「僕と本音と男の尊厳っ!」 (Boku to Honne to Otoko no Songen!)
“Me, Dignity, and a Man’s Dignity!”

What time is it? It’s time to return to what made this show one of the best comedies I’ve ever watched. A little bit of dark humor combined with some chocolate, laced with what I can only assume was alcohol, started off the funniest episode of the season. Who would have thought that a quick game of the Japanese version of BS could turn into a torture session for our male leads?

While Akihisa’s idiocy would have more than enough to carry along a simple card game, I never expected that there would be much, much more waiting for us. Getting completely drunk after eating a single alcohol filled piece of chocolate, Himeji’s dark desires emerged rather quickly. I couldn’t remember why mentioning a bet would upset Himeji, but creating a BBL fantasy in her head probably wasn’t the smartest move. Armed with a bottle of chloroform in one hand and a pink handkerchief in the other, I was ready to fall off my chair as she knocked out Hideyoshi and Tsuchiya, insisting that they were just “tired”. But throw in Shouko and her complete disregard for the situation as long as it gives her an opportunity to be with Yuuji, and we have all the ingredients for a skit full of laughs.

Unfortunately, watching guys get dressed up in a sailor fuku is not the main reason why I watch this show. As I’ve repeatedly said for the past three weeks, I wanted to see some summoning action! When summoning is part of the series’s own title, I was starting to get a bit sad when there was almost no focus on those cute chibi characters. Luckily, I got that and more from the latter half of this episode. Not only were the summons so cute that I impulsively went “aww” without thinking, but it was a nice surprise how instead of just being a lifeless avatar they became the personification of their owner’s thoughts and values.

I’ll admit that I didn’t immediately catch why everyone was freaking out when they started to speak, but this new upgrade to the summoning system turned out to be pretty funny. It probably isn’t a good thing that the summoned beings aren’t following their master’s orders but getting to watch them blurt out their deepest, darkest secrets without hesitation was pure gold. I nearly lost it watching Minami’s summon get all cutesy with Akihisa, trying to confess her love for him every chance she got. While I didn’t find Himeji’s as cute, it might have been from my personal bias for Minami. And don’t even get me started with any of the guy’s avatars — they should have run the second they saw the sparkle in Kudou’s eye.




  1. Dark Himeji is just so awesome.

    I have played the lair game before and its really fun to play especially when you really know when a person is lying. The bad thing about this game is when people declares “your a liar” when all the cards are already piled up. >.<. Kubo was also funny putting that "Shes not lying".

    And yeah I agree with you Takaii, summon beings were cute with voice. ( ^_^)/

  2. I’ve never liked yanderes till now, but god Himeji makes it so cute. I seriously got scared when she grabbed Aki’s arm when he was reaching for another pack of cards too.

  3. I’ve had those chocolates with alcohol before, I think my friend said they got em at the Godiva factory or somewhere in San Francisco. I must say chocolate with jack Daniels is actually pretty good. Hilarious episode when they got the experimental summons. Both stories show just how much of a closet freak himeji is

  4. I found this ep to be both hilarious and sweet.
    the BS game, especially when they called BS on hideyoshi’s gender. trying to swap cards underneath was a pretty good move, too bad they were against geniuses.
    minami is getting more points for me this season. initially I dismissed her personality and character, now this season showed her more aspects, especially with her summons.

    1. Yeah, that part (with the gender) was the best, especially considering they actually gave him the cards. I also liked all the accidental summons, especially Himeji falling for her own trick cause she was so flustered.

  5. Finally is the word I’m looking for. Been a good episode had past by without wacky comedy like this anime. Although I do feel like wanted for the show to at least have a goal or something(like getting A class again). Now is seem like season 2 is just extra filler episode.

  6. The first part started sucking when Himeji jumped in. They already blew all the crossdressing jokes last episode. At least wait a few before recycling a topic. Also, ofc the guys lose…

    The second part was pretty funny though. Getting back to the summons and all.

  7. It was hilarious when the guys were thinking they could win when you know it’s futile even if they try to cheat (and were caught immediately). I agree that the summonings are something good to wait for and I’m excited to see the new system in their battles with the other classes more now.

  8. First half was good, yandere Himeji and Shouko are always a good time, but the second half was GOLD!! The summons just blurting out the truth to everything was absolutely great. Minami’s was definitely the star though, going 100% “dere” and cute as hell.

  9. I think mini-Minami was the cutest, but mini-Himeji was the funniest as the first one was rather predictable (still funny though) but mini-Hemiji was a bit of a sucker punch. I think even Hemiji was thinking that the mini would just tell the obvious as well, which she wouldn’t have been that bothered with compared with Minami.


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