「天才軍師調略」 (Tensai Gunshi Chouryaku)
“The Genius Strategist’s Plan”

There’s the good, there’s the bad, and there are lolis abound in this show. Let’s hit them up one by one.

First off, the good. As the number of full lengths shows, there were a lot of great full-body scenes during this episode. Although it may be a lazy animation tactic at times, it makes for a good substitute for showcasing the characters. The show isn’t easy to forget its target audience, and it definitely delivers to its audience here. The character designs haven’t gone to waste here–with specific focus on the new resident tactician on board Yoshiharu’s harem team.

With Hanbei now revealed and Tokugawa part of the Oda, they’ve finally finished introducing the main characters, or at least the characters that appear in the ED. This leaves us to properly develop the existing cast members, something I’ve been looking forward to. Right now, most of the side-characters such as Mitsuhide and Katsuie (and Nene) are begging to be expanded on their historical basis, and hopefully some of the next historical events will provide that backstory alongside developing Nobuna.

However, whilst this episode wrapped up introductions, it also introduced a lot of problems that don’t sit well with me.

First off, the resolution for this episode was…just wow. Although I’m just as big a fan of a kamehameha as anyone else…for magic of all things to take down an entire castle garrison–that’s just yelling overpowered. When Goemon deflected those arrows or when Hattori Hanzo teleports everywhere, that’s a slight exaggeration of their legends and professions, which is fine. However, when your strategist is a genius who can also summon beings who can transform into wolves and shoot lasers, it’s a little bit too far a deviation from history. So far, many of the solutions to the conflicts in the story have panned out like this, where an easy convenient solution appears for Yoshiharu to take credit for, which leads me to my next gripe…

Isn’t Yoshiharu coming off as cockier than in previous episodes? Sure, he’s always been a woman’s man, but the sheer amount of mindless and dangerous charging he did this episode rubbed me the wrong way. Why say “I promised Nobuna I wouldn’t die!” when you’re about to risk your life on a 25% (and then 50%) chance of possible death? Why allow Hanbei to risk showing herself to a really perverted Daimyo when you know protecting her will be hard? Even Hanbei herself called him a real idiot, despite becoming his de facto little sister. Although the preview does show promise to take him down a step again, I can’t help but feel Yoshiharu is falling into that typical invincible protagonist too much. He has good intentions in mind, but often the power of his will gets to his head, leaving the other characters to cover his mistakes. Thankfully said characters aren’t completely oblivious to this fact (Nobuna has corrected Saru once before), so I have hope that they’ll fix it.

To close on a lighter note, Nobuna now has a clear rival for outright affection! We’ll just have to see how she manages to produce the most beautiful girl in Japan to rival her new competitor in the next few episodes!

Historical Notes: Spoilers Possible

  • Even though Hideyoshi did go on a mission with Mitsuhide to try and convince many Saitou figures to defect, Takenaka Hanbei, upon wanting to preserve his honor, declined immediate defection, but did accept an extended stay at Hideyoshi’s residence. However, during the actual siege of Inabayama Castle (which is portrayed in the next episode), Hanbei returned to lead the garrison via coup as the current leader of the Saitou clan, Saitou Tatsuyoki, was incompetent. After the siege however, Hanbei does indeed defect completely under the Oda. Although both the anime and history have a defective Hanbei, the anime takes more liberties in creating a more pure-hearted strategist.
  • In no shape or form should Yoshitatsu or his brothers be alive at this time. Yoshitatsu killed his brothers to consolidate his powers, but died from leprosy in 1561, 6 years before the events of this episode. However, the anime resolves this by using magic lasers to kill off Yoshitatsu and his brothers.
  • Azai Nagamasa, once again, took no actual part in the historical events of this episode. It would not be 3 years until Azai comes into conflict with the Oda, but at this point, Azai Nagamasa has already married the sister of Oda Nobunaga, Oichi.
  • At this time, the Oda and Matsudaira clans have formally allied after the victory over the Imagawa clan. It is this year of conflict with the Saitou, 1567, that Matsudaira Motoyasu would change his name to Tokugawa Ieyasu.

Note: if any of you can help me decipher the gist of this Japanese wiki page, my personal curiosity would be much obliged! It involves the last two characters, 調略 (chouryaku), in the episode title. There doesn’t appear to be a direct translation to English.

Full-length images: 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 40, 41, 42




  1. >Note: if any of you can help me decipher the gist of this Japanese wiki page, my personal curiosity would >be much obliged! It involves the last two characters, 調略 (chouryaku), in the episode title. There >doesn’t appear to be a direct translation to English.

    It means strategem/scheme in general, and to recruit from an enemy in particular.

  2. Is it wrong to say that Ogura Yui is the new Kugimiya Rie? Though unlike Kugimiya, who specializes in Tsundere Lolis, Ogura’s specializes in inducing a sense of HNNNGGG with her lolis.

