As some of you might know, many of the images on Random Curiosity are graciously hosted by my friends at Maximum7. Unfortunately, a bout of bad luck struck last week when two of the hard drives on that image server suddenly died. As it was explained to me, a RAID 5 is an array of three drives, and when one drive dies, you can swap it out for a new one without interruption of service. However, in the rare case that two die, which is what happened here, the array becomes irrecoverable. The good thing is that the guys at Max7 were able to provide me with another image server, and divine and I spent several hours uploading images to get it back up to serving most everything that points to it.

The bad thing is that a lot of those archived images are still gone, mainly the ones in Jaalin and Trillian’s old posts (like K-ON! and Saki), because we didn’t maintain second or third copies of those like we do for everything else. I’m honestly not quite sure what to do about it at this point since it doesn’t make sense to have them re-screencap entire series. If by chance anyone out there happens to have those images saved somewhere, please email me, but I suspect that the images in those archives are gone forever.


  1. I’ve noticed some load errors on the page. Sometimes it fails to load the main content area of the blog.

    Normally I just refresh to fix this issues, I haven’t had any other problems with the images.

  2. Omni: Not sure what linnah-chan means about Chrome – seems completely irrelevant – but in reference to the cache – maybe Google cache managed to grab some of those images that went missing – not a really high chance of that, but maybe, worth checking

  3. Why not use Internet Archive? Its really slow sometimes but it has your site (and most every website out there) saved for the last few years listed by date. It saves a copy of the whole site (most of the time) whenever there is a change to it. From the looks of it, its archived old pages since the day you switched over from Blogger, it takes awhile to get used to though, as some of the links to page 2 would redirect to a different time and you’d have to change the address manually in the address bar.*/

  4. Why not use Internet Archive? Its really slow sometimes but it has your site (and most every website out there) saved for the last few years listed by date. It saves a copy of the whole site (most of the time) whenever there is a change to it. From the looks of it, its archived old pages since the day you switched over from Blogger, it takes awhile to get used to though, as some of the links to page 2 would redirect to a different time and you’d have to change the address manually in the address bar. Hope this helps.*/

  5. a pain in the ass or butt, they are the same. how the hell can both burn out at the same time? maybe it’s a power short? or maybe the room is too humate? forgive my poor spelling but you know what i mean.

  6. And what did we learn? Never rely on harddrives compeltely, even not in a RAID5 or RAID6, always make backups.

    That wise spamming won’t help you and I’m very sorry for what happened. Hope you’ll have some additional backups in the future to prevent this from happening again.

  7. 600gb for month ,maybe even more… i see. this kind of traffic exeeding my limits. sorry to not bein useful. i hope u can avoid this kind of disasters in future. and thx for technical info 🙂

    btw Neo_NMO, whats your fs ?

  8. I’d just like to add that I did have a backup copy of all my images (which have been re-uploaded), so you shouldn’t see any broken image links on my older posts. Let me know if you do though.

    For people who still aren’t aware of my presence here, that means for posts with “BY DIVINE” on them. 😛

  9. I feel bad for those who wants to review animes that doesn’t have the images.. and RAID5 is really a great back-up feature.. it’s really rare that 2 drives fail at once.. they most likely overheated next to each other.

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