「ほのかに白い終業式」 (Honoka ni Shroi Shuugyoushiki)
“Pale White Graduation”

For its final episode, Itsuka Tenma went out on a really high note. Not only was there the perfect balance between fanservice and character building, but if the story had been at this point about six episodes ago, it felt like the perfect jumping off point before a big, badass arc.

With studio ZEXECS holding the reins, I was fairly surprised with how clean the bathhouse scenes were. Not only were the girls acting normal, but I never thought that watching two guys bathe together could be so funny. Without taking that sentence out of context, I’d like to find someone who didn’t laugh when Gekkou and Taito were going at it trying to prove who the better man was.

Other than that, not much happened during this final episode. Besides the prophecy being referenced yet again and Yuuichi looking awfully evil, I suppose we will just be left in the dark since this was the last episode. Read more into the final impressions, I’m sure it’ll be fun to read.


Final Impressions:

Looking at the series as a whole, there was a lot of potential for it to be a great sci-fi anime with touches of fanservice thrown in amongst all the action. And when it followed this formula, the episodes were remarkably interesting and grabbed my attention to its fullest.

That said, there was a lot missing and one too many episodes that were so remarkably boring that I questioned why I was even watching this show. Coming into this after looking for something that was a little different than what I normally cover, I’d be lying to myself if didn’t say I wasn’t disappointed with how things progressed. Even with a fondness for the voice actors, hope for the story, and lots of wishing that ZEXECS would come back and turn things around; I’m still sad that this show wasn’t even better than it was.

But if you take a second to step back and look at Itsuka Tenma for all that it is, I would hesitate to call it a complete failure. There were a handful of episodes that were great, and if the episodes linking them together had been a little bit better than I think this could have easily rocketed up to one of the favorites of the season. Going off of the final episode, I’m still super interested in finding out what the Tenma have in store for everyone, why they’re so interested in Gekkou and Hinata, and after twelve episodes, they finally talked about the black rabbit. I’ve been dying to know why this show’s title is so strange, but I never thought it was a reference to something about Taito!

I don’t think I could honestly recommend this show to anyone for its plot or characters — unless you’re looking for something to pad your “Total Number of Anime Watched” count or something. But I don’t have any hesitation in recommending this if someone’s looking for a light hearted anime that doesn’t take itself too seriously. If that isn’t enough for you, Himea’s shiny hair and death glare should make up for the rest (;


  1. give wonder did anyone forgot gold eyes version haruka?

    yea hello there still that one to deal give 4 way thing between taito-Saitohimea-haruka-gold eyes haruka?!

    yea maybe pull s2 more to explain.

  2. Padding my anime count? Oh I would never do that Takaii. ^_^;
    I was struggling to see what was wrong with this anime, it’s not completely awful but it’s close. But i guess your description of boring pretty much nails it.
    Seems like it was trying to blend way too many elements but leaving everything half baked.

  3. It was a little obvious that Taito is connected to the Black Rabbit when you realize that his name can be translated as “large rabbit” acording with the author of th novels. In regard of the prophecy nothing has being relly clarifed in the novels so far, the only certain is that invloves Taito, Himea, Gekkou, Hinata, Haruka´s other self, the Tenma, Ramiel Lillith, The God from Bryond the Moon (the one Hinata was talking to back in episode 6) and the end of all life in the Universe.

    It´s a shame that they din´t do 24 episodes adaptation, it would have been better, but oh well, I just hope that the OVA of Dicember will anounce a second season. You are right TAKAII, the story is a strange but it slowly comes together, if they the later novels well you will love this crazy series.


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