    Seeing Habei’s familiars coming out in full force, now that is one loli you do not want to mess with. lol

    Kinny Riddle
      1. Hanbei’s godlike-familiars came out with so much oomph… I had to replay several times to see how those golden things owned the castle…those sound effects and the devilish laughter of that imp are very befitting and cool…

        Lawrence Leong
  3. I was so sad, when they keep refering Hanbei as he… I thought Hanbei will be like a male but look like a female, like Hasuta from the HAIYORU! NYARUKO-SAN… Then they show that she is really female and he was referring to her double, what a relief…

  4. First off, the resolution for this episode was…just wow. Although I’m just as big a fan of a kamehameha as anyone else…for magic of all things to take down an entire castle garrison–that’s just yelling overpowered. When Goemon deflected those arrows or when Hattori Hanzo teleports everywhere, that’s a slight exaggeration of their legends and professions, which is fine. However, when your strategist is a genius who can also summon beings who can transform into wolves and shoot lasers, it’s a little bit too far a deviation from history.

    Yes it seems that Hanbei has god like powers but not mature, Hanbei goes berserk because of Yoshitatsu wants her to become his wife, cause Hanbei use her power to weak state.

    And in the preview episode why Saito Dosan give me a chill feeling when saw him smile?

  5. The lacking of scorekeeping in this fun episode is a bit depressing… though Hanbei’s appearance made up for that double fold.

    Average score this episode : None!

    PS. We know from the first episode of what Takeda Shingen looks like but what about Uesugi Kenshin?

  6. fact: this episode depict the capture of inabayama led by takenaka shigeharu with his 18 men. however he returned it to saito tatsuoki because he merely want to warn him instead of rebelling. hashiba who heard his exploit thus sought to recruit him.

    1. I don’t believe Tatusoki actually got ‘control’ of his fort back. Although controller by name, he was such a coward that he abandoned his post and left Hanbei and another to manage the defense.

      Also, Hideyoshi did not recruit Hanbei because of that specific event: Hideyoshi (during the events of this episode) actually sought to recruit Hanbei before that.

      However, it looks like that’s not actually happening this episode or next episode, but rather a heavily modified version of history.

      Thanks for the comment however: I like it when commenters bring up the history ^^.

      P.S: as a personal preference to my posts, could you use a different username? It’s just kind of weird to me to have porn as a name :P.

    1. Are you kidding??
      It’s made from Japanese horseradish. The taste if I might describe it, is not spicy but something else. Every time I eat sushi with wasabi or wasabi peas it just shoots straight up my nose. I dunno how I might classify wasabi, but maybe someone else could clarify it, will be greatly appreciated!

    2. Hmmmmm Wasabi
      I can’t really describe fully what it taste “Like” because truthfully i haven’t tasted anything like it.

      Here i go:
      The first time i saw it was green and the texture was somewhat “Mushy”, but when it first came into contact with my tongue I felt a strong Burning Sensation instantly and had to abandon ship and spit it out in the end.

      On my first time i only took a small pea sized ball and lightly touched it to my tongue but the taste was more than i anticipated. However i on my 2nd attempt i took a spoon full (A bit stupid i know) but this time i wanted to know how long i could hold it inside my mouth without spitting it out straight away… I only lasted maybe 7 seconds XP.

      It is no where close to the sensation I feel when eating Chilli or spicy food as it was in a league of its own. Wasabi is classed as a “Herb” and not a “Chilli”. The effects of the wasabi i ate was quite sharp though, as i rubbed my hands to take off the taste in my mouth the burning sensation wore of in just a few seconds unlike chilli which usually takes A LOT of water or some milk to get rid if the irritation on my tongue.

      I hope from my very vague description you can at least picture your reaction to the weird taste of wasabi XD

      by the way I’m not 100% sure all the information i wrote is accurate as I’m just writing from experience and everyone reacts differently to different foods.

  7. @ Zanibas

    Thank You !! for Covering this show >.< I thought i would have had to write a "Long winded essay" of a reply to try to convince you or any other available writer in RC to give it a shot in covering.

    Hallelujah someone actually is covering it 🙂 I also LOVE all the Insightful "Historical Notes" that you have taken the time to research and Write about for the benefit of the RC community and of course yourself.

    But just one question is lingering in my mind at this moment is who is "Saru" here:-
    Quote="(Nobuna has corrected Saru once before)"

    Is it just a nickname for "Sagara, Yoshiharu" because i wasn't sure who you were referring to there.
    I checked here http://myanimelist.net/anime/11933/Oda_Nobuna_no_Yabou/characters but couldn't find anyone with that name…

    SOOOO MUCH "Full Length Images" this Week !!!!!
    arigatou gozaimasu (ありがとう ございます) 🙂

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