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It’s been four months since the Break Pillar incident that the Federation has labeled as an act of terrorism. On this particular day, the Federation is celebrating the restart of the Africa Tower’s transmission of electrical power, and with that, the Federation president announces that Federation army will be consolidating with A-LAWS in order to prevent terrorism. Homer and Arthur are at this event representing A-LAWS, but Kati is not and hasn’t been heard from. Up in space, Celestial Being chooses this moment to go after the second Memento Mori, and they succeed in destroying it. This does not slow A-LAWS’s activities though, and they continue to crack down on all anti-government forces. With Katharon in no position to fight, Klaus, Shirin, Marina, and the children have gone into hiding in a house in the woods, but Klaus isn’t too worried since Celestial Being is around. Shirin doesn’t share his sentiments and is scared, but those feelings turn to surprise when she hears Marina and the children’s song come on the radio.
Back on the Ptolemaios after the successful mission, Allelujah calls out to Marie, but she isn’t going by that name anymore. After the shock from seeing Sergei get killed, she now identifies herself as Soma Peries again. Soma knows that Andrei was the killer, and she questions why he can so easily throw away something that she can’t have no matter how much she wants. What bothers Allelujah is that he had promised Sergei not to make Soma fight again, but Lyle advises him to just leave her alone for a while and to understand her current desire to fight. Having listened in on this, Saji wonders if the sadness from losing her family also changed to hatred in Louise’s case. Elsewhere on the ship, Setsuna is still getting treatment for his wound, and the metabolic failure of his cells around his shoulder is spreading thanks to the effect of the pseudo GN particles. Fortunately, the progression of this is gradual, unlike Lasse’s condition, and Anew suggests that there’s something keeping it in check. Tieria wishes that they had access to Veda in times like these. Setsuna’s own thoughts dwell not on his injury but on how the Innovators are after the 00 Gundam, and he realizes that it is their trump card because the other side doesn’t have any information on the Twin Drive.
Over at the Innovator base, Wang Liu Mei reports to Ribbons that Celestial Being has resumed activity, but she also voices her disappointment with the current situation. She’s specifically referring to the information control and military buildup going on, and she sees that as the old generation’s way of doing things being spread on a global scale. When Ribbons declines to tell a her – a human – what his plans are, she questions if all humans weren’t supposed to become Innovators eventually. Ribbons denies this and claims that, during revolutionary times, the old and the evil must be cast away. As an example, he uses the people who take wealth and power for granted and who look down on their own species. He’s referring to her, and he goes on to talk about her falling behind the times and how the Innovators think of things in a broader perspective. Ribbons also tells Wang Liu Mei that she cannot become an Innovator, and afterward, Regene asks him if it’s okay to be pushing her aside like this. His answer is that he doesn’t have any use for Wang Liu Mei any more, but he’s aware that Regene has met with her often in the past four months. Not happy that Ribbons knows, Regene claims that it was just to get information on Celestial Being.
Meanwhile, Louise talks to Andrei about his recent promotion for killing Hercule during the Break Pillar incident. Revive Revival and Hiling Care interrupt this conversation to point out that he also killed his father for this promotion, and Louise was unaware of this. Andrei tries to justify what he did by claiming that his father was assisting the dissidents, and he asserts that it was for the sake of peace. He feels that people who break away from the military and threaten the government must be punished, and he attributes his own mercy to letting Sergei be killed by himself, a blood relative. With Louise still in shock over all this, Andrei questions what she’d do in the same situation, but she’s not sure. The two Innovators are amused at how well matched Andrei and Louise are, and Revive advises Andrei to protect Louise if she’s important to him. After they leave, Andrei tells Louise that they’re fighting for their ideals and that there are times when they have to make decisions for that. Louise’s inability to answer him causes Andrei to hug her, and Louise wonders to herself if she can shoot Saji.
