「日常5」 (Nichijou 5)
“My Ordinary Life 5”

I don’t know what it is about this show, but the way it does certain things really catch my attention each week. The thing that really caught my eye this week was whenever Yuuko gets ignored she doesn’t just totally die a little inside but loses all of her color at the same time. I don’t know why but the way she loses her color, the way Mio’s eyes go insane, and if you caught it Mai’s very subtle eyebrow twitch all just add that little touch that makes Nichijou something a little more special.

But boy did you catch how many times Yuuko got her ego stomped on this episode? The first one she totally deserved since I’d probably be as pissed as Mio if someone launched something straight at my head. But man did Mai step it up a notch. Have you ever tried to explain a game to someone, enduring all their stupidity and what not so you could finally enjoy the game after they got it? Now, have you ever had someone who purposely led you on making you think they wanted to play, but in reality didn’t want to at all? After trying to stomach the disgust building up inside of me after listening to Mai give that “I don’t feel like it” response after taking free shots at Yuuko, it’s a good thing that things switched to Hakase and Sakamoto or I might have broken something.

Besides bringing out the Moe-side of things with a pair of nekomimis and a tail, Hakase might end up winning being the cutest character of the season. Trying to hide that daruma under her shirt was brilliant as she tried to play it off as being pregnant. I’m not sure if I was laughing more about Hakase being so serious about the whole thing or Nano somewhat believing her. But apparently, Nano has a dark side scary enough to even make Sakamoto sweat. I’m not sure just how much that daruma meant to her, but I have a feeling that Hakase won’t be having snacks for a long while.

Hands down, the best skit of the episode had to be the final one. I’ve been hankering for some more Mio, and I feel like I was given a third helping with more waiting on the side. Besides getting to watch her speed draw with skill, who would have thought that drawing would bring out her crazy side? With the kind of skills she has, its hilarious how she tries to expect non-artists to understand all the problems with Yuuko’s drawings; I personally liked the floating and operational motorcycle example the best. Plus how can you expect her to out persuade Yuuko when dealing with Sakurai-sensei especially when this didn’t even faze her?

P.S. If you get the chance to meet me, I tend to make this same motion when something is so mind-blowing that I just can’t take it. I also think glasses have that certain “appeal” behind them. I’M WITH YOU 100% MIO! I also do this a lot to.


  1. That ending was hilarious, Mio totally deserved that. First, she refused to do a drawing for the test, then, she told Yuuko her artwork was no good, then, she tried to steal her thunder by flaunting about her own drawing.

  2. Whoah that’s some fast posting Takaii!

    Anyway this episode left me in stitches. It’s one of the best episode out of the 5. Clearly sits near 1 and 2 IMO. Even without over the top hotblooded animation sequence, this pulled the humor too damn well in most parts. Also the K-ON duo didn’t disappoint. This ep’s director was Naoko Yamada and the animation director was Yukiko Horiguchi.

    Moving on, I dunno what highlights to pick since there are just too damn many. I guess one thing that doesn’t go without mention was Yuuko’s “God is dead” line. I can’t get enough of it. Not to mention the split second ricochet madness.

    One thing missing from this ep is the rock paper scissors segment. At least we had mohawk dude do the jump rope skit. It was pretty funny seeing the rope brush through his immovable hair. The sturdiness of that hair do is just so amazing.

    Speaking of which… With this falling into the most disappointing shows this season while at the same time being one of the best shows of this season, I can’t help but think what the hell were they expecting from this anyway. Even when I read the manga, I didn’t know what bar to set or how high it should be. I guess it doesn’t matter. People will just have to deal with it including KyoAni themselves.

    But boy did you catch how many times Yuuko got her ego stomped on this episode? The first one she totally deserved since I’d probably be as pissed as Mio if someone launched something straight at my head. But man did Mai step it up a notch. Have you ever tried to explain a game to someone, enduring all their stupidity and what not so you could finally enjoy the game after they got it? Now, have you ever had someone who purposely led you on making you think they wanted to play, but in reality didn’t want to at all? After trying to stomach the disgust building up inside of me after listening to Mai give that “I don’t feel like it” response after taking free shots at Yuuko, it’s a good thing that things switched to Hakase and Sakamoto or I might have broken something.

    I dunno if I sense rage in your part but I found it hilarious. Though in real life I’d probably rage as well. Although yeah Yuuko’s always the bottom end of the joke. I really feel bad for her sometimes. But oh well this is her role.

    1. Lol I think people in Japan were expecting the moeblobs of K-ON! rather than the epic randomness that Nichijou provides. Hence it was a disappointment in their eyes haha.

  3. Hands down worst episode so far for me.

    Not only do they focus too much on Yukko (ruins most skits),they pair her up with characters I’d love to see get more screentime with others besides Yukko, like Mai and Mio.When was the last time Mai and Mio got paired up?

    Sakurai finally got a little bit of screentime, but again that got downplayed by Yukko.

    Not only that, but they didn’t have my Hakase and Nano Janken and destroyed it by letting Yuuko and Mai play it, was that supposed to be some sort of compensation?!

    Mohawk guy was interesting after Nobunga was mentioned and his jump rope skit was kinda meh.

    The only good parts for me were the Moeblast intro, Mohawk Kid running away from the Medium, and Hakase with the Daruma.

    Forgot to mention that Sasahara and the gun girl needs more screentime too. Less Yuuko please ;/

  4. I like the first part when the Professor does her “Azu-Nyan” impression. That’s coincidental since this episode’s director is the same guy to helmed Azusa’s show K-On!

    I loved this episode so far. It’s faster and funnier than the past few episodes. Oh and I like Mio’s drawings.

  5. Every visual artist should see the final sketch. It says some very thoughtful things about how people don’t understand artists and what it feels like to live in a world with people like that. Mio reveals her drawing skills in public or probably the first time …which are indeed leaps and bounds better than Yuuko’s… and they still don’t see it.

  6. This has to be the funniest episode so far. Every gag clicked, Mai is the troll master again, professor got 10 times more adorable, Yukko got trolled hard while Mio rages. What more can we ask for? XD

  7. Given they did a flashback to Yuko’s destruction of Mai’s buddha statue (which apparently Yuko still thinks Mai is not aware of) and her head conk with the statue, this episode is probably Mai’s delayed revenge for that.

    The real sympathy character would be Nano. Being one year old but always striving to be a good and responsible person, getting her “childhood” toy disfigured is a bit much by the Prof.

    Zaku Fan
  8. Mai at her best trolling Yuuko again. Yuuko goes through all of these antics that Mai is finally compelled to actually come out and say to her face, “You’re annoying me, GTFO.” XD

    I see where you’re coming from with your rage, Takaii, I’d probably be pissed as well if someone did to me what Mai did to Yuuko, but then again, Yuuko probably deserved it. lol

    This image is the literal execution of the term “ROTFLMAO”. Someone ought to make an animated GIF of Hakase and Sakamoto-san doing exactly that. 😀

    And I see Mio’s yaoi-fangirl spirit has been awoken. XD

    Kinny Riddle

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