「日常18」 (Nichijou 18)
“My Ordinary Life 18”

As much as I feel for Yukko and her horrible experience at Starbucks Daiku coffee, I was completely floored when her plans backfired on her. The moment I realized that she was trying to setup Mio; I had this feeling in the pit of my stomach that it was going to go completely awry. All I know is that the next time I go to Starbucks, I’m going to order a grande white chocolate mocha frap and a short single-shot and extra wipped espresso with caramel sauce, hazelnut syrup, and chocolate chips. I can just feel the obesity coming.

Can you guess what happens to people who try to set others up? After getting that short moment of pure bliss, things tend to go astray pretty quickly — especially in Yukko’s case. If getting her plans to backfire on her wasn’t enough, I think I was about to die as I watched her almost win the crane game only to have the crane break while holding her prize. I mean, the chances of that happening are so slim it’s just ridiculous to even think about it. To round out all the bad luck, Yukko’s way of letting embarrassment get the better of her had me nearly in tears. I’m sure it’s happened to all of you at least once, where you do something dumb in public and because you’re so embarrassed, you continue to do really dumb things until you just stop caring because of how dumb you feel.

Besides Yukko’s horrible day, Sasahara and Misato finally get another skit together! I’ve missed our trigger happy tsundere blow up Sasahara in various ways, never able to get her true emotions out. But who would believe that Misato would have such a normal little sister? Tachibana Mihoshi, the girl with the shinai in the opening, finally appears! Besides not inheriting Misato’s explosive personality, I’d assume this is how any of us would react if we witnessed Yukko’s worst day ever.

While I’ve given up trying to understand most of the Helvetica Standard skits, this week’s weren’t as confusing. I’m not sure what topics other then suicide a gun inside a book could represent, but I hope that a show like Nichijou wouldn’t reference such things and that I’m just over analyzing a simple skit. On the other hand, the Love-Teki skits have been something that I look forward to every single week. They’ve always been something just so cute and adorable that if you heart isn’t tingling a bit, you need to get yourself examined. The only thing I can say about this week’s is that I hope when I have a daughter, her teacher will be someone as compassionate and caring as this one was.

I don’t want to even know how Princess Starla and her legion of soldiers on a floating blimp managed to get more screen time. Besides feeling completely out of place, the only thing I can think about saying is at the rate things are going, nothing on Mio’s head is going to be real.

ED6: 「グリーングリーン」 (Green Green) by 佐咲紗花 (Sasaki Sayaka)
Watch the 6th ED!: Streaming ▼


  1. Ahh, I felt the same way about the teacher doing a very long count so her student could finish!

    And, I like the blimp skits. I think it is a fantasy world Yūko has created. She goes there when she daydreams or something. I found the entirety of it to be hilarious.

  2. Kind of an up in the air episode. There were good parts, and some not so good parts.
    I like Misato.
    At least with the Starla thing, they’re using the same theme each time.

    (You have two of the same screencaps by the way.)

    1. I love the Princess Starla skits. I LOLed as each guy tried to impress her and fail miserably. Especially at the end when the blue pompoms fell out of the sky and ONLY Yukko saw them attach/replace Mia’s hair. The skits are so rare and so random that they fit in well with the rest of this series.

  3. Yeah, I’m not quite sure what to make of that book segment. I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to laugh or not considering I had no idea what they were hinting at or if they were hinting at anything at all.

    This Love-Teki skit was also pretty great but the guy giving his baseball cap to the girl (I assume manager) a few episodes ago was like the most adorable thing in the world to me lol.

    Baby Choo Choo
    1. Every time I watch Nichijou, I am filled anew with awe and respect towards the people who create this show. Half of it isn’t even trying to be funny, only… Nichijou-ish. You need some set of balls to risk your livelihood by putting something so out there on television!

  4. I don’t want to even know how Princess Starla and her legion of soldiers on a floating blimp managed to get more screen time. Besides feeling completely out of place, the only thing I can think about saying is at the rate things are going, nothing on Mio’s head is going to be real.

    Well let me fill you in anyway. That’s in the manga and there’s more of that Show Spoiler ▼

    Personally I’m hoping for KyoAni to adapt. Also that’s the same premise of the PSP game as well. In the game you have to produce an episode to entertain the princess.