Back on the Ptolemaios, the crew is talking about the Federation military being under A-LAWS command and how they’ve been attacked so much in the past four months. What bothers Lasse is that the enemy can figure out where they are. Given all this, Tieria suggests to Sumeragi that they try to recapture Veda, but the problem is that they don’t know where Veda is. Setsuna feels that they have to find out from someone who knows that information – an Innovator – and Tieria agrees. While this discussion is going on, Anew and Lyle meanwhile are in bed together, and she asks about his brother. Lyle claims not to have any memories of him and explains that he lived away from home in a dormitory ever since junior school. He admits that he didn’t want to be compared to his brother, so he chose to run. When Anew points out that he and his brother both ended up as Gundam Meisters, Lyle notes that their motives are different. He then asks about Anew’s family, but he decides not to press the issue when she painfully tries to remember. As the two are kissing though, Anew’s eyes suddenly flash and she loses her senses for a moment.
Unbeknownst to Anew, Revive has been using her to locate the Ptolemaios, and another A-LAWS attack is coming. Mr. Bushido, Andrei, and Louise are all taking part in it, and Andrei’s promotion allows him to pilot an Ahead now. When the Ptolemaios detects the incoming force, everyone prepares for battle, including Soma and Allelujah. Saji is also suited up, but he worries about Louise being in A-LAWS, and he questions if Setsuna will attack Louise. Surprisingly, Setsuna answers that it’s up to Saji, and he goes on to assert that fighting is not just about destroying – it is also possible to create. He understands Saji feeling of not being able to pull the trigger and only being able to continue to call out to Louise, and Setsuna stretches out his arm to propose that they go see her. The two then board the 00 Gundam and the 0 Raiser and join the other Gundam Meisters in launching. Lyle, however, before he heads out, radios Anew to tell her that he loves her in front of everyone. In fact, each of the pilots on both sides of the conflict has someone on their mind as they head off to battle: Louise and Saji are thinking of each other, Andrei is thinking of his mother, Soma is thinking of Sergei, Allelujah is thinking of Marie, Lyle is thinking of Anew, Tieria is thinking of Veda, and Setsuna is thinking of his Gundam.
While this is going on, back on Earth, Klaus’s secret hideout gets discovered by the security forces. When one of the children grabs a gun, Marina stops him and protects him with her body, but one of the security forces appears to get a shot off. Wang Liu Mei meanwhile has obtained the location of Veda from Regene, and her ship is headed towards the Ptolemaios because Regene had instructed her to give it directly to Celestial Being.
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Given the timeskip and all the explaining that needed to be done about what’s happened in the four months, I was a little afraid that this would be a boring episode, but it turned out to be quite interesting – as well as unintentionally amusing because of what Tieria and Setsuna were thinking about at the end compared to everyone else. The assault on the Memento Mori made for an exciting start to the episode, though now that we’ve seen three separate attacks on the satellite weapon, I hope they go for something new next time. I am disappointed, however, that Arthur is still alive (I thought for sure he died last week when the Memento Mori appeared to explode as it was firing) and am very curious about what’s going on with Kati.
I also found Marie being Soma again to be a fairly predictable twist. She and Allelujah got together fairly early on in this series, so it’s probably about time something happened between them. Unfortunately, in shows like these, it’s hard to keep two lovers together for a long time, and it’ll probably take another traumatic event to get them back together (alternatively, it’s possible that she learns to love Allelujah as Soma). For that same reason, I have a bad feeling about Lyle and Anew being together, though I do have to say that it was quite a surprise to see them sleeping together already. Lyle’s probably going to be the first one to figure out that the Innovators are using Anew to track down the Ptolemaios (if he hasn’t already), and he’ll have to make a decision about what to do.
As for Marina, she appears to get shot at the end of the episode, but I highly doubt they’re going to kill her off at this point since I see her being a Lacus or Relena type figure. Even if she were going to die, it wouldn’t be as a cliffhanger like this and not in the middle of nowhere – dying like this doesn’t have enough impact on Setsuna. Most likely Klaus fired first or the guy missed or something. What I’m much more interested about going into next episode is what’s going to happen between Louise and Saji. The preview seems to suggest that they’ll meet, but it’s unlikely that they’ll make up, especially since Louise still has to pilot that mobile armor shown in the OP.
lol obama! yay gundum!
Thanks waiting for the raws and subs
and also yay for lockon X anew!
Mr Bushido is using is battle mask not a new one cf episode 4.
hahaha DIE MARINA!!!
oh gawd. naked graham.
