So I was listening to the radio while working on the Spring Preview, and GReeeeN‘s 「刹那」 (Setsuna) came on. The song immediately stuck in my head, and so I went and looked up the PV for it since it’s a very recent song. To my surprise, the PV was actually really amusing. It’s one of those music videos that actually tells a story, and in this case, it takes on a tokusatsu/sentai flair with the redemption of a washed-up hero. It’s cheesy, but that’s what’s so fun about it, and I enjoyed it enough that I thought it was worth sharing, so here it is.
I’m amused..
interesting pv…
Loved it.
Awww. Nice distraction from reading law
When I saw the word “Setsuna” and then the embedded video I thought, “Setsuna? As in Gundam 00’s Setsuna? He has a PV now? Whut? o_0”
EPIC!!! Beats watchmen in my record=]
damn i hope my wife does that for me!
yup yup! greeeen power ranger!!! XD it’s a theme song for a jDorama called “Voice” =)
inspire me, that is.
Lol that just made my day^^
ahhhh are they still making power rangers btw. ^^
That’s hilarious and a little touching. The costumes and the overacting are great.
Sounds a lot like ROBO’s theme from Chrono Trigger
was that a samurai pizza cat finisher?
I love greeeen, saw one of their videos on youtube and instantly got hooked. What radio station did you hear them on? Its almost definate that there arent any radio stations that do jpop in Britain. I dont suppose it’s online or if there is an alternative you might be able to suggest?
Many of GReeeeN’s PV and songs are nice and they often tell stories as PV material because their faces were never shown in public before. Thus they do not appear in their own PVs. You should take a look at Kiseki and Ayumi by GReeeeN too!
Thanks for the find, enjoyed!
That was amazing…I loved it so much! I adore the mix of comedy and tragedy…Thank you for sharing, I’m really grateful. Go Go Power Rangers!!!
haha, that’s cheer my day, so hilarious. the transformation was amusing. thanks for sharing it.
Loved it. Song is stuck in my head now.
That was amazing! amusing but touching! I really liked that.
power rangers FTW
that was really good. loved it!
CakeLuster: I was listening to FM802
That was amusing! xDDD Lol!
hahahah epic cheese!!! GREEEEEN CUTTER!!!!! CHOOOOP! hilarious!
Nice …
EPIC GO GReeeeN use the GReeeeN POWER SWORD!!!!! lol the story of how power rangers end thier career! incidentally what the the word setsuna mean?
BTW i also found the song sound compelling and pending a lyrical translation it will make it into my track list!
I also thought of Gundam 00 when I first read it. So…lulwut?
good song
@WingZerozxt : 刹那 【せつな】 (n-adv,n-t) moment; instant; juncture
Interesting PV. A cross over between Sentai and Rider.
jajajaj muy bueno
I just hope that’s his daughter and not his wife. I’m guessing the first one that died was his wife.
TA Jayce
This is a great song and video!
I downloaded their latest album and love ’em!
OMG! This is Black Heaven for Sentai
That was funny. Dude was like a Power Ranger. “It’s morphin’ time!” LOL!^^
lol… a hybrid of power rangers with mr incredible
nice PV
It wasent bad, but it wasent good either lol. And the music vid was just a rip of of the power rangers. i would rate it a 4/10.
Am I the only one who found this strangely…Sad? I know it has a happy ending, and all, but it’s an oddly melancholic song- Maybe it’s because though he managed to save the world, he’s still an old man grappling with regrets, and his wife is still dead.