「バカと道化と鎮魂歌(レクイエム)っ!」 (Baka to Douke to Chinkonka (Rekuiemu))
“Idiots, a Fool, and Requiem”

It only took 11 episodes for it to finally come, but the ESB’s are finally back… sort of. If you remember how popular episode 4 was when the chibi version of everyone’s summons were flying around making a mess by revealing everyone’s secrets, this one hit the opposite end of the spectrum. Instead of cute, we get a combination of sexy and quite literally flat. Not a bad trade when you combine all the jokes that come with the territory, right?

Every time material from the OVA comes out, it really makes me question if I’d have been better off actually paying attention and catching them when they came out. Luckily, the random character insertions didn’t matter too much this time. Besides becoming the current bad guys, it was a nice reminder that there are still other students in the school other than classes A through F. Till now; I had this ridiculous idea that they were the only ones in the entire school! Honestly, how often do they actually append the year marker to their class letter?

The whole Test of Courage combined with some ESB battles had its fair share of laughs, but I think I’m more excited for what’s in-store for next week. With nearly everyone knocked out of the competition, all that’s left is for Akihisa and Yuuiji to go out in flames next week. While it’s entirely plausible that Yuuji has already thought of a plan to ensure that the second years will win; I think it’d be a lot more fun if things came down to a spontaneous battle to the death with bits of Baka Test’s humor thrown in-between. I’m starting to miss ridiculous things like breaking down walls and flying through windows just to win an ESB.That said, if Yuuiji’s involved, all they may need is for someone to play with Shouko’s emotions to the point where she’ll destroy anything and everything around her.




  1. @Takaii

    Well the school trip was one big unofficial ESB, even if it’s unpopular ^^; Then there’s Minami’s love arc, that still involves a ESB of sort. Likewise for this Test of Courage, it’s a different way to use the ESB instead of just fighting over resources =)

  2. At last BakaTest got its true groove back. The stream of unreasonable abuse for both Akihisa and Yuji has been toned down from the early episodes. The shoujo romance switch was funny as was the change of their summons. It was a great feeling to be excited to see the new summons for each character.

    Zaku Fan
  3. I’m sure most of you know this but the flat board does not just represents her flatness but it is the Japanese slang for flat chested gals. Pettanko meaning chopping board/ flat board is the slang for gals who are like an airport runway.

  4. How is Akihisa alive after all those head-kickings? LOL everyone’s summon beings really do fit them well. But why would Yuji be a werewolf? I wanted to see how Hideyoshi’s summon being would fight, but instead got a silent scream (one could imagine the horror). Is the next episode really the last episode? It’s too soon.
    This is going to be in my nightmares:

  5. this series destroy my five senses. This episode along make my nose bleed, my eyes blind, and my ears deaf. Leaving me only taste and touch. Oh wait, my sense of taste was already destroy few episode back when Himeji was making whatever that thing was. This series is VMD (video of mass destruction).

    Putting my wounds aside, I’m wondering what youkai has Shouko’s summon become

    1. If I remember correctly they never reveal what Shouko’s summon was even in the novel, can’t say for sure since been a while since I read this arc. Cause I either forgot or have been wondering about Shouko’s summon myself.


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