This ep. was Awesome!!!! Go Soma!!! Next ep. hopefully we get to see Hallelujah
Agreed, RC. I hate Andrei twice as much now. Stop trying to steal Saji’s woman! I was chanting for Louise to slap Andrei there for him killing his own father. He just took advantage of her though. I hope nothing else happened after that. D:
Poor Marina. Limited development and now she has to get shot.
I laughed so hard as Tieria calling out Veda, and Setsuna calling out Gundam.
andrei deserved to be trolld until he dies
the weebos chose technology over pussy you know.
Isn’t that the mask Bushidou always wears when he’s piloting?
Didn’t Azrael from SEED have this same face when he saw the specs of the Neutron Jammer Canceller tech?
lmao louise and andrei hugged now I hope they spread GN radiation with each other and die.
no, she saw hong long’s penis. hence the face 🙂
If anybody seriously thinks Marina bit the bullet at this point, they’re delusional. More than likely either Klaus or Shirin jumped in.
Surprised nobody mentioned that Setsuna has qbws now.
@ Frito
LOL!!!! She seems very excited to see it! LOL!!!!
o.O oh myy… anew finally shows her innovator eyes! creepyy
We got some spam-level replys here. I’m guessing many people are sleep deprived or something.
Anyway. The episode is pretty good though I’m still worried the series is running our of time and without another season planned it will be like Gundam SEED Destiny and Code Geass all over again.
Wang Liu Mei… what will ever be her final moment?
Oh. Yeah.
P.S. Almost all comments are good but with a few bad apples.
Also, I am starting think Setsuna will be scattered across the world in quantum particles at the end of the series or something like that will happen.
why so serious? can’t people take a jab at something that is as mediocre as this episode. geez people (O.O)
i had a feeling that she will die = =”
Soma + Halleluyah = Ultra soldier
Marina might die though if she does she probably would die on the last episode or the one before that. Heck, considering Lockon Ver 1.00 died near the end of season 1 it’s not impossible, though unlikely, all the main characters would have either died, maimed, brain-dead, or lost.
Man, I’m being morbid.
At least a few good couples and characters better end up alive and well or this is going to be a another pretty depressing Gundam series. Well, that’s the real world and Gundam series was more or less supposed to be realistic sci-fi action mecha series.
@ teo
GN particles being spread around reminds me of CCA and that god damned tuning fork!
Lyle is so pimp XD
From the looks of the preview, it seems set that one of the characters in the Louise-Saji combo is going to die, but probably right after one of them confesses to the other. Since Saji is in the 00-Raiser, he has better plot armor.
well i wont be shocked that anew and lyle to be tgr..well 4months have passed…doesnt seem they progreess that fast
Wang Liu Mei looks really evil in the last shot. I wonder if she’ll become the main villain at the end like Alejandro did in the first series( seriously- a politician suddenly becoming a pilot of a superweapon? )
Who said politicians can’t pilot superweapons?
@Teo: Seeing as Gundam SEED Destiny and Code Geass have little in common I don’t know what you mean.
Miles and mangaka-chan: Yea, you’re right. I just never noticed it before.
Okay. Andrei deserves death now D<
The preview somewhat confuses me…Saji/Louise will meet, but why is Saji leaving with tears in his eyes… O_O
i hate marina dying!!!!!!!!!!
andrei should just die
I just don’t understand how the Arrows’ soldiers have any morale left to continue fighting. They are dying like flies during every fight without as much as scratching any of the 4 overpowerd gundams and yet still come back for more.
Is that obama?
Soma is back:
Good shot of Wang Liu Mei:
Die Andrei ou piece of f**k:
If Saji found out that Louise is starting a relationship with Andrei, he’d be depressed like this:
YAY!!! Lyle x Anew:
Good sho of Setsuna & Saji:
Kick ass you two guys:
What just happened?:
Wang’s sinister look:
Louise pointed a gun at Saji:
Did something happened?:
I wondered why is Regene blushing in the preview. It kinda felt so wrong to me =/
god dam it fat guy didnt die
wow a love episode
when will Hallelujah appear..cant wait for his return
Ah yes, the characters sleeping together early on in their relationship death flag (as created in GS by Kira and Fllay). Adios Lyle or Anew.
More Trans-Graham please!
I’m hoping that instead of Renew dying, Lyle decides to bring it up with the others. Especially since Tieria’s already admitted to being an Innovator, so it’s not like their situation has changed much. After all, Regene seems to be able to contact/locate Tieria. Of course, if the end of the episode is to give any indication, Celestial Being might be able to head for Veda, and maybe solve the problem another way.
