The man’s a druggist. Bakeneko (what Mononoke is based off) was everything but poorly animated. I suggest giving Bakeneko a try first. Those three episodes could beat out entire anime series.

    I reckon Mononoke will be the surprise of the summer or the highly underrated, and one of the best at that. Also interested in Zombie Loan, Baccano! and Tetsuko no Tabi.

  43. Baccano, Zombie Loan, Nanatsuiro Drops, Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni Kai, Zero no Tsukaima ~Futatsuki no Kishi~, and School Days.

    Have all already been picked up and placed in my waiting list.

  44. Not exactly the lineup I anticipated for the summer, but a couple of these series prves promising at the least. I wonder If “Kodomo no Jikan” is airing in the summer too…

  45. Most of the new series don’t look any good to me… T_T (sad)
    Most of them just look so loli/big girl’s eyes/trying to be moe/whatever…

    Only “School Days” looks like it has potential, it reminds me of Kanon being an anime made from a popular game that is. Other than that, will depend entirely on this blog, haha.

    Looks like summer will be a time to catch up on the Spring series that I haven’t watched yet… lots of thanks for underated anime post last time^_~

    Of’corse, I am SO looking forward to CODE GEASS.
    And Harry Potter vol.7 (just wanted to state that)
    Other than that… FALL! May the leaves hurry to fall so there can be more Code GEASS, Gundam 00 and CLANNAD!!

  46. I’ll definitely watch:
    Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai
    Zero no Tsukaima ~Futatsuki no Kishi~

    Probably watch:
    School Days
    Sky Girls

    Without forgetting of CODE GEASS

  47. Definitely watching:
    Nanatsuiro Drops(Itou Noizi!She did SHnY and SnS too)
    Moetan(lol.Teaching English of course I will watch)
    Doujin Works(Interesting enough)
    Zero no Tsukaima ~Futatsuki no Kishi~(After I finished watching the first season,I will definitely watch it)
    Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai(Watched the first season,it’s not bad)
    School Days(The first episode was nice!)
    Probably watching:
    Sky Girls(the OVA was quite nice though)
    Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei(sounds interesting)

  48. this sure looks exciting ^^.
    i ll probably check the first 2-4 eps of every series obsessively and go from there…

    the extremely cute-sy design of potemayo is luring me in.. D:

  49. 10 million hits!?! Damn! Nice! Your guaranteed list looks good to me, too. Thanks for the preview summary. I usually find myself reviewing it a few weeks in to the season as some unheralded show gets people’s attention. So it’s doubly useful. Thanks!

  50. I’ll be watching Zero no Tsukaima, Higurashi, Zetsubou Sensei, and Tokyo Majin Gakuen for sure.

    I’m going to try Nanatsuiro Drops (loved the game, hopefully they will keep the awesome soundtrack from it) and School Days but probably won’t stay interested enough to follow through the entire things.

    I don’t know about others, I’ll probably watch first episode of each.

    Despite Higurashi Kai and ZnT, I just don’t think this season would be as interesting as the spring season.

  51. i love the manga “Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei”, although it hasnt been completely scanlated. ITs really funny XP. Also, i wanna finish the series that were already continue…its really a pain to wait a couple months for there releases but i guess its worth the wait.

  52. I will defiantly see:
    Zombie Loan
    Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni Kai
    Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho Tou Dai Ni Maku

    School Days
    Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei

    There aren’t too much to choose from this summer. Hopefully it’s not too disappointing.

  53. Looks like Hudson won’t get out of his parent’s basement.

    Anyways I be sure watching Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai, Zero no Tsukaima ~Futatsuki no Kishi~, and ZOMBIE-LOAN.

  54. I’ll definetly be watching Zombie Loan as I’ve enjoyed the manga but, as always, the scanlations ovnly cover the first couple of volumes.
    Not sure about the others. I’ll get the first episode of everything that looks mildly interesting and go from there.

  55. Mushi-Uta , sky girls , zero no Tsukaima , Baccano! are a must Shigurui , Moetan

    , ZOMBIE-LOAN got to check out and if i see Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho Tou Dai Ni Maku

    i got to pick up the first season.

  56. Can’t wait for Tokyo Majin (just want to watch Tatsuma actually).

    Looking forward to Mushi-Uta, ZOMBIE-LOAN, and the 2nd Zero no Tsukaima.

    Ah…news shows…how fun. ^_^


  57. Moetan – Holy Hell, Yukari Tamura?! The girl’s outfit on the main page of the website scared me off a little, but if there’s Yukari Tamura Godess-ness in it, I can put up with a series, no matter how bad it is! 😀

  58. Yaye! I love it when you post these long preview posts. ^^ Right now I’m looking forward to Nanatsuiro Drops and School Days (but not so much anymore after hearing about the bloody endings…). Sky Girls and Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei didn’t really interest me until you named some of the seiyuu, but now I think I’ll be looking forward to those series too.

    Thanks for writing up this preview!

    Neo Horizon
  59. where’s my Shakugan no Shana – -||, i guessed it will on air this season. that makes me so bored.
    but for Higurashi no naku koro ni , this title makes me feel good instead.

  60. Zetsubo Sensei manga is great, especially once the cast is introduced, and with Shinbo directing this has excellent potential. Definitely a must watch. The only others that I’ll for sure check out are Higurashi 2 and Mononoke. Mabye Moetan.

  61. You know, I just took a deeper look at the Mushi-Uta webpage, and guess who I spotted on the cast list on the main character page.


    Mark down another must-see for me! And the show and characters themselves actually pique my interest on their own, so Mushi-Uta definitely gets on my watch list. 😀

  62. Mr.Demon at 12:05 pm on June 22nd, 2007

    not a anime for to-love-ru yet!…>_

    As much as I share your desire for a To_love-Ru series, I really don’t think we should expect one anytime too soon. It’s only on chapter 57 so far, making it essentially still a new series, anime-conversion-wise. I would think they’d wait for more manga material before they anime-ize it.

  63. Why isn’t Shakugan no Shana 2 here? It’s a most anticipated one too!! XD

    I’m also looking out for Higurashi no naku koro ni kai, Zero no Tsukaima: Futatsuki no Kishi too!! w00t!!

  64. Tokyo Majin is well worth anyones time; the concept sounds like a standard shouen show thats been done millions of times before but the reality is unclassifiable, atmospheric, entertaining-as-fuck and with pretty graphics too.

    And Baccano! is indeed mighty


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