    Anyway Mihoshi is so adorable. Needs more screentime! Since this show most likely will never get another season due to poor sales(by KyoAni standards), I’m hoping they wrap up the pairings and the side characters.

    In any case I love how Mai trolled Yuuko in this manner. You go trick or treating late but here’s the catch Mai was fully disguised hence less shame. Meanwhile the latter…. Well…

    Enjoyed this ep though the last skit was the killer one.

    RIP: Henchmen #66(Jun Fukuyama)

  5. I had a feeling those blue cheerleading pom-pons Henchman #8 was holding had something to do with Mio’s hair when the previous skit concerning Princess Starla and her henchmen also led to Yuuko figuring out where Mio’s hairpieces came from.

    (Special LMAO at Henchman #66’s dying scream, for he is none other than Fukuyama Jun)

    Mihoshi totally knew how to push the right buttons and make her tsundere big sister go into cute dere-dere mode. XD

    At first I was expecting some sort of robotic sibling rivalry between Nano and Biscuit #2, but nothing came out of it, so that was sort of a let down this week, besides the Helvetica Standard skit, which are still enigmatic to me.

    Kinny Riddle
  6. I’m not sure what topics other then suicide a gun inside a book could represent, but I hope that a show like Nichijou wouldn’t reference such things and that I’m just over analyzing a simple skit.

    I think you’re reading too much into this. I was certainly not thinking of suicide when I saw the gun, rather, I interpreted it as the one-piece dress lady (VA: Kuwatani Natsuko) being a professional assassin seeking out her hidden weapon for the next hit.

    Kinny Riddle
    1. yeah, I agree. You went way deep and DARK with that one T. I got the “assassin going back to her long lost true love..a chief special!” vibe from it. OR I also felt it coulda been that she actually was looking forward to reading that “hard to find” book from her past, and after finally coming back to it after all that time apparently someone turned it into a gat hide-away… either way I LOVE IT!!!!! and that part with yukio embarrassing herself in the Train LOLOLOL!!!

      BROOKLYN otaku
  7. The gun in the book I was thinking probably meant that, she found it, and it brightened her childhood because then, she could go trigger happy and kill lots of people~
    Nobody ever knew who it was that murdered half the town.. nobody knew..

  8. I knew exactly what was going to happen at the coffee shop –
    but it still was amazingly funny! Actually, I was expecting/hoping
    Mio to start a dialogue with the girl – almost like a foreign
    language with them exchanging coffee pleasantries and so on
    with a WTF expression on Yukko as she looked on. But this was good!

    Anybody notice “Mechanical Date” on the Blueprint! Deliberate typo…?

    I really enjoy this series…

    1. absolutely LOL. Even the confident Comedian Thirteen wasn’t able to make the princess laugh. But thumbs up to the maker of the giant balloon plane, it looks like there were no button to press to make anyone (any failed comedian & unlucky ones), to open a trap door beneath them. It would be cruel to test that in real life (of course with a soft landing), but the audience could have a laugh after a comedian failed attempts to even make them smirk.

      I agree with helen, “That sheep didn’t make it over the fence.” For me, it makes it sound that cow didn’t escape the grilling.

      The ‘Like Love’ sketch were as fine as last week’s (office lady giving cup of coffee to colleague), showing a different type of warmness, but still the first one (baseball cap girl), so far is the best.

  9. ok the book and gun skit was not about suicide >.>

    you know how some people like to cut out books and hide things in them well thats what happened and the funny part was that it happens to be the book she was wanting.

    so yes you were suppose to laugh at that part
    (also liquor would of also been funny XD)

    1. I was surprised to see people thinking that the girl in the helvetica standard segment was going to shoot herself or others, after all nichijou is all about weird disappointments and pranks!

  10. As soon as we hit the blimp.. i had my thoughts it might be another falling-onto-mio’s-head skit. .. The pom-poms made me really suspicious. and the end result was expected. … Man that princess is to-oooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh *sorry fell into space*…

    That science professor XD;. best self sabotaging ever. I look forward to her next epic fail :D. Hopefully she’ll be out of the hospital soon.


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