@ Omni
“-The preview from last week had suggested that Anew and Lyle had progressed their relationship, but boy was I surprised to see them sleeping together already. Anew eyes flash as they’re kissing though, and Lyle notices. I get the feeling that one of them is going to die before this is all over.”
Not going to happen; like I usually babble about, based on the ED scene for Lyle and Anew, the whole “drop his gun and kiss her” scene seems to represent that Lyle will get over her being an Innovator, and Anew who is unaware of what she is, might rather want to live as a human with Lyle than an innovator.
-cough- now I just want a Tiera X Feldt for some reason.
argh she’s back to being soma = =??
maybe it’ll be hallelujah and soma after all 😛
if cb’s plans get screwed up by lyle’s bootie call, i’m going to get pissed. doesn’t cb do background checks on ppl before they join? i didn’t like this aspect of the story.
i wonder whats going on in the mind of wa ming. i really want her to die.
It appears that the Tau GN gunshot theory was true, but I doubt that the fake particles caused Setsuna to become a Newtype. I think it is more like overexposure to real GN particles. We are already know that trans-am allows Setsuna to become one. If fake particles have negative effects, should large amount of real GN particles have an effect as well.
Another note is that the theory that Anew doesn’t know that she is an innovator may have been proven in this episode.
“..Setsuna, it was .. Gundam.”
Ore ga Gundam datta!
Setsuna – Gundam…didn’t laugh here…
Seems to me like Ale has accepted that SOMA is going to be fighting from here on in. Now all we need is more 00 Trans-Am and we get Hal back 😀
ooo….the info that regene gave wang was veda’s location….
but looks like ribbons seem to know regene’s plan in the preview XD
Die, Die, Die My Darling!
Finally, got to see some translations of the episode and it ain’t bad. A nice break of sorts. I’m glad to see all the characters, at least the ones in CB, are growing and moving on in their lives.
I loved Lasse’s comment at Lyle’s proclamation of love. What was it? It was roughly translated into english as ‘Another hot shot’ or something along that line.
As for Athur or whatever the overweight commander is named. You know the phrase ‘It ain’t over until the fat lady sings?’. Well, since there is no fat lady I see I guess when the fat man sings(literally or figuratively) it will be his last.
For my previous comment about Gode Geass and Gundam SEED Destiny. Both series was my most favorite anime series which at one point seemed like a masterpiece but crumbled big time at the end for rushing the story and failing to tie up a lot of loose ends because of the simple fact that there was no more episodes left.
Feel free to disagree. 🙂
Stupid Setsuna, GUNDAM… what the heck, you’ve a girl dud.
Lol I wasn’t expecting to hear Setsuna saying Gundam either! I’d have thought he would have said Marina!
I found the part before the ED to be unintentionally funny. Everybody was saying what’s important to then and everything was good until Tieria said “Veda”. And of course Setsuna just has to say “Gundam”.
And Lyle and Anew finally hooked up. Wonder what’s going to happen to Feldt and how Lyle is going to deal with Anew being a tracking beacon though.
Lyle, you dog! 🙂
people i need a link for the avi version plz
I agree with you omni on everything lol but for some reason i believe anderi will live lol Btw what is the insert song near the end it was wicked
dude setsuna just pissed me off at the end there, u got a girl just had be cool didn’t ya
I have no idea what you’re talking about. But I would rather date 00 than Marina…there is honestly little point to her being in this show…
This is one of those examples when originality fails, because Sunrise never makes the protagonist’s girl older than the protagonist. Also comparatively, Marina is dumber than Lacus and Relena. Lacus had resolve, Relena developed resolve, and both did something worthwhile!!!! Marina sang a song and confused Setsuna that prevented him from killing one of the most dangerous villains in the world. I have one thing to say to that: “PHAIL”
Dragonite88: Tommy heavenly6 – Unlimited Sky. It was also played in ep 7.
andre is stealing Saji’s girl! he must die
soma’s out for blood watch outs!
@Mira: Sunrise never makes the protagonist’s girl older??? Try Kira x Lacus (Lacus is older than Kira by a few months), or Shinn x Lunamaria (” ” by a year). Heck, if you go back to older UC shows, a protagonist going for a (much) older woman, or vice versa, was pretty common.
