I’m the other half of the duo that will be guest writing/covering Persona 4 the ANIMATION.

I’ll try to refrain from telling you my favorites since you can get that from MyAnimeList. Instead, I’ll try to explain what my list can’t: how I got into anime.

I’ve seen or been exposed to shows like Dragon Ball Z, Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Sailor Moon and Gundam. (None of them except for the original Pokemon are on my anime list since I can’t tell you how many episodes of I’ve seen of each.) But it wasn’t until late 2006 when I started watching seriously. This was when I got into Bleach which was airing dubs on late night television. I then followed up with another of the big 3 shounen Naruto. Soon after I watched Hayate no Gotoku and loved it. This is where I steadily branched out into the anime scene.

Much of what I’ve seen has been dictated by what was being covered on RandomC around late 2006 to early 2007. It served as a nice guide for what seemed good at the time. I didn’t actually start following shows that aired that season until sometime in 2008. Most of the early anime I’ve seen were after they aired.

The genre I generally like most in anime is comedy with a little romance sprinkled here and there (Hayate No Gotoku is a great example. So is Zero no Tsukaima and most recently Beelzebub. Also notice the liberal use of tsunderes.) I’ve been known to watch other genres though such as action, drama, slice of life and science fiction.

I was once a bigger gamer than an anime fan. Among my favorite genres have to be role-playing games and first person shooters. One of my biggest problems though is being able to finish half the games I start. Some of my favorite series are the Tales series (Tales of Vesperia, Tales of the Abyss) and the Persona series.

Japanese games and anime music have also led me into the world of jpop and jrock (and consequently kpop). I’ve taken a liking to quite a bit of vocaloid (such as Deco*27 & Dixie Flatline) and most recently Touhou music (Shibayan Records).

I’ve begun to grow interested in manga. I’ll read just about anything if it has shoujo, shounen, seinen, romance, comedy, horror. It used to be that I only read manga to see what was going to happen in Bleach.

Anyway, that’s pretty much it about me. I hope I can add something positive to Random Curiosity’s already amazing blog.


  1. Way to jump ahead of the rest of us. Haha Congrats. Lookin’ forward to your posts.

    I haven’t played Abyss because Vesperia and Symphonia were so epic. I didn’t want to spoil the fun and memories of those two games if it wasn’t up to par. Which is better in your opinion of the Tales series?

    1. Abyss is one epic tales. Even though the main characters are a bit annoying at first, they’re actually like-able. And the story is great (better than Destiny and Eternia, in my opinion). You should try it!

      And damn Namco for not porting English version of Vesperia over to PS3 and English version of Symphonia over PS2… do they have anything against English-language player on Sony console? :/

      PS. I really hope they make English version of Xillia, I bought the Japanese version and it’s helluva fun but I have like 10% understanding of the seemingly incredible story.

    2. I haven’t played Destiny and Eternia but I think I’ll stay away from them for now. (I don’t have Gald like that. xD) I’ll give it go. Between that and Persona, I’m screwed for time this anime season. I won’t have any time to procrastinate on RC!

      As for the English Translation, forget Namco! A Fan Group has already impressed many with their initial translation of the game to English. What’s best is that it’s like watching the Animation with subs. Lol Good luck with Xillia, though.

    3. Out of the three? I would say Vesperia. It is just such a huge game with a real anime feel. I’m not big on dubs (in games or anime) but I thought Vesperia’s was especially fitting. I was more than half way when my second 360 red ringed. My vesperia play through had some 50+ hours on it. I have played some 10-20 hours of Abyss. Symphony maybe an hour or two. I’m sort of a game collector so all three of them are in my library.

      At least NA will get Graces F but I really hope they’ll bring xillia over too.

      I don’t get why we can’t get original va from namco and atlas when Nippon ichi manages to do it with just about all their releases.

    4. Now, that makes me really want to play Vesperia…

      Seriously, why can’t they port the English version since they already did it with Japanese version to PS3. Is the sale on PS3 that bad?

    1. I’m really not the writing type and try to avoid it as much as possible. Unfortunately with school it is an occupational hazard lol. The main reasons why I’m doing his is because theoretically I should have plenty of time to blog, I love persona and nobody was going to write about and do it justice. Also, verdant and I figure we can do a thorough job since we’ve had experience with P3 and P4. We should also be able to catch things we might otherwise miss if we bogged about it alone.

  2. Vocaloid eh!? Dixie flatline is quite good. If I were to throw a recommendation at you I would give electrocuitca(idolla, dye:reflection+, and for+) a go, hello carnival-otetsu, avtechno plus minus, and I thought 8 bit darling was good. Always nice to hear there’s fellow fans out there! Can’t wait for the duet blogs.

  3. hmm, as long as your social links keep going up…i’m sure you will do a great job covering this anime !!

    * also…is this show going to cover persona 4 or persona 4 golden *

    be nice to have everyone from P4:Golden in this anime ^_^”

  4. Great, another new guy with little experience.
    Well I guess it’s impossible to avoid considering that he limited his shows to what a blog tells him without trying some by his own volition. The thought of a guy like that advising me on what I should watch is truly amusing.

    “I was once a bigger gamer than an anime fan. Among my favorite genres have to be role-playing games and first person shooters. One of my biggest problems though is being able to finish half the games I start.”
    What? So your not a great gamer at all…

    “and the Persona series.”
    I guess I should read this is Persona 3 & 4 huh?

    BTW, your new so I’ll be nice and give ya a warning; Im the jerk guy around here. To avoid a lot anger and furstration, it’s probably best for you to just ignore whatever I say~

    See Key
    1. Well I guess it’s impossible to avoid considering that he limited his shows to what a blog tells him without trying some by his own volition.”

      RandomC “served as a nice guide for what seemed good at the time”. Past tense buddy. Though I still read RC’s season previews, I try to give most animes 2-3 episodes before I make a decision on continuing to watch them (or not).

      What? So your not a great gamer at all…”

      I don’t recall calling myself a “great gamer”.

      “and the Persona series.”
      I guess I should read this is Persona 3 & 4 huh?

      Yeah. You are correct. Though I’ve played and beaten the main route on Persona 1 on the PSP. Might play/grab Persona 2 as well for collection purposes.

      I’m not angry. If this is your attempt at trying though you’ll have to try harder than that.

  5. ano sa…Unlisted-san, I love reading your words since it’s easy to understand.. Looking forward for your review this season., And you know, we have so much in common ( *`ω´). That’t all I wanna say. ーーー♪


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