「波打ちぎわの黒ウサギ」 (Namiuchigiwa no Kuro Usagi)
“Black Rabbit on the Beach”

Finally, it’s time for the silly High School romance/battle I’ve been waiting for. Except instead of just feelings being on the line, the fate of the entire universe may be at stake! I wish I knew what Yuuichi had up his sleeves, especially since he’s really coming off as a pretty conniving person right now. He may be a little predisposed with those shiny glasses of his but something about his overall demeanor just felt a little evil. At the same time, it’s hard to fault him when he tramples over Gekkou’s pride so much — it’s just too damn fun to watch Gekkou lose his cool.

But focusing on the current problem at hand, I thought we already established that Himea wasn’t Ramiel Lilith. Apparently Himea doesn’t know herself or the universe has some bad information on hand. Either ways, it’s a bit much to take in that the entire universe is watching their every move. And if it’s so crucial for Taito to not upset Himea, it baffles me why Haruka is even allowed to be within a few hundred meters of him. Since if she gets the opportunity to confess to him, can you imagine how bad things would get? Oh wait! She Did!

At this point in time, I’m once again terribly confused where this show is trying to go. I can feel a really good story trying to be built up, but it keeps getting knocked aside in favor for cramming as much story into one episode as possible. I think the only thing pushing me forward is Yuuichi’s selective attitude toward his stuents and Himea’s blossoming friendship with Izumi. I’m not a huge fan of watching people let opportunities walk right past them, and I’m hoping that Izumi can instill some fighting spirit into Himea to get her man back!

P.S. For the few of you who actually read these posts, I decided to change Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi to the shorter post format. I’m a bit swamped with work and school, and I decided to finally see if this format will actually save some time.


ED4 Sequence

ED4: 「Secret Tears」 by 時雨遥(美名) (Shigure Haruka (Mina))
Watch the 4th ED!:

[flv:Itsuka_Tenma_no_Kuro_Usagi_ED4.mp4 550 310]



  1. Well thanks for keeping on with the summaries even though you are swamped. On a side note i also dropped this show some eps ago. You sure have a way of getting stuck with shows that i drop.

      1. I agree with you, the show has many flaws but it´s still interesting to watch and I love the interaction between Taito and Himea. On the other side, my hatred for Haruka is as pure as the darkness between the stars; yes I´m curious to see what the hell she really is and her role in this cosmic mess, but overall I just see her as annoying.

  2. Posibly the only show where I dislike both the main heroines. Himea is incredibly possessive and clingy, while Haruka is too passive. I like the chick who just joined the student council and Andau-Mirai.

  3. I feel like this show and Ryo-Ku-Bo! both started out more interesting than I was expecting. After they finished their first arc though they lost their way and have been … not so good. Both also have some redeeming moments, and hopefully they’ll finish the way they started.

  4. I thought we established that Himea wasn’t Lilith as well…well at least I’m pretty sure I know who it is and that Yuuichi is definitely pointing Taito in the wrong direction on purpose.

  5. I’m still reading your posts and following the show Takaii!! :p After the first couple of eps. I felt the short format would be fitting for this series, so definitely no complaints with the change over.

    Taito, Himea, and Haruka pretty much annoy me to no end honestly. Gekkou and Mirai pushing his buttons by just being herself kept me watching early on. So I’m really enjoying Yuuichi’s addition to things as you’ve been pointing out, and even Izumi is more enjoyable than the main trio.

    This is like Oretsuba was for me last season. Plot, story flow, idea of what’s going on?….nope! But still watching it…


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