Hey Lyle is a PIMP XD
Andre really needs to get killed off. But he’s also the type of char that Sunrise LOVES to keep alive at the end because his archetype is to piss people off around him and create retarded conflict and drama (see Andre killing off Sergei, stealing Louise away from Saji, etc.).
Soma kills Andrei ==> Louise kills Soma/Marie/both ==> Revival of Hallelujah ==> Death of Louise ==> Poor Saji Crossroad
That should take care of them minor characters =D
I hope this becomes like CGR2 where I was just like wtf is going on, and it ends being wrapped up quite nicely.
OMG, the end is near, only a few episodes…
gundam 00 season 2 episode 18 sub is out and can be watched at Bleach Shippuuden
i’m kinda wondering if lyle and anew were just sleeping together without any intercourse involved…
with their clothes on and all, it all seems kinda innocent to me lol
the gn particles of 00 and the GN particles of a-laws are like positive and negative.
you can see it already when graham use transam he coughs blood, while 00 transam’s help setsuna with his wound.
veda must have a different/secret plan for 00. if this is true then what setsuna said is possible and since it can mysteriously connect people thoughts, its also possible that all of a-laws and innovators secrets would be revealed because of 00’s transam.
@Mira, well i just don’t hate marina like alot of people, she could have had a lot more to do in the show thats for sure, but i’m really into anime relationships thats just me
also in saying that i really like all the relationships i really hope not alot of the good characters die
@ Teo
Yeah man i agree that seed and Code Geass were both rushed but unlike seed i still think that Code Geass was a masterpiece due to the fact that even though it was rushed it was still amazing like in ep 24 schneizel gets geassed while talking to a computer monitor lol
but i am just as wary as you as well cause 00 is doing great this season and i dont want to see sunrise just get trigger happy and be like “No Soup for you” to alot of char and Andrei neeeeeeeeddddsssss to die in the most bitch way possible, like ill stop yo- then gets blown away by saji
Lockon told Anew he loved her before going!!!
Feldt congratulated her, proving she really didn’t think of him as Neil.
They dare having another Memento Mori!? How many did they constructed?!!
Saji seems more ready to fight.
Marina is still caring of the kids in a nice little house in the mountains… why the hell a leader of Katharon is there too?!
KlausXShirin? Not bad.
@ Force
This scene reminded me of Lacus, the kids, Ramus and the Zeon Commander (can’t recall his name) when Zeon commandos were sent to assassinate Lacus.
force it’s not another memento mori. The second one didn’t get destroyed in the first Trans-am Raiser desperate attack. Now it has
I think this episode is amazing! Sunrise is going to do it again even with the few episodes left
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I think they’ll kick some innovators asses…
Anew and Lyle is sooooooooooooooooo sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!
And I got the feeling that Setsuna is gonna die… I just feel it.
everyone dies. anew comes back to pimp daddy ribbons and lyle is pissed. who knows what is gonna happen next. let the speculations begin….
oh i would pick veda over desu-girl anytime. i mean have you seen her curves and round bumps around DA BYOTCH? gee meng you gaiz are uber yo head.
So soon Loius will be with celestial being.
@Asoch3 ya i got the same feeling that setsuna is gonna die after watching this episode, i was thinking he was gonna survive till the end but not have much time to live after cause of those gn particles
guys i think Ribbons knows that Regene is going behind his back, as the preview shows but what is her purpose for doing this i taught she was on Ribbons side only as an observer so why is she getting involved by giving them veda and Wang liu Mei seems happy to give it to them. Also i think Soma would go back to been Marina because Aleluyahmight get hurt in the process as for Louise she needs to be kidnapped by Saji i think thats the solution to his problem hoply she doesn,t kill him also the dude with the mask has to die Sergei is gonna be mad but he too has to die and the fat dude has to die,
What was on Setsuna’s and Tierias mind made me roll on the floor. Also makes me think of both veda and gundam in a new more disturbing light.
That kurdish kid wooing saji & obsessing about gundam are the best part in this series.
Dead Marina would be good. It’ll probably elevate her to semi-deity songstress princess status anyway. Singing princesses are bloody annoying. Animators should just stop using this tired old formula already.
Which does not belong:
Saji: Louise
Louise: Saji
Andrei: Father
Marie: Colonel
Allelujah: Marie
Lyle: Anew
Tieria: Veda…
Setsuna: GUNDAM!!!!!!
I laughed my head off here. Talking about having no life…
y did captian fatass suvive
Tiera: VEDA!
Setsuna: GUNDAM!
I started to burst out into laughter when that part came up.
Setsuna really needs to get some booty quick. I mean Tiera saying Veda I can understand, he practically has a hard-on for Veda since season 1 LOL.
But it was really cool with the way everyone was calling out someone, except when it got to Sestuna.
Fat A-Law capt really needs to die and fast he is just getting annoying
Wow, that one orphan kid sure knows how to use a gun fast. Please don’t die Marina 🙁
Allelujah and Marie/Soma scenes were equally hilarious in their way as well; with the former insisting on calling her Marie and Soma just getting annoyed at his persistence.
Allelujah : “You sure you want to go?”
From what Saji said, I’m guessing that Saji dies, leaving Louise only his ring as its hinted in the OP and ED.
if ribbons is correct, Wang Liu Mei seems to have some sort of reverse racial discrimination towards humans and wants to be “elevated” to being a Innovator who she preceives to be a lot better.
Andrei now seems to be rationalizing his killing of Sergei. Last episode he blamed Sergei for puting military order ahead of his family and now he’s telling Louise, he was just putting military order ahead of family ties? Very hypocritical
Sorry, I did exaggerate on the never part. But I meant legitimate couplings (like the final ones), and I was imagining about a 2 year difference (I payed absolutely no attention to months, but hey thanks for the Lacus info, that was new to me ^_^). Marina’s is 8-9 which, quite frankly, puts her in the older sister/mother position for me. I understand that adult relationships can have a wider range, but she hasn’t even done anything mildly romantic or acted at all interested in that way.
“…Setsuna is still getting treatment for his wound, and the metabolic failure of his cells around his shoulder is spreading thanks to the effect of the pseudo GN particles…”
Not a good news for Setsuna. Has anyone noticed the 00 Gundam shown in the Ending when the young Setsuna stood right in front of it? Half of 00’s right arm is gone and the GN drive on its left shoulder (is that the one from 0 Gundam?) appears to have been sliced off. Hope this isn’t due to Setsuna’s wound that affects his maneuverability when piloting 00.
Eh, don’t take THAT much from the Gundams getting ripped apart in the ED. Maybe the left drive missing means something, but past that I wouldn’t say much.
…here goes my theory of Trans-Am Riser = Quantum Amplifier again. In this case, repeated exposure has amplified Setsuna’s brainwaves, so he is slowly but surely becoming Newtypish (maybe closer to what Marie/Soma is, sans split personality and uber reflexes). This is probably also the reason why the “fake GN particle deterioration” is being suppressed.
Whose side is Regenne on anyways… does Setsuna have quantum brainwave abilities or is it just me?
I’m not sure that based on what Saji said, he’ll just die. Both the first ending (Where Louise had a gun pointed at Saji) into the 2nd OP/ED, where in the OP, both Saji and Louise are together in that hotel looking area, and then the ED where Saji pulls Louise close, it’s not like Louise is by herself. They are always in the same scene together. I’m hoping Setsuna can stop Louise in her MA (assuming she gets it) without killing her.
Maybe it’s just my enjoyment of the pair that makes me hope they will both be okay. I suppose I should have low expectations though. This is Sunrise, after all.
Glad to know that soma’s back
the real winner here is saji who finally decided to fight and not be a pussy anymore. saji vs andrei yum.
I wonder how did Arthur survived. And what is Wang real motivation anyway in order to play such as her own role.
power and greed. she is too young to realize that the world she wants will never be given to her.
I’m guessing Saji bites because in the OP, there are 2 scenes that seem to hint at it.
First is Saji’s expression of reaching out but connecting with nothing (before it links into the hotel room) but his expression changes to being one of being at peace. Then, in hotel room, Saji is walking in the dark and stopping before reaching the light while Louise’s ring twinkles and she looks up into the sky with an expression of reminincing.
This episode he sounded like he just made up his mind of not firing at Louise even if his life was threatened while Louise sounds like she going the opposite way.
And i’m guessing when Veda gets taken back, they should be revealing how Ribbons have been perverting Aelio’s plan and what was the real plan. That should clear up the plot. Episode 21 or 22 maybe?
who said ribbons was feeling up old aeolia? that’s creepy.
Setsuna is an Innovator :0
explains everything
Ribbon became megalo, he think he is better than human and human will never reach the Innovators level but Aeolia was human and Setsuna, without having been modified to, seemed to sense when Revive use quantum wave to know where Anew was. I think Regene is becoming fed up with Ribbon’s behaviour.
i am disgusted by the way andrei hugged louise.
Is Marina dead? I guess not.
I nearly coughed up my beer when Tieria said “Veda” and then Setsuna said “Gundam” after everyone else had named the one they loved or whatever…Good Set-up episode…
A stylish episode, don’t know what to say. Setsuna just had plenty of heroic moment of awesomeness lately, with the 00 raiser and the newtype vibes. Hehehe, awesome.
Espada’s Weekly Gundam Episode Opinion: #18
1. Gundam Obama – dog of the A-Laws
2. Anew and Lyle having <_<
3. Turn a Maria to Soma…
4. A love episode…
5. Will Marina die?
6. Ribbons long speech about you humans…
7. Veda in the hands of Liu Mei…
I laughed so much when Tieria said Veda 😛
With all the bad stuff that’s happened to them i think Saji and Louise have earned their happy ending. They both their whole families after all, the writers aren’t that cruel.
Man, that black federation President looks like “kermit the frog” kind wish he already. Assassination by someone from Kataron.
Aeolia plan is getting more clear imho. He created innovators through GN particles. Maybe he found the way to let all humanity reach a new step of evolution using GN powers and braiwaves as innovators do. Prolly Twin Drive is just the system to spread GN particles all around the earth, changing the world forever. Ribbons, who wants to be the only one leading mankind through innovators powers, obviously can’t allow that humans could be pair to them, that’s way he’s so concerned about 00.
Marina will most likely not die.
Also if you look at the preview they say that the innovators are keeping the string of love apart, so Saji and Louise will not get together yet.
I just hope they find out that Anew is being used. If that happens in the next episode i’ll be happy. However I think they may use this as a cliffhanger.
louise, saji, mother, colonel, marie, anew…..veda, gundam WTF LOL??!
Why is anyone surprised that Arthur isn’t dead? He wasn’t on the memento mori just like Lint was commanding from a battle cruiser. Lint only got killed cos the debris hit his command ship.
i believe Anew is the spy for Ribbons…. hope tt is not true
Saji: Louise
Louise: Saji
Andrei: Mather
Marie: Colonel
Allelujah: Marie
Lyle: Anew
Tieria: Veda
Setsuna: Gundam
Yep that pretty much the whole episode
less bored than usual! Finally celestial being have a viable plan (Or they will sincewe know WlM is on her way in her cruddy looking ship! Im Reaaaly hoping that Marie kills Andrei in the glorious firestorm of vengeance. (similar to the one Suzaku should have died in during code geass S1/S2.95 ) Graham acres scare is somewha more substantial than kazukis from Dragonaut and hes taken the full mask of so now we cant atleast understand there some kind of deep rooted emotional trauma that made him crazy
(a bit like Gul Dukat from Classic Deep Space nine been watching that recently Sisco FTW)
Anew: ‘Put Down'(like an animal lol) for the good of CB yes or no? im gonna vote Yes (as in she will be killed!)
Louise arm at the end might be restored due to the positive effects real GN particles have on health apparently!
Ali al sarches: Bored Lazy or sleeping? aint seen him for a while
LOL ….., Veda , Gundam! from romance to hiumor int 1 sec! amazing! i couldnt stop from LOLs!
Klaus, at the end: “Oh my God! They killed Kenny!”
Little kid: “You bastards!”
I understand that (unfortunately) Marina isn’t going to die out of nowhere with another 7 episodes to go. But we can always hope.
As for Setsuna…given the cybernetic technology available, if they somehow can’t stop the GN Cancer in his arm over a 4-month span (even though it was explicitly stated that Lockon Mk I could’ve fully recovered from A GN BEAM SABER TO THE FACE in three weeks if he’d gone into the pod *facepalm*), why not just slice off his arm and give him a replacement like Louise’s hand?
ahaha i had such a kick watching the ending dialogue with tieria + setsuna going veda + gundam…they just totally killed that moment
Oh man, all I can say is that you are going to learn to stop feeling sorry for Dukat soon enough. Eventually he passes a point where his actions are no longer justified by his loss and believe it or not it actually ends up making him one of the greatest Sci-Fi villains of all time.
@Kaioshin Sama I know ive seen it before to the end however ima at the point just before he turns watching it on Virgin in Britain (just watched the episode when he and sisco were stranded ) But yeh i know he killed Jadzea!
anyway bck to gundam… er i still miss code geass lol (yeh i got nothing)
over to you
Andrei is starting to contradict himself with this whole story of “I killed my father because it was my dutty as a millitar”
Someone please kock out his head to wake him up (If possible, chop it)
Thought the episode was great..
Only one question for me, where and when is Kati going to show up again?.. She seems to have left A-laws. To me Regene seems to have chosen Celestial Being’s side but I could be wrong, I have a strong hunge though as she’s the only innovator who’s been questioning Ribbons’s ways since the very beginning. I could see her joining Tieria’s side and well let’s face it, the note she gave Wang Liu Mei is a big clue to her symphatizing with CB.
It almost seemed to me that Lyle was going to say something to Anew about her being an innovator when they leave his room, but I guess that could have just been his first attempt to say his feelings for her. It also really pisses me off when Andrei tries to talk up killing his father as being a duty, his blatant hypocrisy is startling, he hated his dad all his life for “killing” his mother by doing his duty but now when its convenient for him he hides behind it. I really hope that Andrei somehow finds out that Sergei was under orders to be there just to knock his cocky ass down a few pegs.
So the Twin Drive’s Trams-Am heals people, explains why Hallelujah came back briefly at the L3 base. Wonder how the close proximity will effect him in this battle?
lol I just realized TUXIDO MASK = Graham!!
And poor Felt, doesnt get any character development…I just realized…
While Andrei did the deed of killing Sergei, was Sergei sent to the tower to be disposed off (his commander gave him an order and later talked to A-LAWS)?
Regene clearly has his own agenda. At the moment that agenda coincides more with CB than with Ribbons, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s on their side. Regene is on his own side.
Oh come on… Ribbons is screaming out of loud for betrayal
“U suck” “U too”
I’ve got a question even though it’s not directly related to episode 18.. this might seem like a stupid one though… I understand that perhaps that the 00-Raiser gets it’s GN power source from OO Gundam but how does GN-Archer get it’s source? I f you look closely while it is engaged in independant combat it releases GN-particles from somewhere near it’s back but how ? It’s not like it has it’s own gn drive… Perhaps from Arios, but I doubt it… it’s just something that’s bugging me…
@Suvra: If I remember corectly, in seson I there was another support unit that gave off GN particles but didn’t have a GN drive. They said that it was charged by a GN drive and stored the particles, much like a fake GN mobile suit, only with all of the filters
I read it was called a “GN drive diffuser” on a website somewhere
Everyone else: I love significant other/family
Tieria: I love Veda!
Setsuna: I love Gundam!
@ Just guessing
I hear what you’rde saying, there were plenty of reasons for A-Laws wanting him dead.
1. He witnessed Memento Mori 001 destroying Suille; they were probably trying to get of him then, he was like two feet from the edge of the blast radius.
2. He seemed to opposed to A-Laws tactics of absolute annihilation, he seemed opposed to A-Laws in general.
3. As the “Wild Bear of Russia” he had considerable respect and creditability in the armies of the world. People would believe him and question the Federation if he spoke out.
GN Archer gets charged up by Arios before it launches.
Just like how the GN Arms was charged by Exia’s drive in season 1.
Oh FFS. Marina isn’t even the one who gets shot. Its Shirin, and she’s going to die, and that will jolt Marina out of her idiocy and she might actually do something other than dick around with the kids for the last eight episodes.
@this guy
I can imagine this will be “Singing more openly” with the kids. > . >
ewww for the double post, but may I add Klaus looks ridiculous in his new outfit? =D
Klaus’s outfit reminds me of Kafk Sunbeam from Zatch Bell.